Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, September 5, 2019

My Summer In The Rearview

Hello, dear friends!

It is so wonderful to be back.  Did you have a good Summer?  Mine was fan-tabulous!  It was a lot quieter than the past two Summers, which was fine with me. 

Let me start with the BEST news of the Summer... 

Two of my favorite people moved to NYC!  NYC - as in a three-hour Amtrak ride from her Mama.  I am so excited.  

Adorable Jonathon was offered an outstanding career opportunity a couple of months ago.  Both #1 and Adorable Jonathon loved their jobs and lifestyle in Dallas so as exciting as this opportunity was, it was a bittersweet decision.  

My #1 began interviewing, and before we knew it, our girl was offered her dream job with a Marketing firm.  

Adorable Jonathon and #1 ended up renting an apartment in the same building as their dearest friends, Miss Julia and Sir Tim, who recently became engaged over Labor Day weekend.  

Is it just me, or does it remind you of another foursome that lived in NYC in the same apartment building? 


Our #2 accepted a new exciting position with her last company.  She will remain in Big D, and it looks like there will be a lot of travel in her future (hopefully to Beantown).

This pic was taken the day before our New Yorkers left for their new home. 


Here are a few highlights of my Summer.

Day Trippin'

In June, I met Sista at the Pequot Library for the Southport Garden Tour in Connecticut.  The lovely lady in the middle is our dear friend, Caroline, and the brains and brawn behind the beauty of the magnificent tour.  I don't know how she did it in all of six weeks. 
I've been to a few of these garden tours in my day, and I must say that this one was the best one I have ever attended.

Random Fact:  I used to babysit for Caroline and her sibs.  
That's probably why she turned out so great.
FYI... I started my babysitting career when I was three-and-a-half years old.
I was very ambitious and responsible for my age.

Sista clowning around, asking me for the secret password.

I can't take Sista anywhere.

A blog post is in the works detailing this delightful day.


One weekend, the Mister got us a suite at the St. Regis in NYC to celebrate our anniversary. 

Stay tuned for a blog post.


This is the year that the Mister and I decided to make a big decision about our lives. 

Drum roll, please...

We have decided to come to an agreement as to where our second to last stop will be.  

As in retirement.

I don't think I have to explain where our last stop will be.

We are pictured here at The Grill at the Ritz-Carlton in Naples, Florida.  (hint, hint).

More info in an upcoming blog post.


The Mister and I attended the Downton Abbey exhibit.
Don't worry... I took lots of pics.
An upcoming post is in the works.


Guess which one of us inherited the tanning gene.

A few weekends ago, the Mister and I headed to Connecticut to spend time with Sista and her family. 


I got some serious lunching and shopping in with my neighbor and partner-in-crime, Kathy.


Remember Caroline from the Southport Garden Tour?
This is Ann, her Mom, who was in town visiting her DIL.


MOB Notes

Do I look happy, or what?  
This was the day that I found my MOB dress.  
The Mister took me out to lunch to celebrate.

Another blog post is in the works.


Make New Friends...

I had the pleasure of meeting two lovely readers over the Summer. 

The Mister and I were strolling down 5th Avenue when the lovely lady in the middle, Marguerite came right up to me to tell me that she reads my blog.  She and her Mom, Margo were enjoying a Mother/Daughter weekend in NYC while the menfolk were battening down the hatches in preparation for a hurricane which was on its way to their hometown of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 

We must have chatted it up with them for a half-hour or so. What a fun duo.  They even recommended a restaurant to us for dinner, which was mind-blowing.

Look for my blog post on my weekend in NYC for all the deets.


This is Dell from New Hampshire.  She came up and introduced herself to me at one of the lovely author luncheons that I attended on the Cape hosted by Where The Sidewalk Ends.  Dell told me that she read about the lunches on my blog.  She and her friends drove all the way down from New Hampshire. She is such a sweetheart!

As a side note, Dell is the aunt of one of my (and the Mister's) favorite authors, Marie Benedict.

