Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, March 14, 2025

The Friday Files


I hope that all is well in your world.  Yesterday, the Mister and I crossed some errands off the list and had a nice lunch at PF Changs. Nobody loves Chinese food more than the Mister.  

By the way, thank you all for your lovely comments on the Mister's recipe post.  It worked.  He agreed to do some more recipe posts.

Wednesday, I had a lovely lunch with my pals, Miss Deb and Madonna.  It is always a guaranteed good time when we get together. 

Old meets new in this gorgeous Buckhead home designed by Phoebe Howard.

I would move into this charming bungalow designed by Lauren DeLoach in a second and I wouldn't change a thing.

I have been reading Modern Mrs. Darcy for years now.  Shannan debates whether it is okay to DNF a book.  Personally, I have no problem not finishing a book. 

How about you?

Have you ever wondered what your dog dreams about?

Click here for an instruction video on how to make this breathtaking flower arrangement.

NYC doormen are becoming stars thanks to social media.
Btw... I am now following @doormanstories.

Uber is extending its driverless cars program.  Would you be open to trying one?  I've driven in Austin and it's no picnic. In my humble opinion, Uber should be incorporating a defensive driving program for human drivers. 

I am a huge fan of Melissa Gould.  She wrote a best seller called Widowish. She has penned an article called A Friendship Breakup that Began the Day We Met.

We have been glued to this series.

This looks so good!



Half off!

Half off!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I probably DNF more books than I actually read! :) Hope you have a good weekend!

  2. I loved seeing this picture of my very first tennis teammates. Only 20 years ago … yikes!


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