Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, June 5, 2019

My Weekend In Pictures

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you had a wonderful weekend.  Ours was so much fun.  We headed to Dallas where the Mister and I threw a Couples Shower for our bride and her adorable groom.  Our #2 was our party planner extraordinaire.

As promised, I took plenty of pics.  Grab a glass of vino or a cup of joe and I'll tell you all about it.  Feel free to use the facilities, it's on the long side.

Our #1 picked us up at Love Field.  We arrived just in the nick of time for lunch. We enjoyed a delicious one at one of the royal couple's favorite restaurants, R&D Kitchen.  

Afterward, we checked into our hotel, unpacked, and rested until we took an Uber over to #1 and Adorable Jonathon's love nest for 'tails and apps.

We had a glass of wine and got the grand tour of their cute crib.
I'm using hip language because their friends might be reading this and I want them to think I'm cool.

They took us to a new restaurant called Jose.  
Boy, do I ever miss good Mexican food!

It was a beautiful evening, so we sat outside.

Can you tell that we're just a bit happy to be here?

The next day, our first stop was at Nardos, the dress designer's store.  Our bride was scheduled for her second fitting. Adorable Michael (AJ's twin) dropped his Mom off.  Our #2 and AM are going to be the Maid Of Honor and Best Man at the wedding.

If you would like to read about the first meeting our bride had with the dress designer, you can read about it here.

Nardos is filled with exquisite dresses.

How's this for clever?
It took me all morning to figure out how I was going to camouflage the dress.
I can tell you this... it is magnificent, and she looked gorgeous.

Two hours later, we entered St. Ann's for the couples shower.

From formal Supermodel to roving photographer ready to shoot at a moment's notice.

Contrary to what you're thinking, that is my pec, not arm fat.
I've been lifting weights.
I started last week.  

Our #2 did a fabulous job planning the party, and her Sista was very grateful for her hard work.

Mrs. Adorable flanked by her darling twins.

This beautiful young lady is Julia who was #1's roomie in college. These are her sweet parents.  They are renting a house on the Cape during Labor Day weekend and promised to pop over to our house for lunch.  The Mister is already planning the menu.

The dashing gentleman on the right is Julia's better other half, Tim.
They are living large in NYC.

This is Mac and Kiley.
We have a lot to be thankful for when it comes to Kiley.
She and her Dad, the owner of Matthew Trent, designed our girl's engagement ring.  She also created the beautiful flower arrangements at her Mom's florist called The T Shop

The peonies were breathtaking!

These two are trouble!
Adorable Jonathon does his best to tame these two when they join forces.

The gorgeous girl on the right is Coco, who is a cardiac nurse in Houston.  She is also studying to become an Interior Designer in her spare time. 

These wonderful folks are the twins' Uncle David and Aunt Linda.

This is Kristin, #1's sweet roomie after college, and her husband, Miles.

Austin and Brittany and Caroline and Alex are such cute couples.

Shout out to Caroline who reads my blog.

Our #2 put together a cute game asking the bride and groom questions. They seem to agree on their answer to this one.

The Clooney's and the Adorables.
Soon these two dynasties will become one.
Stay tuned for the mini-series on Netflix.

I don't think I've ever seen my girl happier.

That evening, we had dinner at another fabulous Dallas hotspot, Hudson House.

On Sunday, we met Mom and Dad Adorable, the Royal Couple, and our #2 for brunch at Bistro 31 and some shopping.

With heavy hearts, we then headed for the airport.


As you know, it is customary for me to take a self-imposed Summer Sabbatical. This will be my last post until September.  Dry your tears - you can keep up with me and my fabulously glamorous life on Instagram. 

See you in September.

Until next time...

I'll spend the majority of my time reigning in these two crazies.
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Enjoy your sabbatical Katie! Have a great summer! Post your reading pics on Insta! xo laura in CO

  2. Looks like a wonderful weekend! I love the way you hid the dress...I can tell she loves it by the way she is just beaming! Cheers to a fabulous summer and I will definitely keep up with you in Instagram!
    xo Shelley

  3. Well, what a way to take off the summer. There's soooo much to like about this post. Looks like a fabulous celebration for sure! Enjoy your summer and we'll see you in Sept.

  4. What a lovely party!! See you in September!!

  5. Katie, the pictures are just lovely. You looked wonderful in that dress!!!! IT was a perfect choice for you. I hope you have a wonderful summer. Enjoy that girl and make lots of memories. See you in September...sounds like a song:)

  6. What a fun weekend! I enjoyed every picture. Enjoy your sabbatical!

  7. What fun to see all the party details! Looks like a perfect weekend in Big D! Thanks for the list of new restaurants to try next time I'm up that way. Have to say, your girls just get prettier and pettier. Now that they are both back in TX, I hope you are planning a return move!
    Oh, you can email me a photo of the dress without the camo photo. I can keep a secret!!!

