Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

My Favorite Things

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you had a good weekend.  Ours was fun for a couple of reasons.  We went out for a socially-distant dinner with dear friends on Friday night.  And the couple that bought our house came over for a few hours on Saturday morning.  The Mister gave them the nickel tour on how things worked in the house.  The Couple is darling and brought along one set of parents and one precious Bernidoodle pup named Jake.

The future homeowners are so excited to move into the house.  They have great plans for their new home.  They are having a chicken coop made to be an exact replica of the barn.  They promised to text me a pic.

The movers arrive early next week.  The Mister has mapped out our route to the Lone Star State and made the hotel reservations for along the way.  I am in charge of picking out the audiobooks. This one will be first on the docket.

We will be staying in an apartment until we find a house.  
Or shall I say... until we agree on a house.

I'm afraid my posts will be spotty at best for the next few weeks.  
I will do my best to post on Instagram.

I haven't done a Favorite Things post since last Spring.  The Mister and our #2 have done one, and my #1 and my favorite SIL are working on theirs. 

Without further ado, here are my favorite things.

It never fails.  I always have to show my face in public a few days before  I have an appointment to have my roots done.  I usually use the  Clairol touch-up but found myself under a time crunch.  I ran into Sally's, and the salesperson recommended this spray. It instantly covered my grey in my part and around my face and stayed fresh for the full day.


I used one of these towelettes to take off any residue that I got on my skin. 

I forgot my earrings last week in Newport, so I ran into one of my favorite stores and picked up this pair.  
They are the perfect size and color.  

I also put a few things on my Christmas list.

When my buddy Andy Cohen got back after his Covid bout, he said that his doctor told him that the single most important thing that you should have in your medicine cabinet is a tool to measure your blood oxygen level. 
I bought this one because of the reviews.
Hope that I won't have to use it.

When this nightmare of a pandemic began, I decided to upgrade my thermometer to a digital.

Hope I don't have to use this one either.

I bought another one of these for the apartment.

These are great for quick dusting jobs before house showings.

Before we put the house on the market, we used this to polish up our chandeliers and bell jar lighting. 

It is so user friendly and works wonders!

I need 3.25 readers, and that strength is hard to find.
I was lucky when I found these cute, chunky, inexpensive glasses. 

The bigger the glasses... the smaller the hips.
Feel free to quote me.

When my allergies hit, it usually only affects one eye.
Who knows why.
These drops take the itch out instantly.

I ordered a couple more of these since it looks like I'll be doing my walking in much warmer weather.

I wish I looked this good in them.

I'm going to need some tanned legs if I'm going to be wearing shorts and skorts again.

And my legs have to match my face!!
Plus, this has sunscreen.

I usually wear the innersoles made by New Balance.  Amazon was out of them, so I tried these.  They worked just as well for practically half the price.

I used this product during quarantine when I was doing my own nails, and I thought it worked well.

Amazon was out of my favorite moisturizer for a while, so now I know to order multipacks.  

These toothpaste squeezers are the best.
I bought a few for a couple of my doubting friends.

I just ordered another set of my favorite sheets for our temporary love nest.

This comforter is a great price, light enough for warm nights, and is oversized.  
It is perfect for someone who sleeps with a cover hogger. 
I'm not naming any names, Mister.

Take it from me... these are the best.
Salad dressings are a lot of calories.
My store doesn't carry it anymore, so I now have to order it. 
Have I told you that I am down 2 more lbs.?
I hate to brag...

Our grocery stores cannot keep this stuff in stock, so I have to order it.
I guess everybody is making WW 1-point muffins.

These will be my snack du jour on our road trip.
I said my snack.
The Mister prefers more nutritious foods like Kettle Chips and Nutter Butters.
* Insert eye roll.

I ordered this mat in white for my bathroom.  
It is a bright white, which I love, and remains that way after several washings. 
It has a firm grip on the floor, so it won't slip when I get up in the middle of the night with one eye open.
I ordered a couple for the apartment.

Sometimes I write posts and book reviews freehand, so I bought one of these to hold my mess of papers.

