Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Reading Between the Lines


I hope that you had a good weekend.  The  Mister and I did some errands and then had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory on Saturday.  Boy has that place ever gone downhill.  It used to be one of my favorites because it has a delicious Skinny menu. My salad was 95% lettuce. And the place is dirty.  

Now that I got that off my chest, on Sunday, we had lunch with our #2.  We went to one of my favorite restaurants, Honor Bar.  

I had the usual Macho Salad, which was music to my tastebuds.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Pillow Talk


TGIF!  I hope that you had a good week.  We have some painters here doing some outside trim work which has kept our thoroughly darlin' Millie very busy. 


We had a delightful dinner with some friends at our village's Italian restaurant.  Wine by the bottle is half-price on Tuesday nights, so if you are looking for the Mister and me on a Tuesday, you will know where to find us.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

That's Entertainment!


I hope this finds you well.  We are expecting temps in the 80s today.  Yesterday I was delighted to see a few daffodils and some pear trees blooming on my walk.


Friday, we dropped off Chowdah at #2's pad.  

We had lunch at Sadelles's.  

I had my usual delicious salmon salad.

Friday, February 17, 2023

My Favorite Job

TGIF!  I hope you had a good week.  All is well here, with the exception of the temps being a wee bit chillier than I would have liked.

I took Miss Debbie out for a belated birthday lunch to Il Bracco.  The food and service were exemplary.  We ordered an Olive Oil Sundae, my favorite dessert in the world.  

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

My Favorite Reader... The Mister


Happy Valentines Day!  We woke up to storms and a distinctive drip... drip... drip in our master bath.  The Mister, who never met a ladder he wouldn't climb, inspected the suspicious spot.  He thinks it may be a puncture in the sprinkler hose.  But we will leave the leak to the experts for a final diagnosis.

Friday, February 10, 2023

The Friday Files


Welcome to the first Friday Files of 2023. 

I hope that this post finds you well. 

We've had our share of rain this week, which means lots of muddy paw prints in the house.  Our home is also featuring the sweet scent of clammy canine. 

Monday, February 6, 2023

Prime Time

I hope that you had a good weekend.  It was lovely to see the sunshine and higher temperatures after a week of freezing rain.

The Mister and I had a lunch date with the Adorables.  They had to cancel because they were still testing positive after having Covid weeks before.  So the Mister and I got some errands done and enjoyed a nice lunch.

Friday, February 3, 2023

In My Heart ~ The One & Only


Were you wondering where I was last week?  I was at the gorgeous One & Only Palmilla resort in San Jose Del Cabo, Mexico.  I decided that some serious team building was needed in the Preppy Empty Nester Corp., so I took my team of one to Mexico.

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