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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Last Hodgepodge of 2015

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are enjoying your week.  One of my little chickadees headed back to Texas on Monday, and my #2 leaves next week.  We took down all the indoor decorations which was bittersweet.  I'm glad the chore is done and yet the house looks so bare.  Oh well, I'll have to do some home dec shopping to put some life into it.  Every cloud has a silver lining.  Just don't tell the Mister.   

1.  Share a favorite memory/moment from the week of Christmas.

One of the moments that stick out in my mind was playing "Heads Up" during cocktail hour.  Poor Mister was not good at this game due to his lack of knowledge of pop culture and remembering names.  Needless to say, he ended up being my partner most of the time.  It's part of the wedding vows.

2.  If someone wrote a book about your life based on the past year, what genre would it fall under?  What would the title be?

It would be an autobiography entitled Diary of a Delusional Supermodel Trophy Wife and here is a sneak peek at the cover.

3.  What made you feel patriotic this year?

Every Fourth of July people in our little town meet in front of the General Store after the parade and walk down the street to our very old cemetery.  There is a small ceremony honoring all who have served in the military.  It is very touching and always makes me feel patriotic.

4.  What experience from the past year would you like to do all over again?

We are planning on going on another cruise this year because we had such a great time last year.

Another blog conference is planned with my buddy, Mo of Mocadeaux.

I hope to get together again with my friend, Kate the Great. 

I am also looking forward to spending more time with my Sista, sharing more adventures with my BFF, Anne, enjoying  more lunches with the Sudbury Sweethearts, and making another TV appearance with my partner-in-crime, Dude.

5.  What song lyric sums up or is a reflection of your 2015?

See next question for the reason for this choice.

6.  On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate 2015?  (10 = stellar)  Why?

Any year that my family is happy and healthy gets a stellar "10" from me. 

7.  What part of the upcoming year are you most excited about?

I am excited to see our #2 daughter graduate from college this year.  She has worked very hard and has a bright future ahead of her. 

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

We watched the Call the Midwife Holiday Special.  I laughed and shed some tears.  The show set some groundwork for this year's story line and introduced us to some new characters.   If you haven't hopped onto the Call the Midwife bandwagon, I highly recommend that you do.  

What are you excited about in 2016?

Until next time...

"Kevin" in a costume depicting Call the Midwife to raise money for the Stroke Association. 

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Stockings are Stuffed, Table is Set

Hello, dear friends.  I know that I said that I was not going to post until the new year, but I'm ahead of myself so I decided to do a little Christmas pop-in.  I just finished setting the table and took a few pics before things got crazy.  

I hope all is going well with you and you have a few minutes to put your feet up and relax.  You can dream, right?  

I wanted to put something little at each table setting and found these at Crate & Barrel.

Enjoy your Christmas!

Until next time...

My trusty elves taking a break.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Christmas in the Kitchen and Den

Hello, dear friends.  I hope all is well on the holiday preparation front.  I finally finished decorating and wrapping yesterday.  Actually, it was pretty simple since the only thing that my daughters wanted was some yuletide cashola.

If you have been reading my blog for awhile, you know my style of holiday decorating.  I call it minimalist - some people would refer to it as lazy-ist.  Whatever.

Remember my boxwood wreaths from last year's holiday decorating?  Well, I liked them so much, I kept them up all year round.  I put a little greenery and sparklies in the windows this year and called it a day.  

I'm exhausted.  I don't know how I do it.

Next stop is the den.    

I'd really like to impress you by saying that I made those trees.  But Santa is watching and I want to get some good stuff this year.

To the left, you will see our version of Elf on the Shelf.  I bought these little elves in Florida many years ago.  

I usually dress the mantel with a garland and ornaments.  But this year, I decided that I didn't want to burn one precious calorie picking up pine needles. 

I finally decided to put some cypress trees in the copper wine cooler and tie a red bow around it.  Everything looks better with a red ribbon tied around it, including me.

