Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Hodgepodge On Pitch

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that all is well in your world.  It is in mine because Hodgepodge is back!  Joyce from The Other Side of the Pond is back in the driver's seat and writing all the thoughtful questions after being on hiatus for a couple of years. Hodgepodge has actually been back for several weeks now, but I kept getting the days of the week mixed up. 
It is Wednesday, isn't it?

1.   In Monday’s post, I mentioned I would incorporate the word I was given for letter K into this week’s questions. That word was karaoke. 
On a scale of 1-10, how excited would you be to find out there was karaoke happening at your next gathering/outing with friends?
 10=gimme that microphone!, and 1=I suddenly remembered there’s somewhere else I need to be. 
Have you ever actually done karaoke? If you had to perform karaoke, what would be your ‘go-to’song?

I was born to karaoke!
Ever since I was little, I would use a hairbrush as my mic and sing my heart out in front of the mirror.

I wasn't too good at remembering the words, and the tune was a bit pitchy at times, but I thought I sounded great.

Now all my concerts are held in the car and the shower.

My go-to song?
Now and forever...
I Will Survive. 

2. How do you listen to music these days? 
Favorite app or do you listen the old fashioned 
Do you have music playing often in your home? 

Is there still a CD player in your car?

We have Sonos speakers all over the house.
I play Pandora all day long.
I also have the TV on, but the sound is turned off.
That way, I can turn the volume up every 20 minutes for BREAKING NEWS!

No, there's no CD player in my car.

There's not one in the Mister's either.

3. The HP lands on US tax day this year. Or what used to be tax day before everything including filing your taxes was canceled, delayed, postponed or extended. FYI- filing your taxes has not been canceled, only delayed for a bit.

Besides staying away from anyone and everyone, what have you found taxing lately?

Pandemics and hypochondria do not mix well.

It seems that at least once a day, another report is released naming a new symptom of the virus.

One of the most recent symptoms is the loss of smell.
I spend a large portion of my day walking around the house sniffing objects and doggies.

Another indication is the loss of taste.
The rest of the day, I can be found testing my taste buds. 

4. You’re without power so no oven, and you can’t open your frig or freezer in order to keep what’s in there from spoiling. And you don’t have access to take out. What will you make us for dinner?

No dishwasher either.
Bring your own finger.

5.  I’ve seen this exercise going around Facebook and thought it would be a good one to include in the HP...what are five things everybody seems to love and go crazy for that you personally don’t care for?

Group texts!!

I tried reading this on Kindle, and I even listened to it on Audible and still couldn't get past page 50.

My girls loved this show.
I just don't get it.


Facial hair?!?

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Thanks KDB, for introducing me to my new favorite Instagrammer.

Be well.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Great song choice! Who wouldn't sing along to that one? That thong pic is too much ;)

  2. It's been a long time since a hodgepodge and I love this one! Thanks, Katie!

  3. I am with you on group texts! Hang in there, more breaking news to come. HA HA! I am with on that one too. ;-)

  4. Thanks for brightening our day with your humor! I'm with you on the breaking news.

  5. Well I found out my hairstylist will not be open until after April 30th so I am sad. It is going to be interesting to see everyone after this is over. What with the snackiing, no hair appointments etc we might not even recognize each other.lol Stay well Katie.

    1. Maybe fat and grey will be the new thin and tanned. :-)

    2. Love this!

      Annie G

  6. Isn't it so fun to have the HodgePodge back. I know I'm loving it. Okay, I need to go follow him right now. Too funny!!

  7. That last bit was priceless! Loved some of the others, but that took the cake!! :) :) :)


  8. Thanks for your visit Katie. As usual it was a chuckle to read through your post.

  9. Leslie Jordan is hilarious!! If you like him, you need to find and watch the movie, "Sordid Lives." It has him, Delta Burke, Beau Bridges, and Olivia Newton-John in it. It is so inappropriate, but you will die laughing. Hope all is well with you guys!!!

