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Thursday, January 2, 2020

My Holiday In Pictures

Hello, dear friends.  Happy New Year!  I hope that you enjoyed your holiday.  Ours was very busy but lots of fun.  I'm happy to report that we were also blessed with great weather.  By that, I mean great by New England standards.

This is the first year that our #1 was not with us for Christmas.  We missed her very much, as well as her adorable hubby.  But we knew that they were in good hands with her lovely inlaws in the great state of Texas.  It also eased our pain considerably, knowing that we would see the newlyweds in a few days.

We had a wonderful time with our #2.  She travels a great deal for her job, so she appreciated the time to relax and take it easy.

Chowdah did not want to take his eyes off of her.  He informed #2 that it was pretty dull around here hangin' with the old folks. He was so excited to have her home.

Chili, not so much.

Chowdah was also very helpful with the opening of presents.

 Chili, not so much.

With the Mister around, we never lacked scrumptious food.

He got a lot of use out of one of his favorite gifts, this super-duper air fryer/toaster oven

His new toy did a stellar job with the asparagus and salmon, which was crispy on the outside and just the right consistency on the inside.

According to the Mister,  a meal is not complete without dessert.

We also went to see a great movie.
It's no shock that Meryl Streep stole the show. 

After Christmas, we headed to NYC to visit the rest of the family. It was our #2's first excursion on Amtrak, and she really enjoyed it.

A customary understated look of LV.  
I wonder how many visitors captured this image on their phones.

We met our #1 and Adorable Jonathon for lunch at the Brasserie 8 1/2.  The food and service were topnotch.

They brought along #2's Christmas gift.
There is no mistaking the delight in her face.

While the Newlyweds headed back to their pad to catch up on laundry, we had another mission.  My girls must have watched Mean Girls a thousand times as teens, so of course, our #2 chose to see the Broadway version.

This is the first time that we attended a play with digitized sets.
They were very well done.  As we expected, Mean Girls was entertaining and a barrel of laughs.

The Mister was in charge of choosing the restaurants for the weekend.  He did a great job.  Everyone was pleased with the food and service.

The first evening he chose The Tribeca Grill

May I say that it ended on a sweet note?

Unfortunately, this photo was not taken that evening.
Did I mention that a certain wise guy owns The Tribeca Grill?

No weekend in NYC is complete without some retail therapy.  The next day we were up bright and early and headed to Nordstrom, which opened in late October.

The store is spacious and bright.  It is also staffed with helpful, hospitable salespeople.  
I almost forgot that I was in NYC.  

Seth knew more about feet and shoes than anyone I have ever met.  He insisted upon measuring the Mister's feet.
Lucky he did, because it turns out that he's been wearing the wrong size shoe.

We met the newlyweds and celebrated the Mister's new shoes at Rue 57.

Notice my entourage. 
Do you think they might be the least bit tired of their in-house blogger stopping every 30 seconds to take pictures?
Luckily, I'm not sensitive. 

I haven't shared with you that for the past couple of months the Mister has been on a self-improvement kick. He is taking this course and has been throwing around French phrases like frisbees. He listens to the lessons during his tedious commute to Beantown.

Between you and me, I think he was secretly hoping to try out his new skill at this French Bistro.  

I think he's studying up in this pic.  
Unfortunately, our waiter was from New Yawk and had the accent to prove it. 

Although the waiter lacked the French expertise, he got straight A's for service.

That evening, we met the Newlyweds at Avra Madison.

I was so happy to see how much they are enjoying their new life in NYC.

A threesome of turtlenecks.

We celebrated our girl's upcoming birthday on January 3rd.

The next day our #2 flew back to Dallas, and the Mister and I took a nice ride back to Boston in the Quiet car.

When we got home, we gave our welcoming committee plenty of kisses, unpacked, and proceeded to sleep for four days.

Our New Yorkers sent us this pic taken in the early afternoon of New Year's Eve.
Personally, it gives me Angina.

My Top 9 on Instagram.

I'm signing off for a week or so.  
Our 30th wedding anniversary is coming up in June, so we decided to start 2020 off with a bang. 
By the time we get back, the Mister should be bi-lingual.
Or at least he will think he is.


By the way, if you are into domestic thrillers, I couldn't put this one down.

I wish you all a happy, healthy new year.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I'm new to your blog and Instagram, and may I say I thoroughly enjoy both your comments, and your photos....love the two dogs! :) Thanks for the tour of New York. A city of with a lot of eye candy ( LV), and great places to enjoy marvelous food in beautiful surroundings! Happy New Year! Bon Voyage! :)

  2. Signing off to celebrate!??? I hope that means a trip to Paris!!!
    Love seeing the snaps of your darling girls and NYC. What a fun place for #1 and J to start off their marriage. We loved our time in NYC. I'd do it again in a heartbeat, but my guy doesn't agree. So onto other things!!!
    Happiest of wishes for youur anniversary and for 2020! Miss that you no longer travel to Austin.

