Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

A Wishful Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  It has been another terrifying week for our country.  I have been glued to the news.  It has been one heartbreaking story after another.  I continue to keep the victims and their families in my prayers.

Here is my take on this week's Hodgepodge.

1.  Have you ever spent time on a farm?  Tell us a little bit about it.  Have you ever grown your own pumpkins?  Been on a hayride?  Driven a tractor?  Milked a cow?

No, I have never lived on a farm or done any farm chores.  One of my favorite shows growing up was Green Acres.
Does that count?

However, I know someone in this house would love to have a tractor to play with.
Hint:  his name rhymes with Shmister.

2.  What's something younger you would like about you now?

My younger self would be happy to see that I have kept my good looks and sense of style.

3.  What are three things you'd like to do more often?  

I would like to spend more time with my girls.

I'd like to take more cruises with the family.

I'd also like to spend more weekends in NYC.

Two out of three of my wishes are coming true this month.

Three things you'd like to do less often?

I'd like to skip the yearly check-ups.
The worst part for me is the weeks of anxiety that lead up to them.
I don't want to brag, but doesn't my Dr. look like he's got a huge crush on me?

I'd like to avoid at all costs going through another renovation.
This would not be on the Mister's list, btw.

If I never have to wait in a security line at the airport, I'd be happy.

By the way... my #2 travels every week and she told me that lately, the TSA-pre-check lines are longer than the regular ones.

4.  What's on your nachos?

Anything and everything.

I have to admit that I haven't indulged in Mexican food since I moved to Massachusetts.  I don't think any place makes Mexican food as good as the great state of Texas. 
And Mexico's take on nachos isn't bad either.

5.  What's the most random thing in your purse or wallet?  Does it need to stay there?

At any given time, I have at least half a dozen readers from the Dollar Store in my purse.  

And no matter what the Mister says, yes, they do need to stay there.

6.  Insert your own random thought. 

After such a dismal week,  I thought we could all use an uplifting story.  A few weeks ago, this feature was on one of my favorite shows, CBS Sunday Morning.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Katie, I spent a lot of my youth on my grandmother's / uncle's farm. I laughed when I saw all of your reading glasses. I have pairs in various locations throughout my house and work place, as well as in my purse. -Jenn

  2. Your stash of readers looks like mine - they are in my purse, car, bedroom, on the kitchen counter, in drawers, on coffee table - - and often I can't find a pair!! NYC, here we come!!!

  3. I grew up on a farm then went to nursing school in Atlanta. I remember standing on Peachtree Street, looking up at the big buildings and telling myself I had finally arrived at my dream place.:) Glad for the lessons I learned on the farm, did not like the hard work of the farm but grateful for the farmers who make my every day life so much easier.

  4. What a beautiful post, Katie, I thought I had the run on dollar tree glasses, and the video on the letter was priceless! Thank you for sharing.

  5. Let's just say, if it's in the purse then it needs to stay there. I mean, we put that stuff in for a reason, right? Ha! I never would have made it as a farmer. Too much work for my lazy self. Have a great day!

  6. You made me laugh, cry, book a visit to NYC and now I'm off to the dollar store 🤓

  7. The reading glasses ... ah yes. I myself do not need them yet, but my hubby has glasses in the car, his work truck, his machine at work, glasses for the computer, glasses for the TV, glasses for reading, glasses for driving. Nearly all are the dollar-store variety (although his frames are not as cute as yours).

  8. Love "seeing" all those readers! The Dollar Store has the best selection! I love me some loaded nachos! Your girlies are so gorgeous, you all have some amazing genes and absolutely: impeccable style!!

  9. This is my first time visiting your blog. I did enjoy my visit, and your answers to the Hodgepodge.

  10. Great Hodgepodge. Can never get enough of our girls.

  11. Enjoyed my first visit... aw.. south shore of Massachusetts...daughter lives in Holliston and we vacay on the south shore with them often..lovely area!!! Although, I do miss our southern beaches at times.

