I did some research and put together a list of some fun hostess gift suggestions for the holidays. Obviously, the monogrammed ones will not be ready in time for your Thanksgiving hostess but if you put your order in now - a monogrammed gift should make the perfect statement for the holiday season.
10 Bartender tools in one sleek design!!
Who needs a man when you have one of these!!
Love the shape of this carafe.
Maybe because it's shaped like me.
This would be cute with a book of Bloody Mary recipes. Everyone can use a little help the day after the big holiday!
This is so cute... "this is where our story begins..." Better yet... "this is where my journey to Weight Watchers begins..."
The Enchanted Home
One of my favorite bloggers in the whole world is Tina from The Enchanted Home. I have followed this gorgeous blog chronicling the construction and decorating of her awe-inspiring home since day one. Tina has impeccable taste. Another wonderful thing about The Enchanted Home is the fact that she also has a shop online. The treasured items are offered at a lower price than you would find in the stores.
I think this soap set is so elegant and such a treat for a hostess. Of course if I had these sumptuous soaps in my guest bath, I would have to write a big sign to remind my family: FOR GUESTS ONLY!
The Enchanted Home
Another fabulous gift to spoil your hostess.
If you are interested in ordering from The Enchanted Home's shop, you've got to act quickly; it closes for the holidays on December 15th!
A blackboard table runner. Could be used for a number of things, like drawing a pic of Grandpa after he falls asleep at the table.
Love the cover, love the subject!
Great to put flowers in for the hostess. I like this pitcher so much I think I would be an Indian giver and ask for it back. She's welcomed to keep the flowers.
The Mocubo is a one stop chop. Guaranteed to change your cooking game. Given the OCD tendencies of the Mister ... he would probably love this. "A place for everything, and everything in its place," the Mister's mantra.
The Grill Wrangler is tongs, spatula, and fork all in one!
Great gift - great packaging. Green thumb not included.
Brie warmer. What hostess wouldn't love this idea?

For the furry children in the hostess' family.
Love these bowls!!
This book makes a great gift. I won this from another one of my favorite blogs You May Be Wandering. The Mister enjoys this book as much as I do.
Gosh, I love this lady. The photos are as great as the recipes. And I love the name of the book - Foolproof. Obviously, Ina hasn't met moi.
Hope this week is filled with lots of laughs and much love!
Sista on a hike with 12 year old Mr. Max; one of her 4 thankful rescues.