  3. I love that you're back! Your posts are always so enjoyable. I'm with you on that New Year's Eve pic. Just looking at those crowds makes me anxious. Happy New Year!

  4. You have had the most eventful year! Love you and your beautiful family who seem to have more fun than anyone! Anniversary wishes and a very Happy New Year. Now I really want to go to NYC!

  5. Hi there! glad to see you back!! My life has been a shambles lately and I've got a lot of catching up to do...did I miss wedding photos???? Your pink dress? Looked precious...I must go find the wedding post! And surely didn't realize the newlyweds had moved to NYC!!! Was that unexpected or am I really that far behind?!!!
    Have a blast on wherever you're going...hope its somewhere tropical!!

  6. Katie,
    I always enjoy and look forward to your blog. Great NYC photos. Thank you for sharing your trip with us. My husband and I hope to visit the city as soon as I recover from my knee replacement in 2020. Best wishes to you and your beautiful family in 2020.

  7. The pictures of you and the girls are wonderful! And I love the one of your entourage waiting for you to snap the pictures. The struggle is real! I can't wait to hear about your 30th anniversary adventure...congratulations!

  8. Always lots of smiles when the girls are together with you. I miss a Nordstrom I can walk into rather than just online. Still my favorite though.

  9. Happy New Year and Happy (upcoming) Anniversary. Have a wonderful getaway. I always look forward and enjoy your posts.

  10. We were thankful for the good weather in New England over Christmas too. Frigid and/or snowy weather can negatively impact holiday travel and fun with family in town. So many great activities and restaurants in NYC! Happy New Year!

  11. Enjoyed the stroll through the holiday pictures. Your girls are quite beautiful and it is nice to have a son. Happy New Year!

  12. My M suggested we tootle over to the Polar Bear Swim taking place at English Bay after our 2 hour stroll around Stanley Park on New Year's Day. That photo taken looking down upon the swarm of folks? The equivalent of our little sojourn. 1 hour to drive 6 blocks ... Delightful. Next year, I'll pass. And yes, we all need a Seth in our lives. HNY, Sis!

  13. Happy New Year and happy anniversary! I gave that exact same air fryer to my husband and unbeknownst to me he gave it to all three of our adult children and one to me so we were all air frying up a storm this New Year's!!

  14. What a fabulous trip! Your whole family is darling - including the furry ones! :) Can't wait to hear about your next adventure! 💗

  15. Happy New Year! Chow may win the best dressed award this year! The NYC photos are fantastic. How lucky you are to have the Mister choosing the restaurants. Tres magnifique!

    Bon voyage and Bon Appetit! (I have now exhausted my knowledge of French language).

    Annie G

  16. Hey there! What a great roundup of your holidays in photos. The restaurants all looked fabulous, and having your girls together had to be worth the trip that could otherwise be exhausting. Happy New Year!

  17. Loved this. Okay, has daughter #1 always been in NYC? Our daughter and her boyfriend(dan 2.0 because my brother (also a dan) did not want to be called older dan versus "young dan." Anyway, they both have lots of friends in financial district! Think I need to take my daughter to NYC to see mean girls. We took both sons on separate trips during the US Open.
    Thanks for book suggestion. I am reading gentleman in Moscow (I need to hide my ipad)! Pretty blue eyes your girls have! xo laura

  18. PS Happy Anniversary & Happy Bday to Daughter #2. laura in Colorado
    I'm home in a boot with a bruised heel and family is skiing this weekend. I am kinda liking a break from the family! ha

  19. Love getting a peek into your glamorous life (and yes, it is!!). Your daughters are so pretty. But, as always, my fav of all your pics are the dogs. They make a wonderful welcoming committee. Happy New Year to you. Your sense of humor always puts a smile on my face.

  20. Hello Katie, my dear friend and a very Happy New Year to you all.
    I am so glad you had a Merry Christmas, its really touching to see the sweet photos of your lovely family and the doogies. You all look so happy and joyful it must be wonderful to live so near to the newlyweds so you could be together not long after Christmas ( Im still hoping to make it to NYC someday ) I have so enjoyed feeling part of all their wedding excitement, they are a beautiful couple and both your girls are such a credit to you and the Mister. Im sure you are very proud of them.
    I was away over the festivities, so please forgive the belated greetings my dear. I hope you are having a fabulous holiday as it is a wonderful time to be away for a well deserved break, congratulations and enjoy celebrating your special anniversary
    Sending you fondest love as always,
    Sally xxx

  21. Your Christmas looks perfect...family, food, and fun! Happy New Year Katie, wherever you are!

  22. Beautiful photos and I especially loved the restaurant ones and ones with your family! Happy New Year and Happy Anniversary!

  23. Beautiful family photos! It looks like a wonderful Christmas.


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