Of course, I had to order a couple more of these for the apartment, so I can eat my WW muffins and keep those two lbs. off.

My afternoon tea is not nearly as sweet without this.

The Mister and I pop these every morning and night.
Added bonus:  they are delish!

I've been using this serum every since my #2 gave it to me.
It definitely brightens the skin and smells great.

I have two friends that are absolutely crazy about this hand soap.
I finally gave in and bought some.
Now I get it.
It doesn't dry my dishwater hands out.

I've become a big fan of the mascara/primer in one.

Our little Chili needs her Prozac wrapped in one of these pockets on a daily basis.

I have been listening to a lot of books while packing.
Here are a few of my faves.

This is a fast-paced thriller about the kidnapping of a Governor's daughter.  I was listening to it last week during the chaos in Michigan.

This was my first Mark Levy book but not my last.
This is the darling story of an elevator operator and the lovable tenants in an old apartment building on Fifth Avenue in NYC.
I recently downloaded two more of his books.

Lucky for me, I liked the book as much as the cover. 

If you relish a well-written true crime story, this book is for you.
I listened to it in one day.
That's a lot of packing!

I am reading this beautifully written book about a woman who signs away her Downs Syndrome infant at birth.  

It must have to do with my Catholic school background, but I can't get enough navy blazers.  I recently bought this one and have already gotten a lot of wear out of it.

I now have these in every color.
I love that there are no bulky zippers under my tops.
I call these jeans my pull-ups.

I could barely contain my excitement when I got this shirt for 40% off.

As far as I'm concerned, a woman can never have enough turtlenecks.  This one is 50%, so I got a few.
Don't tell the Mister.


I bought this vest recently and love it because it is thigh-length and very slimming.  

Great price too.

We have always counted on St. Joe to sell our houses over the years, and he has never disappointed us.

I ordered the statue, and believe it or not, the poor guy got lost in the mail.  I thought that I would have to send St. Anthony out to find him!  He finally arrived, and within 24 hours, we received the perfect offer.

I sent St. Joe to Connecticut to help sell another house.

By the way, it's Prime Day.
I have my eye on this deal, this one, and this one.

See you soon.

Until next time...


Linking up with:

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Oh, those pull up jeans look lovely. I hate zippers and all that stuff - gets in the way of shirts and just annoys me. lol


  2. I hope you have a wonderful trip to Texas. I have been reading much more these days. I read a trilogy all about Florida by Janie DeVos. I really liked them...of course, I live in Florida. I thought she did such a good job describing the state.
    I like those Talbots jeans. I may have to go try those on. I hate skinny jeans, but Talbots always fits so good. I also like the idea of jeans without a buckle not just for comfort but for no bulge where I already have bulge:)

  3. Love your tips! Best wishes for your move! How did I miss your WW muffin recipe? Can I find it somewhere? Also, the jjill vest is additional 50% off today! Happy travels!

  4. I just ordered the chandelier spray...thank you for the recommendation! Safe travels...it was quite a 3-day journey moving from Maine back to Texas....16 states..but it was a lovely long trip......I think you will love it once you are settled!

  5. Always fun!! Thanks for taking the time to do these posts (and looking forward to SIL and D#1, too). Wishing you safe travels and an easy move to your new state, as well as finding your new home quickly! I know you will keep us posted as you can!

  6. I love when you share your favorites, especially the Amazon ones. I have a WW question...I have been on the blue plan for 8 weeks and lost 18 lbs! I found muffin recipes using cake mix and a can of pumpkin for 2 points. When I put the nutrition info. into the WW app it comes up as 7 points! They are still delicious and I am not giving them up, just eats up a lot of my points. Do you follow the older WW or one of the newer color plans? Thanks!

