J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Monday, October 9, 2017

Brewster General Store

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you had a good weekend.  On Saturday, the Mister and I spent the day in the beautiful town of Osterville.  We lucked out because the town was holding their Fall Festival so it was decked out in pumpkins, gourds, and all attendees were offered a complimentary hayride.  I took lots of pics to share with you at a later date.

On Sunday, we hit the movies, and it was the Mister's turn to choose.  Insert eye roll.  He opted for Tom Cruise's latest flick, American Made.  You can watch the trailer here.  

The movie was more entertaining than I had anticipated.  I'm not sure that it's worth the price of a ticket, but it's a good one to watch when it arrives on Netflix.

A side note:  I am not a big fan of Tom's, but I could not believe how young he looked in this movie.  His face didn't look pulled like was the victim of a facelift either.  I've got to start looking into the Scientology stuff...


A few weeks ago, we spent some time in Chatham and Brewstah.  If you are ever in the area, I strongly suggest that you stop into the Brewster General Store and plan on staying awhile.  You won't want to leave.

Brewster General Store was constructed in 1852 originally as a two-story church.  It later turned into a general store in 1866.  It has had several owners, but its popularity has remained the same.

Not only is the General Store a meeting place for the townies but also a prime spot for tourists.

Every time I see a deck of Bicycle cards I think of my sweet Grandma Margaret.  When we were young, every Saturday night my Sista and I would spend the night at my Grandmother's home.  We would play gin rummy sipping Seven-Ups while Grandma would enjoy her (very light) Manhatten.  Side note:  Sista is a sore loser.  

When was the last time you saw marbles being sold in a store?

I enjoyed examining the quaint antique pieces that displayed the nostalgic merchandise.

If you're a whiz with a needle, you're in good shape if you live in Brewster.

I love this miniature model of the store.

Can't forget about the office supplies!

These handmade children's sweaters were darling.

What little girl wouldn't love this sweet apron?

The Mister was delighted to find a corner that he was interested in.

It was nice to see some familiar faces.

It was hard to tear Miss Daisy away!

Until next time...

You can read about cute little Sparky, the manager of a General Store in Florida here.

Linking up with:
Amaze Me Monday
Dishing It & Digging It

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. What a GREAT old store, Katie. I love nostalgic places like that. They have merchandise you don't see anywhere else. I bet the scents in there were amazing, too.
    I think the display pieces are as great as the goods being sold. xo Diana

  2. Even tho we live in Florida, I think I may have to pass seeing the Spark. I'd rather look at your cuties!

  3. I love these kinds of stores! You don't find them much anymore, sadly! What a nice weekend you had!

  4. What a great way to spend an afternoon. I'd have liked an hour or two in that shop!

  5. I always love a good general store. Reminds me of the one near the bay when I was growing up.

  6. I'm not a fan of Tom's either and honestly I think they are portraying him in parts that are younger than his age at this point. He looks good, huh? I'm sure we'll see it.

    The Brewster General Store looks like fun!

    Your comment on MY BLOG made me think!

  8. The Brewster store looks right up my alley! True story, one time, we were on vacation and I wanted to take a bag of marbles back to the boys, well my bag spilled all over the wood floor, so let's just say, I "lost my marbles", lol! Now I need some penny candy! Happy Monday love!

  9. Haven't been there in years, however it looks the same!! Your posts make me miss the Cape so much!!

  10. That Miss Daisy needs to write a travel book! I love that store...it reminds me that I need to teach my grands to play marbles. If we went back to marbles and jacks as entertainment the world would be a better place.

  11. I love general stores..so nice to step back in time! I also am not a huge fan of Tom's but kudos to him for figuring out the fountain of youth....wonder what he's "done". Hope you are having a wonderful fall!

  12. I was just there 2 weeks ago while visiting my sister, who lives nearby. I just love driving along 6A, especially in the fall. I miss living up that way, but my daughter lives in Boston, so I try to get up that way as often as I can.
    As always, I enjoy your posts, and look forward to them!
    PS-Not a big Tom fan either, but he"s doing something right!

  13. I would love that store! It has kept the original function of a general store - a gathering place for people and a store that offers all sorts of items. Anymore, I wouldn't pay to see a Tom Cruise movie, either. -Jenn

  14. We visited this darling store this summer. I wanted the big, round architectural piece hanging upstairs but I couldn’t figure out how to get it down and out to my car without anyone noticing me - anyone meaning my husband. ��

  15. What a fun store and I just want you to know that I covet Miss Daisy. :o))

  16. Oh what fun you had! I love old merchandise and stores like that one! Miss Daisy looks fabulous sitting there! :)

  17. I love this store! I could spend hours here but most of my time would be spent by the penny candy!

  18. Cool store, and did you see that ammo wicker basket behind Miss Daisy?? I think it would've fit into her belly quite nicely. Shoulda grabbed it!

  19. Wonderful little ol' store! I thought I commented yesterday by phone? Maybe didn't have enough bars, or whatever.

  20. I could definitely spend a lot of time here! Something for everyone and Miss Courtney would have been needed when I left......Your posts are a good way to start the day, with a smile and laugh......Hope your day is wonderful.

  21. I'd say the Brewster General Store is a destination in itself. Oh, I would really lose my mind here. One stop tourist shopping for sure!

  22. I second your suggestion that this is a must visit when on the Cape. It is full of charm, not to mention all those candy options. Ha! Looking forward to seeing you and MIss Daisy soon!

  23. The first town on Cape Cod in which my husband and I vacationed back in the 1980s was Brewster. We liked the quiet, quaint atmosphere and have vacationed there many times since.

  24. What an adorable town and that general store? That is just the cutest. Thanks for sharing it at the Dishing It & Digging It Link Party. Hope you found some good friends. Have a good weekend.


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