  12. Great hodgepodge as always! Yes, your doctor looks like he has a crush on you! While my husband was away on business this week I found 6 pairs of readers in a pile. I didn't even know he had that many but I have a feeling he had to buy more so he could read on the plane. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  13. I can see why you'd want to spend time with your lovely girls. Sounds like you have good plans this month though. I had to laugh at all those glasses. I use varifocals so they would be no good to me but I do misplace mine, a lot lol.

  14. I always carry a tape measure. Does that count as random?

  15. I love Sunday Morning, too. That story just ripped my heart out. So sad but so sweet. Renovations are not for me either

  16. I have not thought about Green Acres in forever and I watched every show I'm sure. Now, I have the song stuck in my head. So happy you are getting to do 2 of the 3
    on your list. Happy everything!

  17. Happy Wednesday! Hodgepodge is my fave!! Hugs to you my dear!

  18. Thank you for sharing the news story. It is nice to hear something so heartwarming.

  19. Sweet story with the gal and her neighbor. I have just 1 more test to get mine all over with this year - I just dread how busy they make my weeks feel, lol. On the same page with you on renos, and love seeing you with your girls & Mister. Have fun in NYC. {sniff, sniff}

  20. I learn more about you every Wednesday through Hodgepodge!
    I love nachos too. If I have all the ingredients, I like to make them as a late-night snack.

  21. I had a horse growing up and had to clean his corral, NOT fun! I hate going to the Dr., that seems like all I ever do is have "wellness" checks, ugh! Better than the alternative...We are back dodging hurricanes this week, which makes me almost want to jump on an airplane, but actually I'd rather deal with a hurricane that's how much I hate airline travel these days! Nachos sound like a good way to deal...🤣

  22. I had to so a search for the story you referenced, but it was worth the effort. We usually watch Sunday Morning but I don't remember that story. Thanks!! Beautiful!

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. Love the photo of the family on the cruise. Where are Chili and Chow?


  25. Would like a peek into that beautiful purse to see all the features! I like it. And your daughters are beautiful. I've come to look at the doctor visits as "brief unpleasantries which don't last too long and I can get on with my life."

    1. And I meant to add I loved Green Acres back in the day. It was hilarious when she served him pictures of food.

  26. Katie I LOVED this post! So much I could relate to and other things made me laugh. But the CBS story, well that resulted in the big ugly cry. I walk my little dog every day and try to speak with all the neighbors I pass by. But I wonder, is it enough? Blessings to you for brightening my day.

  27. I have been on a hayride!!! Loved it, a church event in the fall. I love animals so I think I would have been good on a farm. Love the family photo, great shot. I wold love to spend more time with my grand. I need more reading specs to put in my bag!

  28. HAHA I have so many readers I just found in my work bag , if you come to NYC ID love to grab a gass of wine if you have time!

  29. Yes, it has been quite a traumatic week for our country. Saying prayers for everyone and hoping for better days ahead.

  30. What a touching video. You have too many glasses in your purse, I never have enough. But I do have too many lipsticks and lipstick pencils. So I say we're even. Farming? Sorry I've always been a city girl. But love the idea of a farm. Does that count? Don't mention the word doctor. Way too many.

  31. I laughed at all the glasses...that is so my mom. Its a family joke:) I agree the events this past week were horrifying, I have not slept well since it happened, just thinking about all those tragic losses of so many innocent people. Our world is a scary and fragile place right now. Hope your weekend is wonderful and peaceful.

  32. Great hodgepodge. Can you please share who makes that beautiful purse that holds those precious glasses. Has Miss Daisy been replaced?

    1. Hi Ellen... so glad you asked. I got it a couple of weeks ago at the Cole Haan outlet - They had a deal going - $100 off PLUS another $50!!!! I love it so much - the leather is like buttah... Thanks for your comment.

  33. I hope you get to take a long cruise with the fam after a fun stay in NYC. See no reason all three wishes couldn't come true. Your girls are so lovely.

  34. I laughed at your photo of the glasses, my mom has a pile like that as well as the ones she keeps in her car, on her desk, in the kitchen, etc.

    I hope that you are off on a cruise with the girls, or at least a trip to NYC with one or both.


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