Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, February 22, 2019

All Aboard 2019

Hello, dear friends.  If you haven't guessed by now, I was enjoying my Supermodel Trophy Wife retreat aboard this lovely Silversea ship, the Silver Spirit.

Before I bore you with the details, let me fill you in on what transpired before we even made it to the airport. 

We were scheduled to be on the road at 5:30 AM to catch our flight to San Juan.  How many times have I told you how neat and organized my man is?  And he is so darn proud of the time and precision it takes him in rolling and folding his clothes.  

We were both ready ahead of schedule and got on the road 15 minutes early.  Just when we hit the 20-minute mark, my man yells Oh &%*#!!!  I thought he had a heart attack.  Thank God, it wasn't that.  Mr. Organized left his carry-on at home.  Lucky for us, we had time to spare.  

As he turned the car around I could see the wheels spinning.   In his head, not on the car.  The Mister was trying to figure out a way to blame it on me.  I beat him to the punch.  I quietly whispered, "You're trying to find a way to blame it on me, aren't you?"  He responded "yup!"  

We arrived at the Jet Blue terminal and proceeded to check our luggage.  Just when the Mister was getting the color back in his face from the carry-on debacle, the gate agent informs us that our bags are overweight and there is a $150.00 charge for each bag.

I quickly scanned the terminal to see if anyone had an extra oxygen tank.

I thought, oh boy, the Mister is going to end up in the cardiac unit at Mass General if our luck doesn't start improving.  Between you and me... I was just so happy that my bag wasn't the only one like last time.  

Before picture of my bag.

We decided that we would take some of the Mister's neatly-folded shirts and shove it in my messy bag so we only had to pay for one bag.  One hundred fifty buckaroos poorer but crisis averted.

The flight was a quick three hours to San Juan which gave the Mister just enough time to regain his strength.  I am happy to report from there on our vacation was smooth sailing.

This is our second cruise with the Silversea cruise line.   My buddy, Sandy, who writes You May Be Wandering and is our travel agent extraordinaire did a superior job as always taking care of every detail of our trip. 

As our luggage was being delivered to our room, we enjoyed our first delicious meal and a well-deserved glass of wine aboard our new home-away-from-home.  

Here are just a few reasons why we love the Silversea cruise line.  The boats are small and the guests are primarily 50+ age adults.  There are very few children.  Each cabin is a suite and comes with a butler.  Yup, you heard me.  I found out the hard way that you cannot take the butler home with you.  Long story...

There are at least five restaurants and the food is phenomenal.  The excursions are interesting and fun as well as well organized.  We have met the nicest people on these cruises.  

Above all else, the Silversea staff is exemplary.

The next day, we hopped on a lifeboat and headed to gorgeous St. Barths.  This is my favorite island in the Carribean.  The shop keepers are hospitable and friendly. The island is pristine and holds a charm of its own. 

I fell in love with this darling church.

A few months ago, the Mister did his due diligence in finding a great restaurant for lunch.  Shellona had fabulous reviews so he booked a reservation there.

Before having lunch, I reminded the Mister that Valentine's Day was approaching.  
He did a great job picking out my gift.
It always helps when I stand over his shoulder and coach him. 

The DJ was prepping for that evening.
I asked him if he had "Muskrat Love" by Captain and Tennille.
He told me that he never heard of it.
Some guys are not as cool as they look.

The food and service were nothing short of spectaculaire!

Back to the lifeboat to take us to our home-away-from-home.

I guess the Mister is still a little sensitive about the carry-on crisis.
Too soon?

The next day we arrived in St. Lucia.  We signed up for an excursion that entailed lunching and sunning at a resort. 

Now, this is my idea of a day trip.
Most of our excursions on our last couple of cruises involved visiting dozens of old churches and ruins.

The Mister always likes to shoot me from behind.
Definitely not my best side.

It ain't easy being me.

Solo selfie of the sail.

We had four more stops: Roseau, Dominica, St. George's, Grenada, Pointe-a-Pitre, and the British Virgin Islands.

There were not any excursions or shopping opportunities that interested us, so we spent those days relaxing on the ship and enjoying our beautiful water views.

Lucky for the Mister, he took care of his Valentine shopping on the first day. 

Speaking of Valentine's Day, that evening the elevators featured red hearts.  The Mister said that he was responsible and cut out each and every heart himself to surprise me.
Nice try, Mister.

