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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, January 27, 2021

A Binge-Worthy Hodgepodge


Hello, dear friends.  I hope you are having a good week. The weather has been chilly around here.  It's lucky that I have been listening to a great book - otherwise, I would skip my daily stroll.

Yesterday, I had a delightful lunch with my buddy, Susan, of Sophistication Is Overrated fame.  I forgot to take a pic so here is one from her book signing in December.

We enjoyed a two-and-a-half-hour lunch, of which most was spent laughing.  Susan is a hoot and a wonderful storyteller.  You can follow Susan and her sister, Babs, on Instagram here.

Today, I am linking up with Joyce who writes the questions.

Feel free to give your own answers in the comment section.

1. Have you done more binge-watching this past year than in 'normal' years? 

Yes, we have done a lot more binge-watching.

Any plans to break that habit in 2021?

Maria Archibald

Absolutely not!

I have finally found my niche in life.

If anything, I hope to perfect my binge-watching skills.

Tell us one or two shows you binged last year that you really liked.


I guess by my answer to the last answer you have sensed my overachieving tendencies in this area.  

I will increase the number you asked for by two.

You're welcome.

No extra charge.

* a bit off-color, but funny.

2. January 26th is Australia Day. 

Have you ever visited or lived in Australia? 

No, I have never had the pleasure of visiting Australia.

Have you ever tasted Vegemite, and if so what did you think?


No, I have never tasted Vegemite.

I have sworn off any food that contains the word "mite." 

Is a trip down under on your bucket list?

It is not on my list due to the length of the flight.

I do, however, have a few favorite Australian television shows.

I told you I was an overachiever...

We answered a question about travel three months ago (the October 21st Hodgepodge), but let's revisit now... where are you when it comes to planning or even imagining travel this year? 

I hope to travel to NYC if these two wild and crazy kids don't make a visit to Dallas soon. 

3. Something that zaps your energy? 

I am a habitual mask-wearer, but every time I throw on my mask, I feel exhausted by the pandemic predicament.

Something that energizes you? 

Spending time with these two and...

facetiming the Newlyweds.

4. On a scale of 1-10, what are your eating habits like these days? (1=all junk food all the time and 10= juicing every green thing in the frig) The healthiest meal you've eaten in the last week or so? 

I have done pretty well sticking to Weight Watchers.
The Mister, not so much.

5. What's your most often 'Back in my day....' thing to say?


Sticking with my newly-acquired, late-in-life skill set...

Back in the day, we used to have to get off the couch to change the channel, and we had to wait a whole week to see the next program episode.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I just finished this powerful and unforgettable novel.
I highly recommend it.

Until next time...

Today I am featuring a long-time reader of mine, Joan, and her darling pooch, Jussi.

This is Jussi, our 5yr old lab rescue ‘living the dream.’ Jussi (Finnish for John (stole it from the Wallander TV series)) started life as a puppy of an elderly owner who kept him kenneled almost all day. Jussi never learned to play with toys or socialize with other dogs. When his owner passed away, the owner’s relatives left Jussi with the animal shelter from where we took him in.

Jussi has become very attached to my husband (which means I’m invisible unless I have food in my hands!). However, he’s very sweet, good-natured, and gets way too many treats!

Thank you, Joan!

If you have a cute dog, email me a picture with a short bio, and I would be honored to include your little furbaby on my blog.


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Really enjoyed reading your post today.

  2. Such a great post today my sweet friend and I was nodding my head through so much of it! Yes when we only had three channels plus PBS. Ahhh, now I know I was my parents slave because I always change the channel for them, LOL But what would we do without binge watching, I love Australian shows as well but no desire to ride on a plane for that long! Oh how I hope you get to see the newlyweds in real life soon! Have a sweet day my love!

  3. Thank you for mentioning Last Tango in Halifax in previous post. I started watching and absolutely love it!

    1. Thank you for the note Margaret. I am so glad that you enjoyed it.

  4. That photo of #2 and Chow is so adorable. I notice he is logging lots of couch time! I would be happy to travel anywhere, but evidently Scandinavia is the first destination. I would love Australia, a future goal is the Sydney Opera House and of course the beaches! I do love NY! I fully admit with no shame that I am a Bridgerton fan, just adored it.

    Annie G.