I bought these stockings a few years before Pierre Deux closed.  I really miss that beautiful store.

I had some paperwhites on this table.  Unfortunately, they are taking their time making an appearance, so I bought this beautiful topiary at the nursery yesterday.  Hopefully, my paperwhites will join us by Easter.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from my family to yours.  

When I count my blessings this year, you all are on the top of my list.  Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, leaving comments, and writing me encouraging notes.  I am touched by all of your kind gestures.

See you next year.

Until next time...

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Festive Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  How's your week going?  Mine is going great.  I shopped 'til I dropped yesterday.  Please don't ask if I got anything for anyone besides myself.  I will take the fifth.  Is it my fault that the stores are having unbelievable sales?  The bad news is I lost my prescription sunglasses.  The good news is they were found at JJill so I get to go back to the mall today!

1.  What is your biggest "first world" problem?

My biggest "first world" problem at this time is to lose 10 lbs. by Christmas.  I only have 10 to go.

2.  Each year Time Magazine names a "Person of the Year", someone who has for better or worse... done the most to influence the events of the year.  It was recently announced they've named Angela Merkel Person of the Year for 2015.  You can read more about this year's selection here.  Your thoughts?  If you were in charge, who would you declare Person of the year?

Pope Francis was named Time's Person of the Year in 2013.  If I had been in charge this year, I would have awarded it to him again for all of his efforts in re-branding the Catholic Church and spreading love and tolerance throughout the world in his signature humble way.

4.  Do you make an extra effort to  give back in some way during the holiday season?  How do you encourage those who need encouragement this time of year?

The Mister and I do make an extra effort to give back during the holiday season.  I do not encourage other people - I don't feel it is any of my business.  

5.  Who is your favorite person to shop for?  Why?

I have two favorites to shop for and I will tell you my reasoning.  Chowdah and Chili never complain about the choice of the gift, they don't care that it's not gift wrapped, and they never ask for the receipt so that they can return it for the money.

Chow and Chil are always delighted with whatever I give them and never forget to thank me with licks and kisses. 

6.  What's the last delicious thing you ate?

The last delicious thing that I ate was in NYC when I had steak tartare.  I've been dreaming of it ever since.

7. The best way to spread Christmas cheer is _____________.

The best way to to spread Christmas cheer is to be polite and respectful of others.  If that doesn't work, help yourself to a few extra helpings of some spiked egg nog.

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

Remember the days when the Salvation Army bell ringers did their thing with a bored look on their faces?  No longer!  Not in NYC.  The new ones have a boom box and plenty of holiday spirit.  They're the best show in town!

What's your biggest "first world " problem?

Until next time...

Monday, December 14, 2015

Scenes from a Holiday Fair

Good morning, dear friends.  The Mister and I spent the weekend in the Big Apple in sixty-degree weather.  I took lots of photos to bore you with and I will post them soon.  

A few weeks ago, I dragged the Mister to the Annual Christmas Market at the World Trade Center.  I made many promises of cookies and a sumptuous lunch to follow.   

Usually, we get to these fairs as they open and it has yet to get crowded.  We couldn't do it this time though due to the pups' beauty appointment.  It was packed with anxiety-ridden, hyper women pushing ankle aiming strollers.  I thought I would have to medicate the Mister.   

I had never seen this booth before.  They had lots of unique items.  Love this switch plate.

I tried to strike up a conversation with these handsome guys but they were on the quiet side.

It was great to see my buddies, Anne and Debbie from Fudge Everything!  Their sauce is beyond delicious.  

The Mister can spot a cookie counter within 5 miles. 

I met the lovely couple behind this counter last year.  She makes the prettiest tassells.

Cute idea.  Even I could make these!  Maybe.

Look at this girl on the right.  She's picturing herself being the belle of the ball in her new fascinator on New Year's Eve.

We headed over to Boston - Legal Harborside for a couple of lobstah rolls. 

We sat at this bar so we could enjoy the water.

What a great way to end the day!

Until next time...

I would give my right arm for those eyelashes!

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