  8. Such an enjoyable post! Have a wonderful summer!

  9. Beautiful! Isn't it fun when you get along so well with the future in laws. We are now fast friends with my new son in laws parents and consider them family.

  10. Brilliant camo job on the dress, Sis. What a splendid weekend.

  11. What a lovely party! The pics were gorgeous and so were you (WW has served you well). I thought you looked wonderful in every pic. I will miss you while you are gone- especially your book, movie and TV reviews. I look forward to those and have gotten quite a few excellent recs from them. Have a great summer. See you on the flip side!

  12. How lovely all, beautiful family and friends, you can be very proud.
    Have a wonderful summer, I am looking forward to September...

  13. Thank you for the review of festivities! Have a wonderful summer and see you in the fall.

  14. So much joy and fun.... this is a special time for your sweet family! That is one VERY happy looking couple- and they are just darling together!! Enjoy the summer Katie- and all of the fun leading up to the big day!! I’m certain everything will be just gorgeous!!! Happiest Summer to you!!! Xo Jenny

  15. I miss you already, but will keep up on Instagram. What a more than delightful weekend in Big D with all your favorite people. So many happy faces and the anticipation of the BIG day is written all over them. Can't wait to hear all about it. Enjoy your self-imposed sabbatical.

  16. Katie, enjoy the sabbatical and I will keep up with you on IG. I love everything about this post, everyone looks so beautiful, especially the royal couple!

  17. I love every photo! You are such beautiful people, each and every one of you. Where did you hide the dogs (and I don't mean the two C's!). It looks like such fun -- love the shower set up with those colorful cushions and all the other fun. Oh, glorious!

  18. Loved all the pictures! Have a great summer!

  19. What a gorgeous group ... the Clooney’s, the Adorable’s + family and friends! It’s going to be an All-Star wedding! As usual it takes me a minute to comprehend and accept your summer sabbatical. Have fun and see you on IG! xo

  20. Good golly I'm going to miss your posts here. I'm not on Instagram and rarely think to go there but I will make note of your site!! Have a wonderful summer! The big event looks like it was wonderful!!

  21. What a fun weekend in Dallas! I've only been to a couples BABY shower, and it was more enjoyable than my husband thought it would be (may have had something to do with all the booze). Enjoy your summer!

  22. Happy Summer to you! Thanks for bringing us to the party. Loved every bit of it! You are all such beautiful people. See you in September.

  23. Great pictures of such a happy season to come. Love the venue for the couples shower! Take care, and have a fabulous summer!

  24. I enjoyed all of the beautiful pictures! Girl...you are one hot mama! You are beautiful! I hope that you have a wonderful summer. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  25. Oh wow -- what a fabulous time and great photos of your family and friends! You all are so beautiful -- love how you and your girls and their guys coordinate your outfits. Have a wonderful break!

  26. I love the outfits for the shower on both you and the Mister. Can number 2 plan my next event? Cheers to the very happy couple.

    The photo of Chili and Chow made me laugh, they have matching expressions!!!!

    annie g

  27. What a wonderful weekend this must have been for you and hubby. Your girls are adorable and you looked fab Katie. Oh I want to see the dress! I remember the adrenaline from going thought all of these fun weekends with our son. You will never forget these memories......Happy weekend dear Katie.

  28. I can't stand all the fabulosity!! I'm so happy for all y'all that the weekend was perfectly perfect <3

  29. Looks like a lovely weekend!! Just perfect! Enjoy your sabbatical.

  30. Wonderful pics for your last post of the season. You will be missed. Have a good one!!!

  31. Dear Katie and your Adorable Clooney Clan !!
    Thank you for all the gorgeous photos of your happy weekend in Dallas. Have a wonderful and unforgettable summer as you look forward to the big day :) with every moment cherished
    Much love to you my dear friend
    Sally xxx

  32. Beautiful photos, have a wonderful summer!

  33. You are a hoot! I enjoy your posts and will have to rely on G&T's to hold me over until September.

  34. You look fabulous, pecs and all. I always enjoy seeing your family photos. Darling girls too. What a great weekend. Enjoy summer.

  35. Everyone looks so darn happy especially the good looking proud parents!! XO Karolyn

  36. I have been in and out of blogging for a bit. Looking forward to your Sept return. It IS September now you know? Beautiful family and friend pictures. What a blessing they are in your life. xo Diana


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