Our fabulous week flew by.  
We were home less than 24 hours when I found the Mister in his office researching our next adventure. 

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Sounds like a great cruise - St Lucia is one of our favorite stops (and Antigua) We are beginning to plan our next cruise, too! Wasn't it a great week in the sun? We were also in the Caribbean and I feel a bit rejuvenated!

  2. What a great getaway in the midst of winter!!

  3. How blissful and relaxing. Except for the beginning bobbles, it sounds wonderful. Just what you need before the rush of wedding activities begin! Something has been going on with my comments and I don't think they've been going through. Haven't forgotten you and I've still been reading!

  4. I cannot tell you how glorious this all looks, from my vantage point especially, sitting up here on the SNOW mainland! What kind of a DJ was that who didn't know Captain and Tennille?? Kids these days! The island of St. Barth(olomew?) looks like someplace I would LOVE to spend time. So now you're home and I wonder how long you have to look at the snow outdoors before you'll be packing your bags again. So nice that the Mister researches these vacations! xo

  5. Katie, what a lovely trip during the cold and gray of February! What is wrong with a DJ that doesn’t know Muskrat Love? The food looks delicious and I am so glad you had a wonderful trip. I only like sailing on small ships!

  6. If it wasn't 10 in the morning as I read this, I'd be cryin' in my beer. As it is, I'm just boohooing in my coffee!! What beautiful pics and I'm not sure if I wouldn't sell my soul for just a day on the beach right now. This rain MUST stop.
    I had to do a double take in your first pic. The catamaran close to the beach looks just like our Blew Bayou that we sailed all of the caribbean and all of central america on. For 9 yrs, during the months of Feb, March and April we sailed and anchored right outside places just like that.....best yrs of our lives. BUT, kids got married with real jobs and couldn't come play with us at the drop of a hat and grands started coming twice a year which made it harder and harder to get away. So we sold her with lots of plans to just go back to our regular jaunts but that too has been hard to do lately.
    So, I just lived my life vicariously thru ya'll and your trip .... looked so relaxing.
    Museums and churchs and hikes are lovely but nothing beats just "chillin' on a tropical trip.
    BUT....also glad you're back!!

  7. Oh, my, how wonderful. I have never heard of that cruise line but will definitely check it out because we're into the smaller, adults only, cruises. Your pics are beautiful and I'm sure it was a most refreshing and relaxing, once you got on the ship, time. Have a great weekend!

  8. Our first cruise experience was a Silversea's trip to Scandinavia and Russia. It was absolutely perfect. Your cruise sounds like the perfect one to do in February

  9. Sounds like a wonderful trip. No snow and cold weather for you!

  10. This trip sounds like my dream vacation. We debated on going on a cruise this year (this month actually) but decided to go to Savannah instead. Just got back yesterday and it was wonderful as usual but nothing beats sun, sand and sailing (not to mention your own butler!)

  11. Sounds like the best way to get away from the winter snows. Glad you and the mister had a grand time. We've not taken a cruise in almst 20 years. Perhaps we need to look into Silverseas.

  12. Katie, I have laughed out loud at this post !! Wonderful, fabulous cruise, I know. Now, we gotta talk about Muscratt Love, for God's sake (and yours) next time just ask for Elton John. I'm dying with laughter over this 'cause I'm a true blue concert goer and right now I am in LOVE with Justin Timberlake and Justin Beiber !! Just saying...

  13. This sounds like a fabulous cruise. I'm with you on relaxing on the beach or back on the ship. Excursions can be tiring!! Great photos and plenty of giggles! Thanks for sharing!

  14. I'm so admiring of your trip! When you said your buddy Sandy took care of everything for your trip, I had to wonder if you could get her to back and load your bags next time to avoid the overcharges and left behind luggage?

  15. Your writing is hilarious! What a lovely trip. I am envious!

  16. I know you must have really enjoyed this winter break excursion Katie. A smaller ship with less people sounds much better than the big cruise lines. Loved seeing you in summer attire!

  17. How wonderful to escape for part of the winter! That looks like a great cruise line. I'm not a boat person, so don't see cruising as part of our future, but who knows. -Jenn

  18. Poor Mister with the rough start to the vacation! It looks like once you got on board and had that glass of wine, everything turned out to be ship shape. We have never been on a cruise, but this looks like something we would love. My mister has spent many weeks on boats for offshore work, so he's not thrilled about a cruise. But this might be perfect, especially when we hit our empty nester days. Have a wonderful weekend!

