Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Something Old & Something New

Hello, dear friends.  
Happy Hump Day!  
I hope that you are having a good week.  

We've had some seriously chilly days here in Dallas.  I don't mind, though, because it makes me move faster on my walk. 

There is no news on the house hunt. 
As the Mister assures me, the right one will come along.
The fun part is agreeing on the same one.

Today, I am linking with my friend Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond for this week's Hodgepodge.

 1. When were you last a guest at an event or in someone's home? Tell us about it. 

A couple of nights before we hopped into the car and headed for Texas, our dear friends and next-door neighbors, Kathy and Jim, asked had us over for champagne to wish us luck.  It was a chilly October night, and we sat on their deck appropriately six feet away.  It is one of my warmest memories of our Massachusetts days.

Do you enjoy having guests in your own home? 

We love to entertain at home.
The last time that we had friends over was in June, and we had Annie and Bob.
Another night full of wonderful memories.

2. What has you 'tied up in knots' currently or recently?

Every time I watch the News, I get a stomach ache.
I cannot wait until Covid is a distant memory.

Are you any good at tying actual knots? 

I can tie a knot... on my sneaks.

The thing I can't do is untie knots.
This is what the bottom of my jewelry box looks like.

3. What's something you've been wanting to do and have decided 2021 will be the year you 'take the plunge'? 

All we need is the right house that the Mister and I can agree on to take the plunge.
If we don't get moving, we'll be looking at rest homes.

4. Something in your home that's old? 

This is my Grandmother's desk that has been moved nine times.
Presently, it is in storage, and it is over 100 years old.
The subject in the portrait is a little long in the tooth, as well.

Something new? 

This is a Christmas gift from the Mister.

Something borrowed? 

I borrowed this from my daughter/neighbor.
I just realized I never gave it back.

Something blue? 

Another present from the Mister.
I better get a new kitchen soon.

5. Share a favorite quote, a verse of scripture, and/or a bit of wisdom for couples getting married in this challenging and seemingly unpredictable season we're currently/still experiencing. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

One of my favorite shows is back!
We watched the first episode last night, and it hasn't lost its charm.

Until next time...

This is Tina, one of my loyal readers, and her beautiful family.
They live in Michigan and adore their furbaby, Clementine. 

Meet Clementine, our Daisy Dog!  The Daisy dog breed is specific to a breeder housed in MI, of which nobody knows what they are made up of.  They are sweet dogs who enjoy people more so than being around other dogs.  We love our Clementine and typically dress her to match our love for Lilly P!  She also was featured in Golf Digest as a lover of Golf!  

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Well, I have never been first. I do want to apologize to the lady that gave you the home suggestion in Ft. Worth. I am usually not so negative. I drove by the house yesterday and it is amazing! Still on the busy street, but the driveway is on the side street..a real plus.

    Loved the photos on this post. You have to be missing the friends you left in Mass.!
    The last time I was a guest in someone’s home was Nov. 10th. Went to a good friends house for lunch in the dining room...six feet apart. Silly me insisted on a selfie foursome as we left. The couple called the next day to say she had come down with covid! We had to quarantine but thankfully didn’t get it. She was in icu for 10 days but recovered. It put the fear of God into us and we have stayed home since!

  2. Undoing yarn knots is one of my least favorite untying of knots. I imagine having a pile of knotted jewelry would be even worse. Good luck with it. :)


  3. I love your canisters and tea pot. Blue and white is just so cheery. Hoping the right house turns up soon. Transitions are just hard and I think we are all ready for covid to go far far away. I registered for my vaccine yesterday at a local pharmacy. As soon we get both doses, we are headed to Tybee.

  4. I LOVE Last Tango in Halifax. I didn't realize it was back! Thank you. Good luck on the house search. If the Dallas market is anything like our Kansas City market it could take a while. Inventory is so low. I can't wait to see what you find though.

  5. I haven't visited with anyone for 10 months, I was so hoping that Christmas would be the chance to reunite but unfortunately it was not to be. I hope that you have some luck soon with the house, although I am sure it is nice to have your daughter as a neighbor!
    Happy New Year.

  6. Katie, the MC canister set and tea kettle are just beautiful, the Mister was quite thoughtful. Wishing you success very soon on the house hunting!

  7. Last Tango in Halifax is back?!!! This is the BEST news I've heard in a very LONG time! Thank you, dear PEN, for keeping me abreast of all the news that's fit to print. Gotta go and tell my Mister!!!

  8. Ahhh so fun to see and loved all the laughs from the post! A fellow M Child’s lover and slowly switching my black and cream check over to blue! Love it all!

