Talbots Spring Essentials

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Thursday, November 7, 2019

Destination Wedding/Take 2

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are having a wonderful week.  It is getting mighty nippy around here.  I'll be dusting off my old puffer coat for today's walk.

Today's post covers the day of the Rehearsal Dinner honoring our #1 and Adorable Jonathon.

If you missed the first Wedding post, you can find it here.

Again, we were blessed with picture-perfect weather.  The Mister and I slaved away at the pool reading our books and sipping on one or two margaritas.

The gentlemen in the wedding party were asked to wear Guayabera shirts.  My Dad used to wear these shirts all the time.  I have a feeling that he was smiling down from heaven.

The bride and groom arrived, and we began the rehearsal. 

Talbot Ross, Wedding Planner Extraordinaire, relaying his vision.

Bridezilla Alert!!
Bridezilla Alert!

Crisis Averted!

After the rehearsal, all guests were invited to the lobby for a sabering.  

Three guesses who did the sabering.

AJ was given a 20-second crash course before raising the saber.
Yeah, I felt safe.

Easy, cowboy!!

I don't know how he's going to get that thing through security! 

Do not try this at home, folks!
Thanks to Coco for the video. 

Adorable Michael, bride, and Mrs. Adorable.
Can you spell R-E-L-I-E-F?

The Mariachi Band must have felt the tension too because they began playing the minute the deed was done.

Cheers to everyone who still has all their fingers and toes!

Look at Annie's cute purse.  It's a lady carrying fruit on her head.
Minutes before, Skinny Delaney was up on a wall in her wedges, taking pics of the sabering.

The Mariachi Guys moved down to the beach to play a few tunes at the cocktail reception. 
Who knew that they don't take requests?!?

The tables blew us away!

The Bride and Groom had the custom maracas with their wedding date made for the place settings.

Notice the banners with the bride and groom's names.
They had small ones made for the welcome bags.

We lucked out with another beautiful evening.

Sista, Ann, and Caroline, otherwise known as triple trouble.

John and #2.

Sista and her Mista.
Have I mentioned that my #1's middle name is Sista's?

Double trouble.

Annie gave me this idea from a wedding that she previously attended.  I had postcards made up of the B&G, and on the back, it says Words of Wisdom.  I also had pens made up with the B&G's name and wedding date.  People were asked to give advice on love, marriage, etc.  Every month I will pop a few in the mail to the B&G.  The first shipment goes out next week.

Just in case you forget from the last post:  Ashley, the bride, Coco, and Julia.

This lovely girl is Kerry, who came up to introduce herself to me.  She told me that her Mom reads my blog.
Hi Betty!  You raised a beauty!

Feelin' full of herself!

Sarah, Julia, Coco, and Ashley.

Mrs. Adorable gave a beautiful, heartfelt speech.

It looks like Sista and Caroline are planning something...

Oh, what a night!!

I know this pic reminds of another one...

Oh yeah, that's it!

Another delightful evening celebrating our royal couple.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I know you all had a ball Katie...there is no happier time than to dance at your child's wedding...gorgeous vibrant colors....thank you for sharing and taking us along..it's all just gorgeous!!! I am loving the fashions! Congrats to the bride and groom!

  2. Looks like it was a lovely party. The table runners are gorgeous with the matching napkins! The bride looks lovely - anxious to see edition #3! Love the idea of the postcards - very clever!

  3. It looks fabulous! I love the table runners, napkins and everything! The post card idea is genius!

  4. Congratulations to the adorable couple and to you for surviving the sabering. xo Laura

  5. Beautiful, beautiful pictures! And that tablescape with the ginger jars and gorgeous runner, plates and napkins!! Love the placecards, too! Loved this post!!

  6. That table was just incredible, everyone looks so happy and the weather/sunset were incredible! I love the postcard idea and the maracas too!

  7. I read Take 1 and couldn't wait to jump back to this one that I forgot to write a comment there. What a wonderful, beautiful, memorable time this royal wedding must have been. The bride, MOH and MOB were total radiance. And, I love the brides dress for rehearsal. Magnificent! And yes those tables were outstanding. So much thought went into this whole weekend. Can't wait now for Take 3.

  8. So fun traveling via armchair. What wonderful memories you will have!

  9. The pictures are just adorable. I love the hats and the tables with the brightly colored flowers.

  10. WHAT beauty!!! The peeps AND the tables!! OH, the tablerunners......what perfection! Looks like it was so laid back and you know that's when we have the very best time...I'm sure it was a FUN wedding.
    And you two sure have lost a lot of weight...ya'll be lookin like hot mamas and papas!!!!

  11. Gorgeous event...the Bride's rehearsal dress was a stunner... & you rock a Lilly!

  12. Those tables were amazing! My gosh, you people are a gorgeous bunch - everyone had fabulous clothes on, too! -Jenn

  13. Loved this. Like everyone else I was blown away with the beautiful place settings. I am also crazy about the brides pretty blue lace dress.

    Katie I signed up for email delivery so I wouldn’t miss reading any of your posts. This one was delivered, but I came back here since I couldn’t figure out to comment ? Janey

  14. How amazingly beautiful! I love all of this, especially the colors! Congrats!

  15. Oh wow, so many beautiful details! Love the guys' Cuban shirts, M's dress, those table linens! (I hope you smuggled those home with you!). What a glorious event, and I've never seen that sabering - very impressive Jonathon!

  16. Oh wow; that table is amazing! I love all the little personalized touches everywhere and that post card idea is wonderful.

  17. Oh how wonderful - and those TABLES!! SO gorgeous, and the bride and groom - it's all lovely! So fun to see the rest of the family and all the festivities. Even that sketchy-looking sabering! :) Thanks for taking us along, Katie!

  18. The Tables, The TABLES, #1’s dress, my head is spinning over the loveliness. And friend, you sooooo tiny, the Preppy Skinny Mini!!!! What a dream it all was. Beautiful!

  19. Everything looks perfect so far! A good wedding planner is clutch.

  20. So very much to love here, Katie, but I've got to say that Mariachi band and the table runner and settings both made me swoon. Maybe as much as the Adorables make each other swoon when they're together. They are a MOST handsome couple!

  21. What a beautiful night, and beautiful people. Can’t wait for the 3rd post. 🤩

  22. What a beautiful rehearsal dinner. Loved it all! You look amazing!

  23. I love everything about this- everyone looks so happy... I especially love the bride's rehearsal dress- would you share where it is from? thank you--- Happy Thanksgiving !

  24. I love the new name Preppy Skinny Mini!!!The Brides dress is absolutely gorgeous as is your #2. Really the wedding of the year!

    annie g

  25. Congratulations to you both, photos look great.


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