  19. Ahhh, what a nice getaway. I seriously need some sand and sun in my life! Sounds like one of your next gadgets should be one of those luggage scales!

  20. What, the DJ never heard of Muscrat Love? Lol..you crack me up! Ironically, the Captain and Tennille was the first "concert" I ever went to. We saw them at Allentown Fair when I was a kid. Sounds like you had an amazing vacation. I am dying to go to St. Barts but that flight has always scared me. We've been to St. Martin and Anguilla a couple times though. St. Barts looks SO beautiful. If I go someday, I will be sure to track down that DJ and request the song again....Enjoy your weekend!

  21. This sounds like an absolute dream trip. Loved the pictures that told the story. I will never hear of the song "Muskrat Love" without remembering the day my two granddaughters, young teenagers at the time, called me while taking a road trip with their dad to tell me to please make him stop playing that song. The muskrat sounds evidently were driving them crazy. The young do not appreciate quality.

  22. A butler, stop it!!!! Traveling is always stressful, so glad that the worst happened first and it looks like the weather was perfection!!

  23. I'm so jealous! We LOVE St. Barths!!!

  24. What a wonderful trip! It's been way too long since I went on a cruise...2005! It's time! Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos!

  25. Katie, it looks like a fabulous trip. I have been to many of the islands you mentioned and enjoyed them all. If you have not already been you might enjoy a cruise to the Canary Islands, typically the cruise also goes to Barcelona, Malaga, Morocco and a few of the canary islands, we went one year during Carnival and had a fabulous time.

    Sandy s a gem, not only a wonderful friend but the best travel agent ever!

    Have a great week.

  26. Looks familiar...we just got home from Anguilla. We could see St. Bart’s from our balcony.
    I like your choice of ships! We bythe way just did carryons for our six day trip. I used packing cubes and rolled my clothes....and believe it or not they didn’t wrinkle and I had enough (cute of course ) outfits....Janey

  27. What a sensational trip. So glad you managed to get home and pick the bag up! Silversea looks fantastic - how many people does it have the capacity for (I am interested for my parents - I think they'd love a cruise but wouldn't want to go on a huge liner). Fantastic destinations as well - which was your favourite? The food and drink looked amazing. And finally - love seeing that Cocker Spaniels have ended up all around the world - what a cutie!

  28. I am so happy you are back!!! What a great trip you had...we just booked the silver spirit for 15 days London to Copenhagen.
    I must admit I am not a cruisin' kinda gal (I like my feet on solid ground) but we do one every couple of years. I agree Silversea is the out there.

  29. Oh my gosh, your dose of sunshine via this post was a much needed boost to the Sunday evening back to school blues...seriously have tears in my eyes as I look at the blue sky and sunshine.

  30. It looks totally divine, Katie! And given our crappy weather here, that's underselling it! Welcome back. To snow.

  31. You and the Mister take the best vacations! Glad you’re rested, relaxed and ready to resume your Super Model Trophy Wife workload. Your adoring public awaits! xo

  32. Katie Oh Katie,
    My sides hurt from laughing, my jammies are soaked from drooling and the hairs on my arms (& unfortunately on my legs too) are standing straight up relating to “being blamed for any & all, real or imagined snafus!”
    Thanks for taking me along on your cruise Katie, I’d follow you anywhere!

  33. Hello my dear friend
    Im so glad you enjoyed your cruise it looks idyllic. I have been to a couple of the Caribbean islands on your trip, and love it there with all my heart. You had a paradise holiday for sure. Im hoping to go back someday
    I do hope you are better from your cold, and maybe there is a breath of Spring in the air. I have been enjoying the awards season, I cried for Lady Gaga winning at the Oscars
    With my fond love to you my dear
    Sally xx

  34. Burt's wondering if you could get your contact to send him a name ... someone who's hiring at Silversea. Thank you. No rush. He's hoping to snag a job on the lido deck and is out buying a pair of trunks now, which as you know, will take awhile. Thanks, Sis. You're the best.

  35. I hate unexpected travel expenses... but at least it sounds like you had a wonderful time! Those are some spectacular views!

  36. What fun!!!!!
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

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