Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Saturday, December 31, 2016

Holiday in the Rear View

Happy almost New Year, dear friends!  The Mister and I have a quiet New Year's Eve planned, nibbling on steak tartare (my fave) and sipping chardonnay while watching my boyfriend, Anderson and crazy Kathy bring in the new year.  Tomorrow we are looking forward to attending a brunch in the 'hood.  

We had a great time with our girls over Christmas.  The time always goes by way too quickly when they visit.  Here are a few photos that I took while they were home. 

Sally, one of my favorite readers from the UK, sent me this beautiful live wreath along with darling earrings and a book about gardening.   I've never seen one of these wreaths before, and I just love it.  It still look great, too.

Our Santa whose middle name is naughty.
We also added a bark collar to his bling.

Little elf getting a hug from her big sissy.

I've had this ornament for about 20 years.  
I still get a kick out of it. 
The kids don't see the humor in it. 

Years ago, my #1 had a Girl Scout leader who kept her tree up all year long.  Just the thought of packing all the stuff away makes me think that she may have been on to something.

I got a great deal on this cape at JCrew right before Christmas.  The Mister told me that I look like I stepped out of Call the Midwife.  Needless to say, the Mister found an extra helping of a cold shoulder in his stocking this year.

Our #2 giving Chowdah advice on dating.

Our #1 comes home to visit Chowdah and Chili more than she does to see us!

After the girls left and we had nothing to do but stare at each other, the Mister and I started the Australian series, Offspring.  It revolves around an obstetrician and her quirky family.  There are six seasons and we have four left to look forward to.  Woohoo... who said our lives weren't exciting!

I'm almost finished reading this book and it is quite the page turner.  If you enjoy thrillers, I highly recommend this one.


The Mister and I took a couple of road trips over the holiday break.  We listened to this one in the car and really enjoyed it.  Rules of Civility is also a good read.

The problem with movies that get a lot of hype is that they seldom live up to the hype.  I enjoyed La La Land but not as much as I thought I would.  

What can I say, we were desperate.  When we walked out of the theater after seeing Office Christmas Party, the Mister mumbled there's two hours that we'll never get back.

How could we live in Massachusetts and not see Manchester By The Sea?  This film is well-written, and the acting is magnificent.  But I will tell you, this movie is a sad one and a tearjerker.  Don't see it if you've got the after holiday blues.

Speaking of after holiday blues, I found this crime scene the other day when I went to let Chowdah in.  Nobody in my family drinks beer which raises the question of the kind of crowd Chowdah has been hanging out with.  A stern talking to and a lecture about responsible drinking are on Chowdah's agenda for 2017.

I wish you all a very happy, healthy New Year.

Until next time...

Looks like Chow has been hitting the bottle again.

Monday, December 26, 2016

A Peek at Sista's Holiday Table

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and/or Hanukkah.  My girls left today for their "other" homes.  This is always the hardest day for me.  The least they could have done is stay long enough to take down the decorations and put them away!

I know that I said I wouldn't be back until the first of the year, but I couldn't help myself.  Sista sent me these pics of her Christmas table and they were so pretty I wanted to share them with you.  If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you will recall that I wrote posts about her kitchen renovation and her dining room renovation, as well.

I love these dinner napkins.  I asked Sista where she got them and she said that she found them on Amazon.  She also bought the ribbon on Amazon, as well.

I wish you all a happy, healthy new year.

Until next time...

George Clooney


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Weekend in Texas & Signing Off

Hello, dear friends.  Just arrived back from a weekend in Austin, Texas.  I was only there for three days but had a week's worth of fun.  Sista, her hubby, and their boys joined #1, Adorable Jonathon and the Mister and me on our annual trip to celebrate the holidays with my father. 

The Mister and I enjoyed breakfast with one of my favorite bloggers Sarah from Hyacinths for the Soul and her darling husband. 

My handsome nefs psyched to begin their vacation in Austin with Gramps.

Double eye candy in the house.

My Dad who will be 99 in April is still going strong.

My girl and Adorable Jonathon 

The Mister was delighted to have a bro to hang out with while the ladies shopped.

A good time had by all.


Dear Readers and fellow Bloggers...

I hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas and/or Hannukah and a happy, healthy new year.  I want to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read this silly little blog.  I have been so privileged to meet many of you in person as well as virtually, and for that, I am truly blessed.

Have fun, be safe, and I'll see you next year.



Our Christmas wish list includes better behavior in 2017!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Great Deals & A Wish

Hello, dear friends.  If you like to treat yourself to an early  Christmas/Hannukah gift, drool at the thought of a great deal, and enjoy instant gratification, this is your day.  Today, Amazon has incredible buys on Kindle Books on their Deals of the Day.  All the books are under 5 bucks, and most of them are a mere 2 buckaroos.  Needless to say, I spent the past hour perusing and downloading a few of the bargains.

My downloads...

I can't believe this one was on the list. 
By the way... love her hair.

Good deals that I have read and enjoyed ...

Just finished...

If you want to get your mind off the fact that the kids have left after the holidays and the house feels empty, I highly recommend you download this kindle book at a mere $3.99 and bury your head in this little gem of a read.  Lots of twists and turns and I couldn't put it down.


You can also get a great deal for under $100 for the reader in your life.  I bought one of these unlimited reading subscriptions for my MIL.  Don't tell her that I got 25% off!


And speaking of adult children leaving after the holidays to go back to their own nests...

Yesterday, my friend, Cindy, posted these sweet words on Facebook.  I wrote to her to ask who the author is because I wanted to request permission to post it on my blog.  Unfortunately, no one knows who wrote it. 

So if you happen to be the author, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  And #1 and #2 - please read carefully.  There will be a quiz when you get home.

My children each year ask me the same question.  After thinking about it, I decided I'd give them my real answer: What do I want for Christmas? I want you.  I want you to keep coming around, I want you to bring your friends around, I want you to ask me questions, ask my advice, tell me your problems, ask for my opinion, ask for my help.  I want you to come over and rant about your problems, rant about your life, whatever.  Tell me about your job, your worries, your spouse, your kids, your fur babies.  I want you to continue sharing your life with me.  Come over and laugh with me, or laugh at me.  I don't care.  Hearing you laugh is music to me.

I spent the better part of my life raising you the best way I knew how, and I'm not bragging, but I did a pretty darn good job.  Now, give me time to sit back and admire my work.  I'm pretty proud of it.

Raid my refrigerator, help yourself, I really don't mind.  In fact, I wouldn't want it any other way.

I want you to spend your money making a better life for you and your family, I have the things that I need.  I want to see you happy and healthy.  

When you ask me what I want for Christmas, I say "nothing" because you've already been giving me my gift all year.



Until next time...

Out in the yard less than 20 minutes and already helped himself to an ornament.

Ornaments have now joined Chowdah's list of favorite things along with balls and treats.

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