  9. If I never hear the word Covid it will be too soon. So over it. Throw a wedding into the middle of it and wow it's a lot. We cannot wait for the day to get here. I love the teapot! Good luck on the house hunt. When ya know ya know and the right one will come along. I haven't seen that show, but we need something to watch. Thanks for the suggestion.

  10. Hi,
    Oh the blue.. I love, love, love blue!!
    Good Luck on the House Hunt!
    My Uncle and Aunt live in Caldwell, Texas.

  11. Laughed about your comment on the rest home. Seriously following you and your house hunting journey.
    Just got off the phone with my sister who was leaving the closing of our Mom’s house in Colleyville.

    Your childhood portrait is gorgeous. Would have loved to have done one of my boys.

    Your MC kettle and canisters are very pretty.

  12. I love the pictures of entertaining on your deck. I can hardly wait to get a shot (and the second one) and wait the required amount of time . . .and hopefully be able to entertain at least a little. I laughed out loud about the rest home . . . but I imagine it is not very funny to you right now. The Mister did a good job picking out your gifts!

  13. I just started watching Last Tango in Halifax. How I haven't watched it before, I have no idea.

  14. I love the desk and the kettle! Tea time is one of my favorite things especially during the cold months here. I agree about the cold weather making you walk faster. I have been exercising indoors but Sunday went to the beach to walk. It was in the 30s and a brisk 25 minute walk! Hope you find your home soon. Know it will be beautiful like your previous home and can't wait to see it!

  15. You will never be long in the tooth ~ you're much too fun and young at heart! And Oh those baby blues still have that spark and twinkle! As for #5 I might add a well stocked wine cabinet, not that I would know ~ just saying for a friend!

  16. Cute dog and lovely family featured at the end of your fun post! Joyce always comes through with fun questions for us! Enjoy the rest of your week!! xo

  17. Love your teapot and canister set. Hoping you find your home soon!

  18. Clementine actually reminds me of our dear departed Daisy. Your new teapot and canister set is soooo pretty! Just waiting for their new kitchen. I bet I would love that show!! My mom screamed with delight today, she’s registered for her first vaccine. Can’t wait to hug her neck. Happy Middle of the week. xo

  19. I love your BLUE in your house!
    Good luck on the house hunt!! It took us nearly a year before we found this house & I swore I'd never move again. We've been here 20 years this year :)
    Yep... the news every day gives me a stomach ache too!

  20. I hope you find a house. I was in your boat for months and finally we settled right before Christmas. Actually, I'm your neighbor to the north in Denton. :)

  21. My jewelry used to look like that too and it drove me nuts. I have lots of blue in our house as it's my favorite color.

  22. Katie,

    You're so cute in wearing a mask for your profile. If only I looked that cute! :) Oh I hear you on the house hunting. It's a tedious job. We've not in the same situation as you but we really want to move into a place that offers more comfortable space. This house is what we started out with 40+ years ago which we out grew quickly, especially after kids entered the picture. It's a chore to find just what we want. Best of luck to you on the new home search. Maybe we'll both get lucky this year. Have a blessed afternoon!

    Curious as a Cathy

  23. wow that teapot and canister set is absolutely beautiful. Good luck on the house hunt it can be so overwhelming. Your desk and portrait would love to hear the stories they could each tell. Hope your week is grand

  24. The Royal Check is perfect for you with all of your blue and white ginger jars and accessories!! (It would have been perfect in your MA home!). I would love to untangle that pile of jewelry - i love the challenge of doing that! Call me 'bored and crazy'!

  25. Love all your answers, especially that very cute kettle! And what a darling dog! I fear Lizzie would be jealous! I hope your househunting ends soon and you find the perfect spot!


  27. The Mister did very well with your gifts. I LOVE them and know they will be a lovely addition to your new kitchen in the near future. And, Clementine is adorable. Happy weekend!

  28. I don't know in what part of Plano you are looking - there are so many exquisite neighborhoods, but we do love the area we are in. We are between W. Plano Pkwy and Parker Rd. and there are some gorgeous homes near the country club here. There is also a nature preserve that evidently offers wonderful walking and biking paths. Haven't been there yet. Our daughter and son-in-law are members of the club and have looked for homes in the area, but they don't stay on the market very long, or they go into a crazy bidding war. Anyway, I do recommend this area for the convenience if nothing else. Look forward to lunch one day soon.

  29. Lovely gifts from your hubby and love your quote. Visiting isn't happening much here in the UK. Good luck with the house hunting.

  30. Since last April we have been social distancing with Adam, Gabby and James. We stay about 12ft apart outside. It's been a bit more of a challenge with the cooler evenings in CA. We have seen them every weekend except for when they had been exposed to Covid and we stayed away for a few weeks. My doctor said I must get the vaccine but it scares me. I hear you on the jewelry box! Absolutely love the items in #4. I haven't heard about that show. I will have to check it out.


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