    1. Helloooo dear Annie! Unlike at our house, Chow is allowed on all furniture at #2's house. He is spoiled rotten just like your two!! xx

  5. Hi, Your daughters are so beautiful. I always enjoy seeing their smiles.
    I like how you are featuring a sweet puppy pal. Our Boston Terrier, my first dog, Molly, she passed on Labor Day 2018. She was 13 years old. She was a true best-friend. We have not gotten another dog as of this date, but we think about it often.

  6. I am last of 8 on the Plano E-book waiting list for that book. Hoping I get it before my trip next week.

  7. Delicious and After Life -- two of my all-time favorites! enjoyed The Paradise, too. Lots of lovely photos here and loads of smiles!

  8. Loved The Paradise. We started Nothing Trivial on Acorn TV. It is from New Zealand. Right now our favorite night of TV is Masterpiece Sunday with Miss Scarlett and the Duke and All Creatures Great and Small.
    Hopefully you will get to see your daughter and her husband too. We have not visited with our daughter and in family in Chicago since a year ago Thanksgiving.
    Thanks for sharing your favorites. I will look for the book.

    1. Hi Sharon... we are really enjoying All Creatures Great and Small and Miss Scarlett. The actor in Miss Scarlett is soooo handsome. Don't tell the Mister that I said that. Enjoy your week, Sharon.

  9. The Fortunate Ones is on my list! Glad to know you recommend it.

  10. We are loving the new All Creatures Great and Small, too.
    I remember those days of having to get up and approach the TV to do anything with it. I even remember the days before we had a TV in the house.
    I will check out that book The Fortunate Ones.

  11. Moving off the couch to change the channels...now a days I think most teenagers would just keep watching the same show!

  12. Thanks for the book recommendation. I don't have that on my list so will add it. The wedding was perfect, except for the sister unable to travel, but otherwise perfect. Covid definitely added a layer of stress we did not need, but they are happily married now and for that I'm grateful.

  13. Well, if Susan is a hoot and you are a double hoot then I can't imagine the fun you two had at lunch. I'd love to have been a "fly on the wall."

  14. THATS a mite???? that's terrifying I expect nightmares now

  15. I have really enjoyed the puppy stories at the end of your posts! I made note of your marathon shows. We loved The Paradise and The Heart Guy and will check out a few of the others you mentioned! We are enjoying New Tricks, Last Tango in Halifax, and The Americans.

  16. So hoping we get to do a little traveling this spring/summer! This year should have been our NYC trip for my daugthers 16th bday but not sure that's going to happen.

  17. Thanks for the viewing recommendations. Thanks to your tip, Place to Call Home is one of my favorite binges ever!

  18. I don't think I've seen any of those shows!!

  19. I enjoyed your answers and I immediately went to amazon and ordered your book rec. I have to ask a question about your beautiful plate of food (though your husband's fries look yummy!). What is the white thing laying across the green beans? I'm wondering if it is an anchovy?


  21. Always enjoy these posts, love to see your recommendations for books and bing watching. Hope you get that visit soon from the newlyweds! Happy day.......

  22. Hey Katie,

    Your friends book looks interesting. I am just going to have to join instagram...I have been holding out since I already spend too much time with my iPad on my lap.
    Cute pictures of your kiddos, hope you can all get together soon.
    I have enjoyed Call My Agent a French show. It is in its four season on Netflix.
    We haven’t been eating healthy either, but this week I did make a pork roast, fresh green beans and roasted potatoes. Have a fun weekend..Janey

  23. Dr. Fauci says this FALL is when people will be vaccinated and things will get back to "normal." That would make it 1.5 years without flying/vacationing for my husband and me. Wow. Depressing.

  24. I just have not gotten into binge-watching. When covid first hit last year and my husband was home for 2 months we ended up binge-watching something but I don't remember what it was. The Star Wars movies were recently on TV and I recorded them, telling my husband that maybe if we have a snow day this winter we can spend all day watching them!

  25. We enjoyed After Life. I've heard good things about Fleabag. The amount of shows out there to watch is endless. I am home most of the time and yes, going out with a mask does zap my energy. Love the photos of the people/pup who energize you. Good for you doing Weight Watchers. I've never tried it but I should!

  26. Wow...you HAVE been binge-watching!! Ha, ha! :)
    I should send you a picture of Gurl Dogg! :)


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