Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Prime Time


Hello, dear friends.  Did you have a good weekend?  We had our walk-through on Sunday evening, and all went well. We closed yesterday, and the floor guys put in a good eight hours.  The only hiccup of the day was the internet installation.  The techs are going to try again today.  Does anyone have Spectrum out there?  Do you like it?   

Today, I am linking up with my buddy, Tanya, from The Other Side of the Road, who hosts Prime Purchases every month.

My Orders

I bought these to pack away the heavy sweaters.
I'm not going to miss them.

A fellow blogger did an Instastory displaying her incredibly organized fridge. I became mesmerized and immediately ordered these containers.
The Mister will be so excited!

I ordered this for under the sink.

I've never seen one of these.
I have a ton of tee shirts, and I going to give one of these a whirl.


My favorite concealer.
I can get the perfect coverage by mixing the two colors.
It lasts forever too.

I've gotta get my glow.
It's going to be in the 80s today!

My old stand by.

I go through these like crazy.

A reorder of my best-bang-for-my-buck body cream.

I don't know how I lose things in the teeny-tiny apartment, but I do.
I had to order another one of these.

How have you changed after the Pandemic?
I used to make a list of all the little stuff I need at CVS and then proceed to forget to take it with me.  Now, I just order most of the stuff on Amazon. 

We've had our coin sorter for about ten years.  It finally petered out, and you can tell by all the loose change around our nest.

I finally gave in and ordered a case of this mix.
They are always out of it at the stores.


I ordered one of these for all the bathrooms at the house.

It's that time of year again.

Can you tell that I suffer from Texas allergies?
By the way... when I get my allergy only one of my eyes itch.
Anybody else have that?

After our flood, we moved from our first-floor apartment with a yard to the fourth floor with a small terrace.  We bought this little patch of grass for our Chili and it's working out great.

The Mister's Orders

The Mister bought these "work" gloves for the move.
What can I say?
He spoils me rotten.

One of the first things the Mister does when we move into a not-so-new apartment/house is clean the drains.


Hmmm... and I thought his pearly whites were natural.

These are great for moving furniture.


This was the best investment for our apartment.
Number 2 had one.
It was so nice to air out our little pad.


I'll keep you posted on how we like it.

Did you know that you can order services through Amazon?
We are having a tech come out to hang the TV over the fireplace.

The Mister says he is going to install this himself.
Between you and me, I don't have a lot of confidence.

Until next time...


I'm going to miss these hydrangeas.

Linking up with:

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Congratulations on the closing! Good luck with cable. We ordered a smart frame too! Our fireplace demos stalled with a backorder of the stone. So every piece of furniture is on towels or coasters until the baseboards get done (the last thing). My hubs bought these fancy furniture gliders at depot, I opened them and you have to pre-drill. The links in your post are not working on my end. My cable is slow so it might be on my end. Maybe I need the cable guy! And Bloglovin is still avoiding me ;0) Happy Tuesday Katie. PS Everytime i mention you as "preppy empty nester Katie," my husband says, "that is a great blog name."

  2. PS I am going to sign him up for your newsletter ;0)

  3. Congrats on the new house! So glad all went well with the closing. We have Spectrum for internet only and while I don't love them they are pretty much the only internet provider around; well, the only one that allows us to actually stream services and all use the internet at once. We rarely have any problems with our service and the speeds are so much faster than our old provider.

  4. Congrats on CLOSING DAY!!!!! So happy for you guys! I added that body cream to my wishlist after you shared it last time. And yesterday I ordered that Weleda Cream. Are you liking it??

  5. Congratulations on your new home! We have Spectrum for cable, internet, and landline. I like it that if our equipment fails (DVR boxes) we can just toodle down the road to the Spectrum store to swap it out ourselves. I can't say we love Spectrum but I didn't want that ugly dish on my house and that was our only alternative. We have a whole house house DVR but the only box we can program on is our main DVR box which is a pain. I guess with so many people streaming everything we are a dinosaur with our DVR. Not sure how important this is to you but Spectrum does promotions instead of contracts. So when your promotion runs out, you have to call to ask for a new one. Otherwise, they will let you happily continue paying the non promotion increase. Good luck!

  6. Katie,
    Congratulations! I look forward to seeing you and the Mister in your new home. Spectrum. We use Spectrum for our cable and Internet access. My husband gets in a huff every six months and says he is going to find a different provider. We have been customers for years. I appreciate your shopping recommendations. Enjoy the Texas sunshine. It is Chamber of Commerce weather here.