  7. Thank you for all the recommendations, especially the books. Good luck with the drive!

  8. Always love your favorite things because they turn into my favorite things ... and keep our UPS driver in business. You've mentioned this toothpaste holder a couple of times and it cracks me up and reminds me of something I read about Prince Charles eons ago. Apparently his butler is in charge of squeezing the proper amount of toothpaste onto his brush ... assisted by a royally sealed toothpaste holder. But, I digress ... I don't envy you the move process but it sounds like you and the Mister have a plan and are ready for temporary apartment life. Quite honestly we enjoyed temporary apartment living. We felt so footloose and fancy free. That is except for two dogs that wanted to go out all the time. Anyhoo ... happy travels and we'll miss you here on the blog. See you on Insta! xo

  9. I bought the book The Editor, can't wait to delve in. You have the best recommendations. A Woman Like Her sounds very much like the Netflix series featuring well known actors, a different story in each episode. And there was one where a young girl lived in an apartment in Manhattan and the doorman watched her trials and tribulations in the dating world over the years. It was super...I wonder if it was adapted from this book. I'll be checking it out.

    Thanks for the Amazon inspos. That Prime sale has me in tears!

    Safe travels and wash your hands.😘


  10. So many great favorites. I'm kind of surprised we've never had a doctor tell us to have blood oxygen monitor at home as we've ended up in the ER a few times with problems with that a few times with our son.

  11. Congratulations on selling your home and I'm wishing you good luck in your move. You're about to start a whole new phase of your life.

  12. Lol...sending St Anthony out to find St Joe. That reminds me of a time once where my brother lost a credit card on a vacation trip, and my mother (RIP) yells, "say a gd prayer to St Anthony!" Well, I didn't get any deals on Prime but I bought myself a cordless Shark! Safe travels, my friend, and hope all goes well with the move.

  13. I think the best thing is the couple buying your home are going to love your home like you did. I loved your daughter #2 post. Will follow you on Insta for the car ride! Great idea for an audio book. laura

  14. PS Santa is bringing new thermometers for the family! And, yes I heard Andy's show on Sirius about the oxygen level "ring." We ended up buying one for a friend who got Covid! It removed alot of anxiety! laura

  15. I ordered the carpet spot cleaner that your daughter recommended and it is great! I just ordered the oxygen monitor but I sure hope I never have to use it!! Hope the move goes well!

  16. I always love your finds, especially getting close to the holidays. I'm taking notes! Enjoy your road trip to your new state, safe travels. Look forward to your IG photos since we have not being on the road for a lonnnng time. I will miss your beautiful home there, have fun shopping for the next one...........

  17. Glad St. Joe worked for you. Here's my story of success. My husband and I invested with his brothers and their wives on a shore property in an area where Wall St. types liked to by their summer places. We got a deal from an estate and planned to renovate it to flip it quickly. The market did a dive, the Wall St. folks weren't buying so we had to rent it out. When things improved , we listed it. Right away, my MIL wanted to "plant" St. Joseph We had no problem with it as did one of the brothers but we all thought the other brother would think it sacrilegious. St. Joe stayed above ground and the house stayed on the market a very long time. My MIL was impatient and and somehow clued the other brother who was surprised that the statue had not been buried already. She made sure that St. Joseph was planted as soon as she could get there. We had a contract within two weeks. I'm a believer!

  18. Hi Katie,
    A couple of questions- do the Talbot pull up jeans run true to size?
    I’ve been looking for new sheets - you said these are your favorites? Right?

  19. Oh, I know these are busy days for you but know you are excited about getting back to Texas. Love your favorites and just ordered us the blood oxygen apparatus. Hope we don't ever need it but at least we'll have it. Hope all goes smoothly for your move.

  20. Love your links but I’m running out of money!! Got the desk pad and shorts...want the long puffer vest thank goodness they are out of my size!!?? Best wishes on move, leave only sweet memories and add new old friends to your list.

  21. Awwwwww.....I just got a lil sad when I opened up your blog and realized that the beautiful house in your header won't be there once you move.....I just love the drawing that someone did for you of that home. You'll have to have another one of your new housewife house!!!!

  22. Texas' gain is Massachusetts enormous loss. You will be so missed.

    xoxoxo Annie G.

  23. Safe travels, Katie. What a wonderful new adventure and I'm looking forward to hearing about your settling and seeing what I know will be a beautiful new home.

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