Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Fall Door Decor

 Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you enjoyed your weekend.  As I mentioned in Friday's post, we celebrated our #2's birthday.  I wish I had some pics of the guest of honor, but my girl is camera-shy when it comes to her Mom's blog.  

I should have given birth to a Kardashian.

Lucky for me, I have these two.
Sometimes they even look into the camera!
But not when there is food around.

Friday, September 24, 2021

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  Did you have a good week?  All is well here.  I'm proud to say that Millie is 99% potty trained.  I don't want to say 100% because I may jinx it.  

This weekend, our #2 and Chowdah are spending the night.  It is our girl's 28th birthday on Saturday, and we asked her if she wanted us to take her out for a nice dinner.  She said that she would rather have her dear old Dad make dinner.  He couldn't be happier.  He had the menu written within minutes.

But the most excited of all of us is this little girl who loves Chow more than anything.  I can't say the feeling is mutual, but I have high hopes for some bonding moments over the weekend.

First on the docket is this beauty in Maine.

Sweet dreams are guaranteed in this gorgeous bedroom.

One of my favorite designers was at the helm of this gorgeous home in Sista's part of the woods.

Empty nesters had this magnificent manse built for them on the Rhode Island coast.

Have you ever thought of going on the Low-Carb Mediterranean Diet?  

Here's a 30-day meal plan

Two words:

Oh yummmm.

Are you a fan of Mindy Kaling?

She was asked who would be at her dream dinner party?

She only wants one person.

I think that he's a great choice.

Who would be on your guest list?

Are you a fan of Ted Lasso?
I love the show.
Here's the inside scoop on how to make his famous biscuits.

I tried this hair cleansing hack and it didn't work for me.

Attention animal lovers!

I read this article over the Summer and it made me smile. 

Attn:  #1 and #2
Since you won't listen to your Mother, the least you can do is read this article.

Are you a fan of The Sopranos?

I am.

I can't wait to see this.

Call The Midwife will be back next month!
Read all about it right here.
Btw... I love this outfit.

I preordered this.
I can't wait.

My favorite detective duo will be back with their final season.

The trailer looks pretty good.

Not sure I'll be blogging next month -too much TV to catch up on!

The first episode has aired.
Are you watching?

I am listening to and enjoying this historical novel.

I just started reading my pick from Amazon First Reads.

Guess who is collaborating with H&M?

Have a good weekend!

Until next time...

The perfect weight for this time of year.

I picked up a few more of these for my walks.

I have this cotton sweater in every color.

They wash well and don't pill.

 Extra savings on sale merch!

Cute stocking stuffer at a great price!

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