Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, September 12, 2019

Sweatah Weathah & A Winnah

Hello, dear friends.  Happy almost Friday!  I hope that you had a good week.  

We've had some crazy weather around here.  Hot or cold -you never know what you are going to wake up to.  I will be changing out my closets soon, which makes me sad.  Goodbye, light cotton and linen - hello itchy wools and cashmere.

The silver lining is that my turkey neck can go back into hibernation under my endless amount of turtlenecks.

I am a big fan of sweaters.  I will wear them for as long as I can. Anything to avoid trying to maneuver into the driver's seat with a big ol' puffy coat.  

I am off to NYC in a few weeks for a big celebration.  
I will leave the coat at home and layer if it's cold.   

I'm a sucker for polka dots.

I ordered this one.

I ordered this one and another in black.


Warm or cold weather - I can never get enough cardigans.


I ordered this one in black for my walks.

My girls love this brand - Barefoot Dreams.  They sent me a robe which is so comfortable, I am tempted to wear it all day! Our #1 has this cozy sweater and loves it.

J Crew

This also comes in a soft heather grey.


This is perfect for me.
If you take a peek into my closet during the cold months, you will walk into a sea of grey and black.

Ralph Lauren

I am so in love with this sweater/jacket.
I bet we would get a better table at the Polo Bar if I walked in rocking this look.


I'm getting the impression that this oversized, slouchy look is in vogue.



For some reason, I don't think that I would ever look this good in a cardigan.
Not on my best day.

Ann Taylor

I love ponchos and capes!
I bought this one, and it's much cuter in person.
I also look a lot happier wearing it.

J. Mclaughlin

I'm also a big fan of cashmere.



My two favorite things - peplum and cashmere.
If it came in a turtleneck, it would be my trifecta sweater. 


I never met a houndstooth that I didn't like.
This comes in lots of colors and is at a reasonable price point.


This comes in lots of colors and has gotten great reviews.


Speaking of sweaters, I picked up this little number for Halloween. I may not be able to pull off the off-the-shoulder thing, but the Mister will tell you that the message is on point.


And last, but certainly not least, we have a winner.

Anne P
who wrote:

I'm so glad you're back! I love your blog and all the information, humor & sarcasm you insert. And I look forward to your reading recommendations so I'm going to start with your top 5. My favorite book this summer was, "The Choice: Embrace the Possible" by Dr. Edith Eva Eger. Captivating!

Please e-mail me your address, Anne and your books will be on their way to you.

Until next time...

No black or grey for this fashionista!
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I'm with you on the turtle necks. Other than that I really am not a fan of winter. I'm hoping that now that I am living in Atlanta I won't have to wear the heavy coats too often. Right now it is still in the 90s so I think I won't have to worry about it for awhile. xo Laura

  2. Oh I'm with you not heavy coats in the car.I went over to order the Ralph Lauren sweater jacket and my size sold out ! darn it
    I want to go back to new York next year hopefully my friend will be up from her back surgery and we can go to SOHO and Manhattan again

  3. That J. Crew pink one might have to find its way into my closet. And hats off to the well attired canines in your midst! Fine models, those two!

  4. I agree about hiding the turkey neck. When will they come up with an instant fix for that?? lol Congrats to Anne P. Oh and I got The Kennedy Heirs at the library today!!

  5. OHH, love all of your sweater and poncho picks ... I may have ordered a couple already and am tempted by a few more😉

  6. I’m a cardigan girl too and they are really the only sweater I can use in Florida. I tie one around my shoulders and if the ac is too much I’m all set 😀

  7. What a great post! I can’t have too many cardigans either. We are boiling in the 90s in South Carolina and I envy your falls up there! I bought three of the sweaters you recommended so thanks for doing THAT. I loved all of your choices and if they fit right when they get her you’ve saved me a ton of legwork! You’ve put me in a pumpkin spice latte state of mind!

  8. So many cute sweaters! We can rarely wear sweaters in Alabama :( but you have me tempted...Love the one you chose for your walks!

  9. So glad you are back. The navy polka dot has my name all over it.


  10. Such a great selection of sweaters, I love the peplum and cashmere as well. But, sweaters are the last thing on our mind here in AL. It will be the end of October before needed here. Have a great weekend.

  11. Well, I want several of these so I'm off to do a little shopping, thanks to you. Have a great weekend and I'm hoping to get motivated to get back in the swing of blogging myself.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. I love sweatah weathah but we aren't quite experience it yet here. I am a cape girl too..no heavy coats for me and black and grays are also favorites of mine! Enjoy your trip to NYC!

  14. What cute sweaters and your fur babies are stylin. It is almost time for sweaters and boots. Congrats to Anne P on winning. Happy weekend my friend.

  15. I love a cute summery cotton top and sandals; I go kicking and screaming into cold weather's sweaters and boots. I need to move!

  16. I'm a sweater loving girl living in Texs. Not a perfect fit, but I sure would like to add about 90% of these sweaters to my closet. Congratulations to Anne P.

  17. My colder weather wardrobe is also a sea of grey and black. It just works


  18. Yes, I am very happy to read this one. I love all of your sweater and poncho picks look really good and amazing. Thanks a lot for sharing this article. Now it's time to avail vacuum sealer bags for more information.


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