Talbots Spring Essentials

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Friday, February 1, 2019

Valentine Gifts for Her

Hello, dear friends.  Did everyone have a good week?  I had a fairly good one - I had lunch with a friend that I hadn't seen in a while and met some girlfriends for dinner last night.

The part that wasn't so good is crazy Chili has somehow turned into a night owl on us.  She is just getting revved up as we are going to bed.  She is not quiet about it either.  She likes to walk under our kitchen chairs and move things around with her donut and cone.  It sounds like there is a bar fight going on all night long.  And it looks like one when I come downstairs in the morning.  
The struggle is real, people.  

The Vet recommends Melatonin and some "behavioral training" with a professional.  Let's just say I never mentioned that last part to the Mister.

Has anyone else gone through this?  
Please comment with advice if you have some.


Today's post is directed towards all my male readers - all two of them.  Come on guys, you can move up to the front row - there's plenty of room.

I consider Valentine's Day the holiday that you can earn the most brownie points.  You are expected to give gifts on her birthday and Christmas.  But Valentine's Day is a wild card. 

Photo by Mysaell Armendariz on Unsplash 

You don't want to end up in the doghouse like this poor guy.  Have you heard the expression happy wife - happy life?
Here are some suggestions for some gifts your wife may like.

Do I have your attention now, guys? 
How about a beach bag with a note tucked away saying that you'll take her away for a beach weekend?

Mark & Graham

This one is on sale!

She would probably love a new bag for the Spring. 

How about some accessories to bring up her laptop game?

I bet she would appreciate this chiller for her wine, especially if your Mom is visiting.

Or an easy-to-use corkscrew.

Or how about a glass that holds a whole bottle of wine?
One glass of wine is only 4 points!

My friend, Laurie absolutely loves the Ember cup that she got from her daughter for Christmas.

Maybe she is a tea drinker?
How about this new kettle and ... 

Some specialty teas?

Does your lady hang out in the same ol' sweatshirts?
How about a new pretty one.


Is she a "scarf" lady like moi?





I can't wait to ditch my puffer coat for a poncho.
The good thing about ponchos is most of them are one size fits all. 
Another thing... they hide a multitude of sins.

This makeup mirror has Bluetooth!

Does your lady lose her make up at the bottom of her purse?
How about a new makeup bag?
And better yet, enclose a Sephora gift card.

Maybe she needs a new travel makeup bag if you're taking her on a beach weekend.

She will be able to find all of her favorite channels at home as well as when she travels.


I bet she would appreciate a compact printer so she can send pics to the computer-illiterate grandparents.


Maybe she would like to talk to her kids away at college while making dinner like the old days.  Or she likes to use cooking videos on youtube.


J Crew

Tory Burch

Kate Spade

Kate Spade

I know that jewelry is always appreciated in our house.



I have both the Ugg robe and slippers, and they are both so comfortable.


Has her terrycloth robe seen better days?


The Mister gave me this Waterford ring dish for our first married Valentine's Day.  I still use it.


Does your lady use a roller brush while drying her hair?  This is Revlon's new two-in-one, and it's getting good reviews.


If she likes to read, give her this book.
She'll realize how good she's got it with you.

Until next time...


Linked up with:
Friday Favorites
Friday Feature
Friday at the Firestation
Anna Nuttall Bloggers Link-up
High 5 for Friday
Bloggers Pit Stop
Best of the Weekend
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Sorry about your pooch problem, she's probably telling you how much she hates that donut! Great gift ideas, I'll take one of each :)

  2. I never thought to give Gus, the Springer melatonin. He is a night owl minus a cone. I threaten him a lot with sleeping in the kennel box:) My husband wouldn't consider paying for training. God luck as I have no solutions to offer.

  3. Wow, sorry about Chili's problem. I can relate to her, because lately I can't sleep either. Wonderful gift ideas for Valentine's day. have a great weekend.

  4. haha I am laughing at the nighttime charades of Chili, we have 2 cats and what is it when the lights go out, its like an alarm for play time. Fortunately it does not last long, but it is the slamming of the cat tree against the wall when they are tearing up the post that scares the daylights out of us.
    Thank you for stopping by to share on #omhgff this week, love your blog!!

  5. Sorry to hear about Chili's problems. No advice for you, but hopefully she'll get on the right track. I just love all your suggestions...can I just shop for myself for Valentine's Day? I'm loving the tassel laptop sleeve, and all the poncho's too. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Is Chili's behaviour new? Maybe related to the Cone of Shame? I've had good luck with Green Hope Farm's floral essences for pets. When I first learned of them from my vet I thought the emperor wasn't wearing any clothes, but they helped Gypsy with anxiety. Not sure if they have one for what you're looking for but they do have a website (New Hampshire) and for not much it's cheaper than a pet shrink!

  7. Ahh now a list for the gals. So much fun. We are serving others on Valentines so decided to take a trip for our gift to each other. Guess we both prefer travel to anything.

  8. Poor Chili! Hope she can relax. Sadie could give her a lesson on how to spend a day curled up on the sofa with a soft blanket, or how to snuggle up on mom's pillow at night. Happy Valentine's Month!

  9. While I hate drying my hair, I think I am investing in the roller dryer, thanks for the tip. Poor Chili, is there such a thing as a dog cocktail? or doggy Benadryl?

    Annie g.

  10. Poor Chili's mama! Sounds like a teenage girl to me. Hopefully she'll outgrow it.

  11. Poor sweet Chili! Bless her heart. Hope you find a solution. Love the list, especially the jewelry :)
    Have a wonderful weekend...........Hugs.

  12. We use Rescue Calm, you can order it on Amazon! Vet recommended and one dropped full should do the trick. I have been working with dogs for almost four years and it helps with a variety of issues.

    1. Thanks Michelle! I will order it today. Enjoy your Sunday!

  13. Oh, poor Chili, bet he's so frustrated just as you. Hope you find a remedy. I see about 3 things that I'm about to go check out. Thanks for always assisting me in spending $$$$. Happy weekend!

  14. Poor Chili, I hope the Rescue Calm works. Love the list!

  15. Chili is so darn cute....I hope he is back to his old self soon. I did get the beach trip for Valentines. Leave for Anguilla on the 13th!
    If your daughter’s wedding is in Ft. Worth.....no I am not asking for an invite! Would love to meet you. Lunch...coffee or a glass of vino! Janey

  16. Poor little Chili Boo! I hope he's better soon. BTW I just forwarded the link to this post to Trip...I love everything you've posted! Especially the heart Tori Burch earrings!

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