  10. Haha! Oh my gosh yes to that group texting gif. Both my Bible study group and my sisters-in-law (I have 4) are huge on group texts. I'm not glued to my phone so I always see stuff later on and it makes no sense and I can't put it in an order that does make sense.

  11. Leslie jordan is hysterical.....stay well!

  12. I think I fixed your link. So nice to see you back in the HP! I am with you 100% on group texts. Hubs family loves 'em, but someone always feels the need to start a second thread with the same people-aaaack!! They sent 24 separate messages in two different threads (wheyey????) on Easter Sunday.

  13. I had to pull up the Leslie Jordan ISG and had several good laughs. It appears both mine and your guests will be dined well on Peanut Butter. I have never actually tried bacon on a P/B sandwich, but that be an option if this isolation period continues much longer. I'm sorry you didn't like the Crawdad book. It was a sad story in many ways, but I read to the end.

  14. It's been a while since I've visited (been MIA) but your blog still makes me laugh! I'm with ya' on thongs, facial hair, and group texts!

  15. Katie,
    Group texts are the worst. I have been known to put my phone on silent so I don’t feel so guilty about not participating. Leslie Jordan. My daily dose of laughter. I always enjoy reading your blog. Stay safe my friend.

  16. Great post. I'm glad the Hodgepodge is back to. Peanut butter seems to be a popular choice - I should have had that on my list of 5 things oh and thongs lol

  17. I have become a serial sniffer to convince myself that I am doing just fine on day 639 of the coronavirus mania. PS: I love the beard #hypochondriac #hubsHasTheThermometerOnHimAtAllTimes

  18. I think my go to karaoke song would be Dancing Queen, and I listen to music a lot too, but my Mr. is the silent type, so I carry a bluetooth speaker with me when not in my office with surround. I rotate among Google Music, Pandora and my iTunes library. LJ's IG account is hilarious, and I love that he's a star in this. I feel like I'm a star every time I accomplish a trip to the grocery and putting it all away, not to mention cooking all the damn time. My Mr. would just as soon eat from that peanut butter jar, I think. So how do you like the facial hair? I even turned barber for my guy, but no one's gonna save me. I'm feeling (and looking) pretty neglected these days. Ragamuffin, as my mom always called it.

  19. Katie, music has been playing in our home ever since we married and that is a LONG time. The “Crawdad” book is one of my all-time favorites and I despise group texts.

  20. I am not allowed to sing anything including Happy Birthday. I am tone deaf, when I sing even the dogs wince. However, in my kitchen, I can sing any Broadway tune. If it is a song with a big finish, I accompany it with a dance. The dogs find this combination particularly frightening. I am in complete agreement about The Handmaid's Tale, thongs and I will add people who wear earbuds everywhere they go. I don't get it. I think the Mistah looks dashing in facial hair. I do not wear it as well.

    Cheers to you!

    Annie G

  21. Katie thanks for brightening my day! I love Hodgepodge! I could not get into "Crawdads" either.

  22. I loved Leslie Jordan! That was the first good, out-loud laugh that I’ve had since this whole thing started! Thank you so much, Katie! I can always count on you!! ��

  23. Oh my gosh Katie - I'm laughing so hard I can barely type!!! But the burning question I have is, how many times have you gotten pulled over with that license plate?!!?

  24. Love your blog! It's a highlight of my week to read your posts and laugh. I'm with you on the group texts and Where the Crawdids Sing! I'm not sure I ever made it to page 50! Hope you and yours are safe and healthy.

  25. Peanut butter to the rescue. I needed this laugh today.Thanks! Most days I feel like Leslie Jordan!

  26. It looks like peanut butter is winner in times of no power...I like crunchy on a spoon. And the Mister is really rocking that facial hair! Enjoy another weekend in captivity!


  28. I LOVE Leslie Jordan and have followed him for awhile now. My brother even sent me a cameo from Leslie for my birthday (for those who don't know, you can pay certain celebrities to send a personalized video to someone). I didn't even know that was a thing!


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