Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, October 6, 2017

Friday's Favorite Things

Hello, dear friends. Happy Friday!   I thought that I would switch things up and skip The Friday Files this week in favor of Friday's Favorite Things.  I haven't done one of these in quite awhile.  You will see that I have mentioned a lot of these products over the years.  I order almost all of them through Amazon Prime because it's just easier for me.  The closest Target to me is 30 minutes away. 

The Mister told me that I would love Beneath A Scarlet Sky and he was right.  I am listening to this beautifully written tale that is based on a true story.    It follows the life of a normal teenager who becomes a true hero during the Nazi occupation.  

Let's just say that this book makes me want to walk my day away.  I'm not the only one that loves it - 5-star reviews across the board on Amazon.


I am now halfway through The Designer.  It takes place in the 1940's and centers around a beautiful, unhappy newlywed and a designer, none other than Christian Dior in Paris. 

How much am I enjoying this gem of a novel?
Je l'adore!

Not to show off or anything but I DID take 4 years of French One!

A couple of weeks ago, I got a new iPhone.  Nope, not the 8 - the Mister doesn't love me that much!  I got a 7 Plus which has a new feature that I love.  The camera has a portrait setting which really makes a difference in my photos. 

One of my favorite subjects taken in the portrait setting.

I have been wearing Lip Ink for the past 15 years because it stays on all day, does not rub off on my wine glass, and doesn't bleed into my lip wrinkles.  Even though they carry many shades, I only wear one color - coral because it seems to go with everything.  

If you do take the plunge and try the Lip Ink make sure to buy the conditioner/cleanser.  I put it on with a Q-tip before the Lip Ink, and I use it at night to take it off.

A few years ago, I was visiting my Sista, and I fell down the stairs during the night.  I think that they moved the stairway after I went to sleep.  Not to worry - Sista did not push me.  At least I don't think she did.  Anyway, the Mister met me at the airport a few days later with some extra baggage - two black eyes, 15 stitches, and a broken nose.  

A friend of mine recommended the Jane Iredale Foundation to me to cover up the damage.  She said that her mother used it after a facelift.  I originally bought mine at the dermatologist's office, and it did a great job.  I still use it to camouflage my broken capillaries and a few scars left from my graceful tumble.  It has an SPF 20 in it so it protects me from adding to my arsenal of wrinkles.  

I've used They're Real for a long time.  It never clumps or flakes and lengthens what little lashes I have left. It comes off easily with eye makeup remover.


My buddy, Hoda, yes THE Hoda, talked about Roc's new Multi Correction 5 in 1 cream.  I use it every day under makeup and alone when I go out for my walks instead of sunscreen because it has an SPF 30 in it. 

If I keep using all these products with SPF, I'm going to look about 5 years old in no time at all.

It's also sold at drugstores.

Now I feel like I am sharing all my boring little beauty secrets.  Good Morning America does a segment every week called Steals and Deals.  Sponsors offer their products 50 - 60% off if you use the link that is supplied.  I've gotten some great stuff through them. 

A few weeks ago, one of the sponsors was Supersmile, a whitening toothpaste.  I use all sorts of whiteners including the strips, but the problem I have is that I have veneers on my eyeteeth.  So my natural teeth get whiter and it doesn't affect the veneers.  Supersmile says that their product can bring back the original color of the veneer.  I do see a difference - they are lighter. So I ordered another tube. 

I have not seen this product sold in stores.

I ordered a 5-pack of brush heads for a ridiculously low price for my Sonicare and they fit perfectly and felt the same as the original.

I always put a set of these in my girls' stockings. 
They don't like to spend their money on silly little necessities like toothbrushes.

Brush heads for the Clarisonic are expensive.  
I found this set a lot cheaper and I don't see any difference.
Another item for the girls' stockings. 

I have used my lotion roller for years.  
It's a great little helper for my body lotion as well as my self-tanner.

We have been using Quick Shine Floor Finish on our hardwood floors, and it does a fabulous job making them really shine.  Do I sound like a housewife from the 1960's or what? 

Anywho, it's to be used after you wash the floors.  Make sure you get the floor finish and not the cleaner.  I think Walmart sells it too, but Amazon has a better price.

You can ask my husband how paranoid I am about ticks.  Unfortunately, we have a lot of them in my neck of the woods.  I have a couple of friends that have contracted Lyme disease, and it is no picnic.  Someone told me about this natural tick ban, and it worked for me.  It smells yummy too - just like spearmint.

I have used these earphones for a couple of years for all my audiobooks.  
These are not expensive, lightweight, and fit comfortably in my ears. The sound quality is great, as well.

What are your favorite things?

Until next time...

Gibba Animals

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. We usually stay a phone behind when the newest ones come out. Cheaper & you can skip if you find out its a bad phone.

  2. Oh- I love these posts you do with your favorites, Katie! I have followed a couple of your suggestions and gotten really good results. Thanks for doing this...it really is a public service, you know?! xo Diana

  3. does the ink for the lips dry them out? Seems like all those drugstore lip stains really make my lips dry when I'm wearing it??

