Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Amazon Prime Time

Hello, dear friends. I hope that you and your families are healthy.  We woke up to a gorgeous day after a depressing rain yesterday.  Quarantine is tough, but it seems a lot more unbearable on dark, damp days. 

 The newlyweds took Chowdah out for a nice long walk this morning.  

I don't know who is more tired - my girl or Chow.

Chili decided to sit this one out. 


My buddy, Tanya, usually hosts a monthly Link-Up of Amazon purchases, but she decided to take a break until June.  So I am flying solo today. Our purchases have quadrupled since the Big Q.  

The good thing about having a short-term memory problem is that I can never remember what I ordered.  But I do know that I will like it because I picked it out.  The Mister and the Newlyweds have been doing their share of ordering, as well.  This leads to some disappointing moments when someone else's name other than mine is on the box.

Here is what we've been ordering lately. 


The kids like chips with their lunch.


I've been popping these right and left.

I have acrylic nails, and they are a disaster.
I won't bore you with the details.
I am grateful that gloves are in vogue.

What's going to last longer?
The quarantine or my root touch-up?

The Mister ordered me a new iPad for my birthday.
It hasn't arrived yet, but my new accessories have.

I used to buy all my allergy meds at CVS.
These days I steer away from pharmacies.

My grocery store is always out of this.

A first for ordering these.

My desk pad has seen better days.



Not only do toilet paper hoarders exist, but Coffee-Mate hoarders do too!  

When you have a neurotic little girl on Prozac, these are a necessity.



I go through these like crazy.

Audible had a sale last week, so I picked some up.

This one was free with my membership
It's gotten a lot of hype.

The Mister's Orders


Now that his beard has replaced his bowtie for a couple of months, he needed a trimmer.


He's been doing a lot more cooking these days. 


Our TV in the kitchen was on its last legs, so it was time for a new one.


The Mister takes his hydration very seriously.


We have two chandeliers in the house that definitely need to find their sparkle again.



Nobody loves these smart plugs more than the Mister. 


He's been spending a lot of time in the yard.
For some reason, he keeps getting locked out.


Our Dyson died, so he decided to try a cheaper one.
So far, so good.


The Mister's snack with vino.


Our #2 turned the Mister on to this salt.


When the Mister found out he was going to be home for a couple of months, he ordered one more appliance to take up our limited counter space.

#2's Orders


She loves to cook.
She must get that from me.


She says that this is the best for chapped lips.


Spintray for her Peloton.

#1's Orders


My #1 has been featuring one of these chin masks around the house.
 One of her favorite Instagrammers has recommended it.


She says that they work the best with one of these.

I order ten cases.

Be well.

Until next time...

Linking up with:
Love Your Creativity
Anything Goes
Hello Monday!
Hearth and Soul
Over the Moon
Monday Morning Blog Club
Inspire Me Monday
Inspire Me Tuesday
Lou Lou Girls
Unlimited Monthly Link Party
Tuesday Talk
You're the Star

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Wow, you have had lots of deliveries!! I am with your husband - we also like the smart plugs!!

  2. Thanks for the shout out! I just heard that The Flight Attendant is being made into a movie (probably for Netflix or TV network). Great finds...I love the desk pad. Have a good week!

  3. I have become addicted to Ahmad Tea from Amazon. I love their Strawberry Sensation. I have given up on beauty products for now. I think only surgery can help!!lol Happy I have gray hair and natural nails. I have painted my own toenails but dont look too close. I will be running to get a pedicure after I get my hair done.

  4. And I thought we were going crazy here! Fun buys! Thanks for sharing!!

  5. Hi, it’s me, the coffeemate hoarder. I buy them three at a time. I basically drink creamer with a splash of coffee. I almost chocked when the serving per container said 63!!! I don’t think so. In quarantine I purchased a frother on amazon. Game changer. Delicious. In in NY so we may never get out again. I have not purchased any toilet paper for the record ! Our son has been with us since this began. We too were empty nesters. He had just graduated from college last year so he wasn’t going to stay isolated so Home he came. It is nice but cooking 3 meals a day for 3 people is getting to me. We have a business which had to shut down so husband is home too. My cardio is listening really hard for UPS - FEDEX any delivery and running before he sees the packages. Trust me I’m getting ALOT of cardio in. I’m glad we are all safe. Hoping this ends soon, but safety is more important.