As an additional side note... I can't tell you how thrilled I get to meet a reader.  Everyone I have met is such a delight.  I wish they all lived in Boston so we could all hang out!


Annie was my partner-in-crime at that luncheon.  
As always, we had a great time.

More good news:  I bought two autographed books for a giveaway in next week's blog post!  Annie told me that she read Carnegie Hill and loved it.


I also attended an author luncheon at the beginning of the Summer with my friend Anne. I got to sit next to Sarah Blake, the author of The Guest Book.  Lucky her! You can read my review here.


As I've mentioned before, I belong to two wonderful book clubs.  Annie and I usually meet for dinner at the darling Red Lion Inn before our Buttonwood Book Club meeting.  This night we were on our way to the meeting only to find out when we got there that we were a day early.  That was fine with us - we met twenty-four hours later at the same place and ordered the same thing on the menu.
New wardrobe though.


From left: Lauren, head of the BC, Kathy, owner of Buttonwood, Moi, Lisa Duffy, and Annie.

The next evening, the actual book club meeting night, the author of our chosen book, Lisa Duffy joined us.  She has written a couple of books that I've enjoyed, This is Home and The Salt House. It is really fun to have the author right there to answer questions.


During my hiatus, I taught myself to make groovy charts like this one.  I also read and listened to many wonderful books.  

I have a blog post coming up with reviews, and also I name my top five favorite books of the Summer.

Also, my #1 taught me how to do Instastories.
Prepare to be inundated.

When you are not tech-savvy, such as myself, learning can be a very humbling experience.  Especially when your kid is your teacher.


A Doubly-Good Day

I loved hearing from several readers over the Summer.  
Many inquired about my Weight Watchers journey.

I am happy to report that I hit my goal weight on August 7th, which also happens to be Preppy Empty Nester's 7th Blogiversary.

Tomorrow, I have an appointment with my dentist to get my jaw wired to make sure I don't gain it back.

More words on Weight Watchers in an upcoming post.


Our bedroom re-do is done!
Stay tuned for a blog post.


We closed out the Summer with our New Yorkers.  

Our friends, Annie and Bob joined us for dinner.

The Mister made mouth-watering appetizers.
I talked him into sharing the recipes.
He also served delicious swordfish with yummy Summer tomatoes.
Stay tuned for a blog post.

But the star of the evening was the most incredible meringue dessert, which was my absolute favorite.
Lucky you can eat anything on WW!
It's Oprah approved.
Or at least I think it is.

Annie and Bob brought a beautiful bottle of wine to toast the bride and groom.


In the meantime, we played a lot of ball.

And spent an inordinate amount of time looking for the ball. 

The Mister did some light cooking.

We caught up on our meditating.

And polishing up our manners.

And last but not least, I did plenty of deadheading, cleaning up after the hooligans, and watering, which I consider my daily cardio.

Drop me a comment and tell me about your Summer. 

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. It was very exciting to see your post pop up this morning! You've had a busy summer, but so very glad you are back to filling us in on all the details. I've missed your humour! -Jenn

  2. So much happy news! And Naples😀 Southwest Florida is the best. I’m just up the coast a bit so I see a shared glass of wine in our future!

  3. Glad you are back Katie...I followed you on Instagram but that is just second best to your blog!!

  4. What a summer! So glad you're back!

  5. Oh, it was so good to see you on my sidebar this morning. My goodness, I can hardly wait to get all the details of your fun. Such gorgeous pics!!! Welcome back!

  6. You are THE best Katie, So glad you had a wonderful summer and happy you're back!

  7. I was thrilled to see your blog post in my list of favorites this morning. What a wonderful summer you have had and now to eagerly anticipate the wedding. When will you ever get all the promised posts done? I have no idea but can't wait. Welcome Back!

  8. Glad to see you back Katie. Time off is always good for us. Can't wait to see all those upcoming posts. How exciting to have #1 so close. I know that makes mama happy.

