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Thursday, May 30, 2019

Hostess Gift Ideas

Hello, dear friends.  I don't know about you, but this short week seemed to whiz by for me.  I've got a big weekend ahead, and I look forward to telling you all about it next week.

'Tis the season of happy hours and houseguests.  Years ago, I had a friend who had a hostess gift closet.  She was ready at a moment's notice to be a welcomed guest with an exquisitely wrapped token in hand.

Here is a list of some of my favorite hostess gifts. 

A cheese tray is always a good idea if the hostess loves to entertain. 

A couple of weeks ago, I was invited to a party and asked to bring an appetizer.  The Mister was out of town, and I went into a full panic.  I ran out and bought a cute nut tray with separate compartments and then dashed to Whole Foods and bought an assortment of gourmet nuts and dark chocolate covered almonds.  It was a hit!  I walked out hands-free because I gifted the tray to my hostess.

An added note:  it's much easier to make an Irish Exit while hands-free.

I'm nuts for this tray!

If you don't want to go to the trouble of filling a nut tray, just give a gourmet package of assorted nuts or candy.

If you are visiting someone's cottage, you can buy one of these glass containers and fill it with candy for the kiddos.

My advice is to leave instructions to not open it until you are long gone.  Who wants to be around a bunch of sugared-up hyper kids?

You can always bring a little treat for the fur baby.
You'd rather have Fido chewing on a bone than your new designer purse.

Sweet-smelling soaps, anyone?

For the hostess who loves to bake.

Top-notch hand creams are also a nice thought.

How about a cute wine glass for the hostess along with some clever cocktail napkins?



I am always browsing the kitchen towel section in stores.  
Don't tell the Mister, but I have a drawer full.

Instead of a gift bag, I like to wrap a pretty kitchen towel around a bottle of wine.
I brought this one to a party several weeks ago.


A few years and states ago, my neighbor renovated her kitchen in my favorite color combo - blue and white.  I bought a ceramic basket like this one and filled it with blue kitchen towels and gave it to her at her Kitchen Coming-Out party.

I got a text from my pal a few weeks ago.  She sent me a photo of the basket that still resides on her counter.  She told me every time she looks at it, she thinks of me.  That could be a good or bad thing.

This is a great trio if you are a house guest.
Tell the hostess that the chips are on her.

If you're the designated dessert supplier to the party?

Stonewall Kitchen products always make a nice gift.
She may get the hint that you would appreciate some freshly-baked muffins in the AM.


If you have been reading my blog for a while, you know that I enjoy giving pretty pitchers as a memento. If the Mister is driving to the party,  I like to throw some flowers into it.  I've learned from experience that a vase of flowers and driving do not mix.

By the way, I have a couple of the above pitchers and keep them on the table filled with water and sliced lemons during dinner parties.



Did your hostess just have a new pool put in?
How about a fun float?
Btw... yes that is me.  
Weight Watchers is amazing. 


Another idea for the hostess is a cute beach bag.


And you can fill it with fun things like a water bottle.






A newly-released novel is also a fun beach bag stuffer.





If your hostess is the consummate entertainer, one of these gorgeous coffee table books or cookbooks is sure to make her boat float. 


If all else fails, you can always give your host a guest book for her powder room.  There's a pretty good chance that she doesn't already own one.

I'd love to hear your ideas.
What is the best hostess gift that you either gave or received?

Until next time...

Linking up with:
Home & Garden Thursday
Creative Inspirations
Wonderful Wednesday

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Sunday Lunch in the Rear View

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you had a wonderful long weekend.  We lucked out with gorgeous weather for all three days.  There wasn't a cloud in the sky during the day and great sleeping weather at night.  

As I mentioned to you last week, the royal couple, aka #1 and Adorable Jonathon and their friends, MC and Scott spent the weekend in Boston and dropped in for lunch on Sunday.

I was up at the crack of dawn.  
This is a pic of our quiet kitchen before the Mister started whipping up his magic.

I wasn't the only one eagerly awaiting the royal visit.

This was the first time that I used this basket.
I love it.
I got it on Etsy.

Photo credit: mchammer

We have a little girl who will remain nameless that does not like to walk on the grass.  Therefore, she takes care of business on the driveway.

She strategically leaves her mark in the direct path from the barn to the house.  I did last minute poop patrol before the arrival of our guests.

If you're not afraid of these scary-looking pooches that ugly red sign is sure to drive you away.

The Chef meeting with his sous chefs.

Flowers and table are all set.

They're here!
Scott and MC are so darling!
Scott was Adorable Jonathon's roommate at TCU.
MC is a UT graduate and was also a cheerleader.
FYI... they met on a blind date.
Are you reading this, #2?

It was love at first sight for Chow.
I think Scott may have some competition.

For appetizers, we noshed on Barrata and toast points.

And bacon-wrapped scallops.
I just ate the bacon because I'm on a diet.

When I recited the menu for my Book Club last month, my #1 said that she wanted her Dad to make it for their visit.

The Mister's couscous lobstah salad is always a huge hit.

The filets with blue cheese au gratin were also delish!

Chowdah's smitten, all right.
He actually thinks that he's got a chance with her! 

We spent some time telling and hearing some old college stories about our #1 girl.

It's lucky I have a strong stomach. 

Photo credit: mchammer

Last but certainly not least we feasted on the Mister's specialty, panna cotta with fresh berries and mint.

Before we knew it, it was time to say goodbye.
The kids took off in their sports car and went off to do some cruisin' on the Cape!

You never saw two sadder pups than these two as our guests drove out of the driveway.

Poor Chowdah was beside himself that MC left without him! 

Until next time...

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