Talbots Spring Essentials

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Friday, April 10, 2020

The Tale of 2 Sistas & One Bunny Cake

Every year, I post this tale of a memorable Easter from the past.
As a warning: 
if you have read it in the past, it hasn't gotten any more entertaining.

The old homestead

Once upon a time, there was an aging, single, future Preppy Empty Nester, who came back to live at home with her parents after college.  Meanwhile, her Sista was working her fingers to the bone in college, striving for straight C's.  Future Preppy Empty Nester looked forward to college breaks when Sista would come home and relieve her of being the focus of her parent's attention.  

The Sistas were not close growing up.  
Sista always stole poor future Preppy Empty Nester's thunder.  

As they grew into their teens, they began to build a bond.  Their union was built on the foundation of three things: their childhood memories, making fun of their parents, and consuming empty calories.


Holy Saturday afternoon had been spent making the traditional "bunny cake" for their nuclear family of four.  Anyone who has made this classic cake knows the drill: two-layer cake - one layer for the face and the second layer for the ears and bow tie.  

Dick Purtan

Their Mama was very pleased with the girls as she watched them make the cake without killing each other, and she was especially proud to see that there was very little frosting-swiping in the process.


  Their Mama always watched the girls' weight and offered "helpful nutritional substitutes" when she felt either one of the girls was carrying a few extra LBs.  Whenever she caught one of them red-handed with a fork full of Pepperidge Farm cake from the fridge, she would shake her head in utter disappointment, utter a few tsk, tsk, tsks, and kindly offer the girls a fist full of raw carrots.  

Sista had just turned 18 (the legal drinking age in the Stone Age).  The future Preppy Empty Nester and Sista decided to skip the parents' "what are you going to do with the rest of your life" dinner and meet some friends at one of their favorite haunts at Fairfield Beach, the Nautilus. The "Naut" was your classic beach bar - no atmosphere and cheap drinks. 


They arrived home at around 1AM and eyed the gorgeous bunny cake.  Sista asked future Preppy Empty Nester if she thought the left ear looked larger than the right ear.  She had not agreed with Sista on much in the past,  but on this point, she concurred.  Obviously, they had to make that left ear smaller. They owed it to their parents to present a cake that was worthy of them.  


The Sistas decided to get a knife and trim that unsightly ear.  They took turns disposing of the remnants in their mouths. The Sistas then looked at their masterpiece and realized the right ear looked huge... practically grotesque.  How could they ever present that sloppy-looking cake to their wonderful parents?  They began surgery on the right ear.

This is not the actual cake.  
Traces of the aftermath can be found on the sistas' hips.

Before we they knew it, both ears were missing from their beloved bunny cake, and the remnants could be found on the Sistas' chins.  They then discovered their dear Mama standing behind them with that "guilty as charged" tsk..tsk...sound. 

Two hours later, sometime around 3:30 AM, a nauseous future Preppy Empty Nester and her sugared-up Sista finished off frosting another layer of cake... soon to be known as the ears and the bow tie.

Four hours later, Mama woke her girls up for 11AM Easter Mass.  When the girls questioned why they had to get up so early, Mama responded they needed extra time in the shower to get the frosting out of their hair and off their faces.

Emily Quinn

The names in this story have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent.

Even today, Sista and I could polish off two ears in a matter of seconds.

Stay safe and healthy!

Until next time...


Been there, done that.

Linking up with:
Blogger Pit Stop
What's Up Weekend

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Reminds of the song from White Christmas.....Sisters Sisters, there were never such devoted sisters. Personally I never saw the appeal of those bunny cakes but then I am not a coconut person. Those Reesses Eggs however are grand. Happy Easter Katie.

  2. I love this story! Happy Easter to all.

    xoxoxo Annie G

  3. Thanks. I needed a good laugh today. Happy Easter. xo Laura

  4. Happy Easter, my darling friend.

  5. That was a fun story!! Easter blessings to you and yours!

  6. Fun tale of two sisters! Happy Easter.........

  7. Love this Easter tail ;0). Have a wonderful Easter. How are you doing on your end with a fuller house? I sat in on a macroeconomics class between baby evan and papa nuss. xo laura

  8. P.S. Have you read Tattooist Of Auschwitz? Just started! laura

  9. P.S.S. Sharing this Easter cake story this weekend laura

  10. I love this to the max! Happy Easter, Katie. Keep your ears on!

  11. Katie,
    It’s been a while. I took a social media break and now with all this time I am visiting my old favorites. I forgot how funny and delightful your posts are. I’ve caught up on all the happenings in your life. My goodness, life marches on but not across your face....you look great.

    Thanks for the laughs, book rec’s , and of course the dogs. I’ so glad your still there.

    Warmly, Kathleen

  12. I never tire of this story! Happy Easter! xo

  13. As always, your great sense of humor and storytelling put a smile on my face. Thanks and Happy Easter.

  14. You crack me up!!!!

  15. Love this! It is just too funny! Happy Easter!!🐣🐇🐰

  16. This never gets old!🥰
    Only having brothers I’ve always wondered about life with a sister so thank you for sharing! Keep them coming! KTG


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