  9. So much great news! I'm so happy you're back!

  10. What a great post! And a fun sneak preview for the future! It looks like the most glorious summer, Katie! And I am so thrilled that No. 1 and Adorable Jonathan will be closer. You must be over the moon!

    Welcome back!

  11. What a wonderful summer you had!! Those look like some great book; I have that Nora Roberts one upstairs right now waiting for me to finish up another book. How neat to meat real-life readers of your blog! I can't wait to read all of the upcoming blog posts you've hinted at...

  12. Katie,
    So so happy your back. Missed you immensely!
    All the best

  13. Welcome back! I'm looking forward to reading all those upcoming blog posts. So happy for both your daughters with exciting work, wedding and a new city to explore. You look fabulous...way to go with the WW!

  14. My goodness you have had an exciting summer. Mine was almost as exciting. I put my feet up on my ottoman and watched a bunch of Netflix. Now you know why my blog posts are so short. LOL xo Laura

  15. So glad you're back Katie! I have missed your funny words, and so glad you had a great summer! You look fabulous!

  16. Welcome back! You have enough blogging material here for the rest of the year! I am taking the month of September off so Joe and I can get healthy and whole again. Had to visit when I saw your post in my reader!

  17. Thank god, you’re back! I have so many thoughts, but can’t comment on your blog with my new (and improved? ... hello, tech support?) laptop. I was so desperate I actually dug through moving boxes to locate old laptop, fire it up and now I forget what I was going to say. Hmmm ... ok, I’m in awe of your newly acquired chart skills. Perhaps a tutorial in the works? #1 & AJ in NYC and #2 becoming a road warrior ... I see lots of visits home and/or rendezvous in NY! Congrats on your WW success, can’t wait to see the MOB dress! All these teasers you’ve dribbled out ... you're killing me ... get cracking on those posts! And, welcome back ... you’ve been desperately missed! I didn’t have much going on this summer. xo

  18. How fun to see your post in today's mail. It looks like a most eventful summer, and I am very excited for your decision on Naples (although that 3 hr Amtrak ride just got a lot longer!). Looking forward to all the updates on the various subjects. Have a great weekend.

  19. I've missed you, so happy to see you are back. Such a busy summer and all fun. Looking forward to all your new posts and you look wonderful!

  20. Oh gosh, I am so glad you are back. Looking forward to all the promised blogs, especially your hubby's recipes!

  21. Woohoo...so glad you are back! I missed you.

  22. So exciting to see all that you have been up to! Of course, I have been following along on Instagram but I always love your blog posts. A great reason to look forward to fall. Welcome back and cheers to all your adventures!

  23. It's so great to see what you've been up to! Looks like you've had a great Summer! :)


  24. I sure missed your posts! You always brighten my mornings with your wit, book reviews and the fun updates on activities with friends and family.

  25. So happy to see you back! What a fun summer! So excited for all you have going on!

  26. Loved reading about your summer! So exciting to have #1 and Jonnathon closer. Can't wait to read all of your upcoming blog posts. You look amazing and will be stunning in your MOB dress.

  27. Wow, what an informative post, and lots of hints as to what is to come. It will be fun to have you back blogging! So excited for that cute couple to be in NYC. And what fun to be in the same apartment building as their friends. That's a real plus in the city! When we had our apartment there, we were just a few blocks from our sweet nieces who were both single working women. They didn 't live in the same building, but in the same block together. It made it easy for all of us to be together at least one night a week.
    Congratulations on the WW success. I need to jump back on the program.
    Happy September and enjoy the count down to the wedding.

  28. Oh my...and this was your "slower" summer! Thanks for the book chart. My dream of FL retirement is reading 8 hours a day in the AC! Best on your Naples (hint) goal! It's a great city!

  29. What a wonderful summer....thanks for sharing. I have missed your humor!

  30. OMG! I'm so happy that you're back. Oh, how I missed you & that sense of humor...which is exactly like mine. Anxious to hear about Naples. Our winter home as a kid. Love the Ritz there and Vanderbilt Beach. Hugs!