    1. Hi Maxine! It sounds like our hubbies went to the same school. Have a great weekend.

  7. Katie,
    Congratulations! I look forward to seeing you and the Mister in your new home. Spectrum. We use Spectrum for our cable and Internet access. My husband gets in a huff every six months and says he is going to find a different provider. We have been customers for years. I appreciate your shopping recommendations. Enjoy the Texas sunshine. It is Chamber of Commerce weather here.

  8. Congrats on closing! I love that under the sink drawer, and the packing cubes- that's a really great price for all 3. Looking forward to hearing how you like the t-shirt stackable folders!

  9. Congratulations! You have a house again -- and I can't wait to see it! We have Spectrum at the cottage and so far, it has been fine. I just have them for lake internet but my cousin has it for cable too, and they've never had problems. Good luck!

  10. Spectrum. Ugh. It is our only option here. The service is okay but technical support is sometimes lacking. I always enjoy seeing what goodies you have to share with us and I always go back to check out a few of them! Thanks!! xo

  11. Congratulations on your closing! Looking forward to a tour of the new casa. We have had the SimpliSafe system for several years and love it. We know it works because the Urban Farmer was making waffles, they smoked quite a bit and before we knew it, the fire department was at our house. Another incident involved the dogs. We set the alarm to AWAY and didn't secure the dogs' gate for their little "apartment". They set off a sensor and we came home to a policeman scoping our place for bad guys. The only thing we wished we had done at the time of installation was to give each sensor a tag of some sort and enter it into the computer. That way we would know which sensor has a weak or bad battery. I like the fact that there aren't wires snaking everywhere.

    1. Thanks for the tip on tagging the sensor! Have a great weekend, Donna.

  12. congrats on the closing! I can't wait to see pictures after you get everything settled!! I think I've told you this before but I've ordered so many things from your recommendations!!

  13. I'm excited to see your future makeovers of the new house! I bought a house in a 55+ community and am planning some makeovers, but I'll wait and see what you do as I might want to copy.

  14. Congratulations on your new home! I can't wait to hear more details! I knew you were in Texas when I saw the mosquito spray and allergy products. Ha, ha! Great finds this month, as usual! Thanks for linking up with Prime Purchases! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  15. I see I'm going to be placing an order today with Amazon. To answer your question, YES, we have changed a lot in the way we do things here. Amazon is our go to now, for almost everything except bread and milk. One item that won't be on my list I already have, Jergens Glow. I can't imagine facing summer without it!
    I appreciate your Prime lists, you always find great useful items. Congratulations on the house closing, let the "fun" begin......Happy week.

  16. PS The links work ;0) the first two are in my cart! Need to stagger the purchase from yesterday's haul! xo xo laura

  17. Well, I have those awesome plastic caddies throughout my pantry but have never even thought of using them in the frig as well. Think I'll give that a try as well. And, the under the sink shelf, gotta have that as well. Those furniture movers are the "cat's meow" for sure and I had no idea Amazon offered services. Amazon just makes life wayyyy tooooo easy. Thanks for all the great ideas!

  18. How I adore Amazon! I have a running list and then I set aside time to order to my heart's content. I saw a few things here that I'm going to add to my list!

    Can't wait to see pics of your new digs!


  19. just a hint.....Highland area?? Turtle Creek??? or did you say McKinney? Plano?
    dying to know!!! Oh...and as usual, I've ordered many things from your list. Amazon loves it when you post your faves!!! Cuz we spend all our moo-la!!

  20. You might try Mosquito Authority. They come and spray everything 3weeks. Safe fire everyone, including pets.

  21. That under the sink organizer looks awesome. I love the coin sorter too. My parents keep theirs in an old jug. HAH


  22. Thank you for the ideas, I'm going to have to a few of them a try. Thank you for sharing on the Classy Flamingos blog party.

  23. Those furniture pads are everything ... I can't believe I lived without them the half of my life! See the things that get me excited?! The back hand lotion thingie is pretty cool too. Congrats on closing! Woo hoo ... now the fun begins. Never used Spectrum ... we're in a committed relationship with Comcast. It's an abuse relationship, but still we stay. Sigh. I'm so excited for you ... and for me to watch you decorate your new house. Yay! xo


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