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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A Birthday Full Of Surprises

Hello, dear friends.  I hope all is well in your world.  All is copacetic here. The best day of Quarantine so far occurred on Sunday because it was my birthday.  I share my birthday with the incomparable Carol Burnett. Originally, before the Big Q, the Newlyweds and my #2 were planning to surprise me for my big day.  A girl doesn't turn 40 every day!   

Late afternoon, on the big day, I was instructed to go up to my bedroom for a little while.  When I came down to the sunroom, it was decorated with birthday decor fit for a Queen.
A quarantined Queen, that is.    

Chowdah and Chili could hardly retain their excitement.

The dress code was Quarantine Casual.
It's the latest thing.

We enjoyed hors d'oeuvres and I opened my wonderful presents.

Adorable Jonathon picked this sweatshirt out for me.

After the presents were opened, my #1 handed me her phone and told me to hit the arrow. 

For those of you who have good taste and are unfamiliar with this lady, this is Sonja with a J Morgan, one of the head cases on Real Housewives of New York.  
She also happens to be my favorite housewife.

Here's my reaction.

After the Mister administered CPR on me, we feasted on a yummy dinner of steak and veggies.  Our #2 joined us via Facetime.

The cake was positively delish.  The party crew ordered it from a company in Maryland, and it arrived via FedEx just in the nick of time. 

What a fabulous birthday! 
The only thing missing was my #2. 
Can you guess what I wished for?

Be well.

Until next time...

Linked up with:

Friday, April 24, 2020

The Good, Bad, & Ugly of Quarantine

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you and your family are doing well.  Friday just doesn't seem like Friday anymore.  We had a "first" this week.  We used Instacart for our groceries.  It worked out great for us. Have you tried it?

Here is a rundown of our family life in quarantine.

Family time!

No Spanx!

No tough decisions as to what to wear.
This pretty much describes my Quarantine uniform.

bored panda

Here's a beauty tip that I just discovered.
The more distracting the face mask, the less people notice double chins.

The Mister is in his glory cooking for our guests.

Friday nights are our designated appetizer nights.
Lucky for me, Fridays coincide with my WW cheat day.

Our girl even made salmon one night.

We facetime our #2 at dinner every night.

The Mister has been a busy bee with his household upkeep chores.  He has regrouted our walk, painted the bulkhead, and cleaned all of our chandeliers and lighting fixtures.  
And that was just this morning.

Btw... this product works wonders, and it's so easy to use.

For the past 20 years, the Mister's alarm has been set for 4:00 AM on weekdays so that he can work out.  Since his furlough,
we sleep in until 6:00AM. 
I'm waiting for those extra hours of beauty sleep to kick in.


I have lots of quality reading time.
This is my first 5-star read of the quarantine.

Virtual Happy Hours with the Adorables!
Btw, Adorable Michael reset his background to a picture of our house and then asked us why we weren't answering the doorbell. 

We would never have given Outlander a chance if it weren't for all the time we had on our hands.  
It doesn't hurt that it also offers some teachable moments for the Mister.

Wine and grocery deliveries!!!
We used Instacart this week, and it worked out great.

I love checking out all the stars' homes in the background.

At times, the National News is very entertaining.

Missing my Dallas girl.

For the most part, the National News is terrifying.

Toilet paper hoarders!

I miss going to restaurants.

Within a half-hour of the breaking news naming another symptom of the virus, I soon develop it.
It's not easy being a hypochondriac!

The Mister is not a vain man.
Correction:  the Mister was not a vain man.
Now that he has grown a beard, he cannot pass a mirror without stealing a glance.

My acrylic nails are a disaster.  
I'm afraid of removing them. 
I haven't seen my real nails in fifteen years.
Lucky for me, gloves are back in vogue.

Although I had a good stash of root stuff, my hair is still a mess.

I've had recurring nightmares of attempting to put on a pair of jeans.

My buddy, Kathy, sent this to me.
This is how I feel every day of my life.

I would love to hear your thoughts on quarantine.

Be well.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Quietude and Survival

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you and your families are healthy and hanging in there.  All is well here.  This week is targeted as Boston's peak for the virus, so we are keeping our masked heads down and our powder dry.

Today I am linking up with my friend Joyce for Hodgepodge. She writes the hard-hitting questions and bloggers link up to answer them.

What's something you resolved to do this year? 
Have you done it?

I resolved to spend more time at home.
Yup, I think I nailed it.

I also resolved to take my wardrobe accessories up a notch.
I hit this one out of the park.

Can you spell o-v-e-r-a-c-h-i-e-v-e-r?

Where do you go to find quietude?

I call my daily walk my mood elevator.
I start out strolling.

By the time I turn into my driveway, I am on top of the world.
* If you are new to my blog, yes, that is me.

A friend asked this question on her Facebook page and said I could borrow it for the Hodgepodge...you're only allowed to buy 5 things at the grocery store, and all must start with the first letter of your first name. Whatcha' buying?

 The television show Survivor, the Gloria Gaynor song 'I Will Survive,' survival mode, survival of the fittest...pick one and discuss.

I'll have what she's having.

Share a favorite quote or saying about strength.

Insert your own random thought here.

My old high school bud, Bethe, sent me this.

Be well.

Until next time...

Link up with:
Your Whyms Wednesday
Keep In Touch
Wonderful Wednesday
A Little Bit of Everything
Party In Your PJs
Wonderful Wednesday
Wonderful Wednesday
Is This Mutton?
Keep In Touch
Classy Flamingos

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