    1. Janie, I always wear a clear gloss over it. Any drug store brand is fine.

  4. Thanks for all the links to your favorite things. I will be looking at a couple of them!! Happy weekend!

  5. You have some great suggestions there - I might look into the lip stain!

  6. As usual, I put most of these on my Amazon "Ideas" list. I definitely want to try the toothpaste. Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. I always enjoy seeing products others like to use Katie. One of my favorite things is Scrub Daddy. Wet It is another must for my kitchen. No more stinky dish cloths in my kitchen!! I have also tried IMPRESS fake nails at a friend's recommendation and they are great in a pinch when you cannot get a mani!! That lotion roller is amazing...I had never even heard of that!

  8. I love seeing all of your finds! Cannot wait to check them all out!

    Hey did you know that your favorite McKenzie Childs has pumpkins!

    Link is here: http://shopstyle.it/l/jFSC

    1. I do! My buddy Kate the Great gave me one and I love it!

  9. Better than sex mascara by wo faced is amazing. The name is interesting too! https://www.amazon.com/Too-Faced-Better-Mascara-Ounce/dp/B00P0Q0T28

    1. Thanks Carolyn I will definitely give it a try. I'm glad I don't have to buy it in person!!

  10. My sister in law loves Jane Iredake foundation. I may have to give it a try. And, I have that lotion roller and love it. I use Lipsense and I'm wondering how the Lip Ink compares. I may have to give it a try as well. Loved your favorites!

  11. More good books to read! And lots of other great suggestions. Thanks!

  12. I love your favorites posts! You keep me busy reading. As I may have mentioned, I am a skin products junkie. I've used Supersmile (Icy Mint) for 5 years or so. It's meant to be paired with Supersmile Whitening Accelerator. You put both on the toothbrush. If you really want to get carried away, use the Supersmile Whitening Pre-rinse beforehand. Check Amazon and eBay for the best prices. One new-to-me product I'm also liking is Peter Thomas Roth's Retinol Fusion PM (a night serum). Again check eBay for the giant 6.7 oz size. Thanks for your great suggestions!

    1. Susie.. thanks for YOUR suggestions. I'm going to order the accelerator today and the Peter Thomas Roth Fusion. I just started using his face wash and so far, so good. I'm off to Amazon now.

  13. I very much enjoy it when people share their favorite items. A few of my favorites: (1)Tatcha Camillia Cleansing Oil and Rice Enzyme Powder. It's a Japanese-based skin-care line. (2)Nars Smudge Eye Brush #15 to smudge eyeliner. (3)Nioxin Diamax Advanced Therapy Thickening Hair Treatment (it works). (4)I love the Apple Watch that my son's fiancée gave me for my birthday (and I buy knock-off bands on Amazon). (5)Silver Lily elastic "invisible belts" on Amazon.

    1. Kathy... I'm going to check out all of your suggestions. I am especially intrigued by the invisible belts!!

  14. I order most of my things from Amazon too. Thanks for all of your suggestions. I think I will check out supersmiles. xo Laura

  15. I now have an entire shopping list of new products to buy! Can't get over your fall down the stairs - so happy you are ok!!! Happy weekend, my friend ~

  16. I love the less expensive options you mention for refills. I do the same for my girls....a good list! Have a great weekend.

  17. Love the book recommendation -- that sounds like my kind of book. WWII and France. Oui!

  18. I have to try the lip ink! Have a great weekend!

  19. Your posts are always so fun to read, Katie! You have no problem laughing at yourself, and finding the little pleasures in life.

    The new phone sounds great. My techy little daughter introduced me to an app called Snapseed. You can edit all of your cell phone pictures in dozens of ways. She takes pics of her baby that look like they were professionally done.

    Thanks for the product recommendations. I love to try new face, skin, hair and makeup products. I have been with Birchbox for years, it' a great way to try the latest without splurging on it first. The Benefit mascara is outstanding. Another good one is Rocket Volume by Maybelline.

    Thanks for the book tips, I think hubby may like the first one.

    Have a great weekend.


    1. Jane.. on my way to downloading Snapseed and made a note to pick up some Rocket Volume. Thanks for the tips!!

  20. I always like these posts -- I have found some good things thanks to your recommendations. Amazing, isn't it, how our kids think these little items like toothbrushes are necessities but won't buy them themselves? Glad I am not the only one who had many years of French but is still barely literate in the language. (... Oops. I read better than I speak.) You need to try Charlotte Tilbury cosmetics -- the night creme and the mascara are the BEST.

    1. Ellen.. going over to Charlotte Tilbury now! Thx for the tip!!

  21. Please continue this series, it's great! Books go on my "to read" list and I have to try the lip stain. Great suggestions Katie.........

  22. Thanks so much for your list of favorites! I'm looking forward to trying several of your recommendations and reading the books. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  23. So much good stuff here, I made a list! Can't wait to read The Designer. Hope you're having a great weekend!

  24. Love you, Katie! Thanks, as always, for the great tips!

  25. I loved Beneath a Scarlet Sky...I liked the Designer until the end. Let me know if at the end it feels like the author could not wait to just finish the book ! Glad to have you back.

  26. Just ordered the lip ink! In Coral! Can't wait for it to arrive!


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