    1. Hi Mary! I've always wanted to meet a coffeemate hoarder! You drink your coffee just like me. The Mister likes his frother, as well my #2. I don't know who loves the UPS driver more... me or Chowdah. Thanks for stopping by and stay healthy!

  6. You really have been ordering! Beth and I picked up an order today from Michaels (they brought it to our car) colored pencils and card stock and markers... it is so fun to shop on-line!!

  7. I have placed very few orders, other than grocery for drive in pickup. I have, however, been consuming Vitamin C lately, which led to an unplanned visit to my dentist when a crown fell off and had to be reglued!

  8. Thank you for sharing this list Katie....love seeing what everyone's favorites are on dear Amazon....just ordered the salad dressing...what in the world would we do without them? You would not have believed DFW....hugs from Texas....I meant to tell you, that I think your house was just around the corner from us here....

  9. It's always fun to see what other folks order. #MMBC

  10. We always order...I sometimes forget what I ordered too, it’s like Christmas. I love kettle chips. You will love the new iPad. Take care and thanks for the sweet compliment.


  12. I love your dogs. Just sayin'... I love ém!

    I need the root touch up. The only thing saving me right now it curly hair and it's not going to stay curly forever, the way it's growing and weighing down! My cousin swears by it!

  13. I feel like my purchases have gone up too but what I'm ordering has completely changed! I just went online yesterday to order more allergy meds for me and my younger two boys and while on there I snagged a few bags of Lindt chocolates!

  14. Lots of good buys, I love their 2 day or sometimes less delivery! Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 11, open April 1 to 26. All entries shared on social media if share buttons installed.

  15. Watching myself on Google Meet with my students had me clicking right over to the chin fix. For now the hair is in grow out phase...wearing a hat to go out and camera on Google Meet positioned below root "notice-ability" for optimum root distraction. Take Care.

  16. Man, oh man.....I LOVE your mr.'s kitchen toys. Every dingle dangle time you show us some, I just drool. Would be so fun to open HIS kinda orders from amazon!
    Are both your girls home with ya'll???? as bad as all of this is, it must be a hoot having them all under the same roof again!!! All of our kids are quarantined in different houses at the deer camp...grandkids can ride 4-wheelers in same pasture but they can't get off of it while together. Our 4 yr old said....YaYa, I am SO over this socal friscing!!!!!! I died laughing!!!!!
    Stay safe my friend!

  17. So, how do you feel about Amazon slashing the commissions?

  18. Katie,
    We are TP hoarders and I am a Diet Coke hoarder. When I see my stash get as low as four six packs, my palms get sweaty. Thank you for the Amazon recommendations. As always, I find something new to try.

  19. I keep a running list of what I ordered, from whom, and the expected delivery. No matter how much I order, it's never as much as I normally would spend pre-coronavirus, so I feel good about all the packages (haha). I love Kettle Vinegar and Salt potato chips, Bad Blood and sesame sticks. Have you tried a good quality glass nail file - so much better than the sandpaper emery boards. I remember using Palmer's fat push-up Coco Butter stick for tanning back in the day.

  20. Wow that is a lot of shopping. Thanks for sharing your finds. laurensparks.net

  21. I am going to have to look into those nose pads for my son's glasses! Looks like most of what you got are useful things. Over here I have shopped for kid's activities but mostly clothing or organizing items for me.

  22. Can you imagine these times without being able to place orders online? Happy shopping and thank you for sharing at Party In Your PJ's.

  23. So happy to see your purchases! It appears that you are WHF in a day spa these days with all the beauty and grooming products. I have become a diet pepsi/coke hoarder. Let's just say I am not too proud to hide them from my WFH office mate. He can drink water.

    Annie G.


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