  31. Wonderful summer!

  32. So so happy you are back!
    You look fantastic...shedding for the wedding:)
    Need my son hurry up and pop the question for motivation.
    Downton Abbey movie comes out Thursday here in Pasadena, YAY!
    already bought my ticket.
    My girls TRIED to teach me the instastories and half
    way through or maybe they were through?? I got a big fat UHG, forget it mom.
    I think it's a little like golf, you have to practice, which is why I don't play golf!
    Anyway, all good things in this post.

  33. Boy have I missed you! So glad to see you had an awesome summer and can not wait for all the already planned posts to come. Welcome back, this is the best I can do for confetti! 🎉🎊🎉🎊 And btw, you look fantastic!

  34. Eek, you look AHHMAZING, Mr. looks AHHMAZING, the kids and pups look AHHMAZING. Ok, tell Sista she looks AHHMAZING too. What a summer of sweet memories made. Cannot wait to see your MOB dress. Sooooo happy about NYC for those cuties and you! Mmmm Naples...our favorite Florida town....exciting stuff. Looking forward to your posts!

  35. So glad you are back and sounds like you had a great summer!! I think I counted a total of 10 upcoming blog posts. Can't wait to read them!! :)

  36. Katie, I am so glad you are back...what a summer you have had. Happy that you reached your goal with WW and found the MOB dress, won’t you look amazing!! I see there will be lots of blog posts in my inbox! Have a beautiful weekend!

  37. Looks like you had a fantastic Summer!! Great photos!

  38. Welcome back Katie...what a wonderful Summer you had! Such great news all around and Happy Anniversary to you and your Mister! Congrats to the kiddos...new adventures lay ahead!!! Naples....?? OH, how lovely!!!! So glad you're back!!! Hugs from Hot Texas!

  39. So glad you have your daughter closer to home now. That's always a HUGE thing. I have one daughter 3 hours away and one daughter 10 minutes away. Lots of fun photos here! Looks like you had a fantastic summer.

  40. What an awesome summer. Those pups watch your husband the way our cats watch me when I cook! This summer flew by, but I'm grateful I had some nights at baseball games with my kids - and some nights to relax and enjoy their company.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Welcome back! So many great things happening in your lives! I look forward to hearing all the details in your future posts.

  43. I am so glad to have you back! I've missed you!

  44. Oh my goodness Katie, your summer sounds phenomenal! And I love your house! I'm stopping by from the Midlife Blogging Community and I am so glad I found you. the appetizers your husband made are stunning and look delish!

  45. Welcome back! My what a busy life you have, Such great news about the daughter who moved closer. You always look darling and your handsome husband. The fur babies are always a pleasure to see. Looking forward to hearing more. Have a great week.

  46. Summer is for gathering!
    And your dogs are adorable.

  47. IT sounds like you had a wonderful summer! I love seeing all of your fun adventures. How wonderful to have your daughter in NYC, except if you are retiring to FL?

    I am looking forward to all of your new posts. Congratulations on the goal weight loss and the anniversary, of the blog and marriage.

  48. You look wonderful. True confessions - I spied your Adorable Jonathan in our local General Store recently. I did not want to embarrass the poor chap, but I will concur that he is in fact Adorable. Congrats!

  49. So glad you are back! It appears that you enjoyed a wonderful summer. Congrats on the WW success! Looking forward to your upcoming posts!

  50. Katie, I am sooo glad you found me and Share Your Style!!! Happy to have featured your post this past week at SYS #225. <3 I am just getting back by (we went car shopping this weekend ~ bought a new Audi Q5!) to say hello. Absolutely LOVE your post and all the things that have gone on with your family and friends (and book club) this summer!!! Looks like I need to pick up some new books...

    Happy fall to you and I look forward to reading more of your posts,
    Barb :)


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