Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Monday, March 18, 2013


The Mister and I went to the most darling movie on Saturday.  It was "my pick" by the way; the Mister likes to keep a tally of hits and misses that we each choose.  Quartet was a big hit in my book.  

Quartet was directed by Dustin Hoffman.  The plot centers around an enchanting retirement home for gifted musicians.  The "home" and its grounds are breathtaking and give Downton Abbey a run for its money.  If I knew this place was in my future, I would reserve my room now.

The movie focuses on four main characters that were former Opera stars.  I don't want to give too much away but I will tell you the film is filled with fabulous music, laugh-out-loud moments, and a tender love story. 

I truly expected my idol to steal the movie, but she did not.  Maggie Smith was positively magnificent, but she also was professional enough to allow the rest of the quartet to shine.

Tom Courteney was so handsome and charming in his role of 

Pauline Collins was utterly endearing in the role of Sissy, a sweet woman who was in the midst of dealing with the beginning stages of Alzheimers.

And Billy Connelly...  this guy totally won my heart.  Good bye George Clooney...  hellooo Billy Connelly.

The supporting cast was made up of actual musical stars from the past.  If you see this movie - stay for the credits.  It shows each of the supporting actors in their "heyday" along side of a present picture and short bio.  That put the frosting on the cake of this beautiful movie for me. 
Even the Mister enjoyed Quartet, which is really something considering there is no shooting, spying, bloodshed, fancy cars, or crazy stunts in it.

Hope your Tuesday is filled with music to your ears!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Sounds like my kind of movie! I love anything musical!

  2. I really want to see it and the minute I saw the previews...I knew my parents would love it too. In fact I think they went to see it today..have to ask! Glad you enjoyed it, its so nice AND REFRESHING to see a quality movie, there are sooo few out there!

  3. Sounds like a great movie to see. Just wanted to let you know you are a "no-reply" on the comments, so I couldn't respond to your recent comments on my blog. Just wanted you to know I'm not ignoring you, just can't reach you.

  4. I have been dying to see this movie! I'm so happy to see someone talking about it!


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