Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, September 28, 2020

The Mister's Favorite Things


Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you enjoyed your weekend.  The Mister and I caught up on some errands and went out for a nice lunch yesterday.  The rest of our time, as you can well imagine, has been taken up by packing.  I found the tediousness of the task is a lot more bearable if I can listen to a good book or catch up with the Real Housewives.

Today we have a guest post written by the one and only Mister.  I have asked bribed all of my family members to write a Favorite Things post.  So you will be seeing them soon.  Hopefully.

Without further ado... I will pass you over to my first husband.

Hi Everyone.  Whatever Katie wants... Katie gets.

Here are a few of my favorite things.


I bought this "toy" for Chowdah to give our #2 for her birthday. 

Rumor has it... he loves it, and she does too.

A necessity these days.
When I sent Katie the link to let her know that I ordered masks, she asked if the guy comes with them.
For 30 years, I have been putting up with those smart-a#$ remarks. 

These are one type of an assortment of my Happy Hour treats.
Katie claims she doesn't like them, so I guess Chili has been helping herself.
Katie's diet philosophy is if she sneaks something - it is calorie-free.

I may not have a lot of hair left, but what I do have stays in place with this non-sticky, fragrance-free hair spray. 

My allergies have been miserable lately.  
I carry one of these in my pocket, which does the trick.

My #1 and my favorite son-in-law gave me a pair of these shoes, and they are the most comfortable shoes in the world. 


The Newlyweds were also the ones that turned me on to my other favorite shoes.

I like this lemonade better than Katie's because it has electrolytes.
Plus, mine is calorie-free and Katie's has a whole ten calories.
I remind her of that every chance I get.

I drink this every morning in my coffee after I work out. 
It keeps me full until lunchtime.  

I bought these for Katie years ago because she couldn't find a pair of earphones that were comfortable.  She loves them.
I like my Air Pods, but prefer these for my workouts.

I talk about this little key gadget every time I do one of these posts.  I can't stand the feeling of having keys jingling in my pocket.  This little key cage is compact and comfortable to carry.

No doubt about it, Katie and I both agree that this battery-operated Salt and Pepper Grinder Set was our favorite buy of the Summer.  Not only do they work well, but they also throw light on your food. They need to get these for all those dimly-lit romantic restaurants that Katie likes to frequent. 

Since our first year of marriage, I have always included a subscription to Katie's favorite hard news magazine in her stocking.

Don't listen to her if she tells you that I'm the first one to skim it.

I recently purchased a new phone, and I usually buy the same case because it is thin and is of good quality for the price.

I am very pleased with this new shaving kit.
A man can never have too many gadgets.

Needless to say, I have been spending most of my time when not packing, doing paint touch-ups.  This roller is the perfect size for small jobs.

Katie likes crosswords and I prefer Sodoku.
Can this marriage be saved?

If you need a knife sharpener, this one is great.

It was time for a new pizza cutter.

I leave this marble cutting board out all the time because it blends in with our countertops.

For someone who has OCD tendencies such as myself, sometimes it's the little things in life that bring joy.  I bought a few of these and love them.

My go-to for all of my fish dishes.

We are using these stickers to mark what is staying with the house and what is going.

These stickers will be lifesavers when we arrive at our new home.

I ordered this electric kettle for our temporary quarters so Katie can have her tea at a moment's notice.
Otherwise, Katie gets very crabby.

She looks a lot like this lady.

Thanks, Mister! 
Great job.

Until next time...

Linking up with:

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Love it! Your Mister has a great sense of humor.

  2. Thanks for stepping up to the bat Mister!! Lots of good ideas on things for my hubby for Christmas as he is hard to buy for and even more so as we get older and we both have most of what we want!! That Tea Kettle is a must for every home. I got one a year ago and what a difference it makes for tea and in cooking as well. Instant hot water.

  3. Mister nailed it! Such fun finds, many which I can see my own Mister enjoying as well or will be added to my Christmas list for him AND for me, lol.

  4. I love seeing lists of favorites from real people. Lots of interesting items here that I need to look up! I just ordered another new Sudoku book last night. :) The sugar dispenser looks amazing. Thanks for sharing all of these.

  5. Love his sense of humor and all the recommendations!

  6. You and the Mister have the same sense of humor. Thank you for the recommendations and a few giggles.

  7. You and the Mister have the same sense of humor. Thank you for the recommendations and a few giggles.

  8. Such a fun idea to get everyone to share their faves....kudos that you got him to share!

  9. Always fun!! I'm going to check out a few of those things!

  10. You two must have a ball together! Same tongue in cheek jokesters! Love the products, as a foodie, I really want that knife sharpener and the S&P mills.

    Good luck with all that packing! Quick question--do you have past ties with Texas? You've always seemed like multi-generational New Englanders!


  11. Wow - so many good ideas from the Mister! I will add a couple to the Amazon cart I started this weekend. (I smiled every time he called you Katie.)

  12. That was fun- and I loved his personality along the way. :)

  13. Love this post and look forward to the coming ones from other family members. You often share what a great cook the Mister is...could he please share his favorite pans, kitchen gadgets, baking pans, etc....Its time to replace some items in my kitchen. Thanks.


    GOOD LUCK with all THE PACKING............
    CALIFORNIA is on FIRE good thing you are not coming WEST!
    NEXT will be the BIG EARTHQUAKE!

  15. That mister knows his stuff!! We own an ooni pizza oven thanks to his suggestion. Our knives are always dull. I think I will order one of those sharpeners asap!!

  16. Thanks Mister! Learning more about Katie :) with family guests posts and look forward to more. You have great taste, such good finds.........Good luck with your packing

  17. Great tips! Thanks Mister! ALways like his favorites and usually find something for my foodie son for his bday or xmas from his list!

  18. Very fun products and of course your sense of humor.

  19. Whenever the Mister posts I hesitate to forward it to my mister ... he complains about my shopping habit but since we’ve been quarantining together I notice he’s giving me a run for my (his 😳) money. xo

  20. This is a fantastic list! I’ve already made purchases! Thank you!

  21. This post certainly made Santa's shopping easy this year. The salt and pepper mills and the shoes will be under the tree, but only if a certain fella makes the nice list.

    I have ordered the lemonade and pantry containers for moi!

    Annie G.


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