Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, October 2, 2017

#2's Visit & Home Sense

Hello, dear friends.  I hope you had a wonderful weekend.  Ours was lots of fun because our #2 came home for a visit.  

We picked #2 up Thursday night from Logan and had dinner at one of my favorites, Rustic Kitchen.  On Friday, she had to work from home, so the Mister and I tackled the outside Fall Decorating.  I haven't taken any pics yet because I am waiting for the mums to bloom.  

Saturday, we spent a rainy day on my new favorite street in Boston, Charles Street. I had never been there before.  It has lovely antique and specialty shops.  The Mister and I are going back on a sunny day so I can take some pics for you.  

Our #2 had heard about the restaurant, Tatte, and wanted to try it.  The moment I spotted the array of mouthwatering pastries, I knew I was in the right place. 

Our lunch was positively delish.  

It is virtually impossible for the Mister to go out to lunch without ordering dessert.  It is even more impossible for me not to eat half.

We did some shopping and made some friends while our #2 had her haircut.

The Mister did some nut shopping because we didn't do enough damage at lunch.

I kind of hung around the chocolate hoping the nice lady would offer me a sample because the calories don't count if you don't buy it.
No luck.

Saturday night we had a relaxing night.  
And Sunday, we had some lunch and did some serious power shopping at Derby Street. 

The hardest part of having the girls come home is when they leave.


Several weeks ago, I met my friend, Kathy for lunch and shopping in Framingham.  I had been dying to check out the new Home Sense store.  My buddy, Laurie described it as Homegoods on steroids.
No truer words have been said.

Naturally, as soon as Miss Daisy found out where I was on my way to, she begged to ride shotgun.

The first section that I spotted reminded me of Magnolia.

I wish I could have fit this little number into my new master bath.

If you are looking to add to your collection of copper, this is the place for you.

They had an incredible assortment of tablecloths imported from France.
OOOh La La!

Plenty of high-end appliances were on hand.

Miss Daisy and I spotted lots of large furniture items headed out the door.  

Best news yet:  
Home Sense delivers!

I wish all my tables were equipped with charging stations.

I could almost hear the sound of a man cave calling for this threesome!

Anybody out there in need of a barrel chair?

Also, they had a large assortment of beautiful dried arrangements.

My first impression of Home Sense was the abundance of staff.  Not only were they working diligently to restock and keep the merchandise in an orderly manner, but they all spoke to the customer with a smile.  Each staff member that I ran into was generally happy to be there and proud of their new store.  

As Arnold Schwarzenegger would say...
I'll be back.

Until next time...

Wait til these two fashionistas get a load of Home Sense!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Oooh I want a Home Sense! And a Tatte! YUM! I am so happy your baby girl was home, you both are darling! We went to see the college boys this weekend and it was so great. I am sure this fabulous weekend is going to give you a super burst of energy for your week ahead! ;-)

  2. I want to tour a home sense also. I need to check locations. Your daughter is so pretty!

  3. Your #2 does remind me of what my Margaret might look like all grown up. She is beautiful as are you! Good Genes in your family. Hey why do we have husbands if it is not to share desserts????

  4. I love Charles Street - so many great stores and restaurants there! I was excited to see that you have a new HomeSense near you. I went to the one by us a few weeks ago and loved it as well. I had no idea they delivered...hmmmm looks like I need a trip back soon! Have a great week!

  5. What a fun weekend you had with your look-alike-#2 daughter. She is beautiful! And I agree that the worst part is the leaving and the quiet and empty house when you walk back inside. My, Home Sense looks amazing. I finally got to our new HomeGoods and even took Hubby to make the introduction official. It's all good!

  6. #2 is beautiful!! This new store looks like my kind of joint!! Will have to make the trek to see it!

  7. I've not heard of Home Sense but will have to Google it to see if there are any in Orlando or Tampa! Thanks for the review!

  8. Sounds like you, Miss Daisy and your #2 girl had a wonderful weekend! That store looks fabulous! Have a great week!

  9. I read about this store a few weeks ago, its probably a good thing that it is no where near me! It looks fabulous though.

    More importantly it sounds like you had a wonderful weekend with your beautiful #2!

  10. Oh, I know what you mean, our daughter and 2 grandsons came in Thursday and then had to leave on Sunday. It's a bummer! And, Home Sense, oh, my, I must find one to go to. Looks like my kind of store! Happy week to you!

  11. We have Homesense in Ontario (not close to me, but in the cities) and I have to tell you, they aren't like that one! Holy cow! How did you control yourself? -Jenn

  12. What a glorious weekend. Is Charles St. in Beacon Hill? Sounds familiar. I HAVE to get back to Boston -- it's been too long!

    Home Sense -- Like Jenn mentioned, I only know the ones in Ontario. I'll have to google to see if there are any closer to home because this is SO my store!

  13. That Home Sense...wow! Shopping paradise! We loved Charles Street when we visited Boston this summer. Perfectly charming!

  14. So glad you had a lovely weekend with #2! She's your clone.

    I'll have to check out the HomeSense. Looks wonderful.

  15. Glad you had such a fun weekend. #2 is as cute as her mom!!! Eager to see your beautiful fall touches at your home. I know it is gorgeous!!! I put mums out by the front door, but one is already wilted. ;-( Need to get a replacement!
    See you soon!!!!

  16. It's always a bummer, isn't it, when the kiddies come home and announce, "I have to work!" What? Such is life these days, though. Two seconds into the post, I am salivating over the "chocolate hazelnut twist", and then you show me the copper! I don't think my heart can take any more of this wonderfulness. I think I need to move up there. We don't have Tartte and Home Sense here. Boo hiss.

  17. My grown kids are my favorite house guests!
    Tatte looks yummy - reminds me of Flour in the same area.
    Great selection and prices in Home Sense. I wonder how many Home Sense stores will open outside of MA?
    Enjoy the warm weather this week.

  18. Bittersweet for your #2 to have to leave. I hope she's enjoying her new city, job and life in ATL. Thanks for the virtual tour of Home Sense. I doubt if we get one anytime soon, but it'll be one I look for when leaving town. :)

  19. Hi Katie! I know you must have been in heaven having this visit with your beautiful #2...she's so, so pretty...and smart too! I would have to be shopping in that gorgeous store for home decor every day! Thank you for sharing with us!

  20. We on the West Coast don't know about Home Sense we're too busy doing yoga and ignoring carbs. I did notice a little chocolate therapy. Yum.

  21. Your weekend sounds wonderful. I have to find a Home Sense!!!!

  22. I was hoping for a before and after of Number 2's new do!!!


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