Talbots Spring Essentials

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Friday, December 21, 2018

Our Holiday House Tour

Hello, dear friends.  This is the final round-up.  The halls have been decked and the gifts are wrapped.  Now, all we need are our girls and Adorable Jonathon to begin celebrating.  They are arriving on Sunday.

Welcome to our home.  
Chowdah and Chili will be your guides.
 Don't mind the dust or the wet dog smell.
It's part of our charm.

We'll begin in the kitchen.
Mom would tell you that she made this topiary, but that would be fake news.
This is why we need fact checkers in this house.

Mom's middle name is kalanchoe.
She likes them because they add color and live forever.
Also, you only have to water them once a week, which appeals to her lazy tendencies.

Bunnies are not just for Easter, anymore!

She didn't make this either.
Mom is also a nut for topiaries.

Random scary guy and more kalanchoes.

Mom's friend, Mary actually DID make this cute little topiary!

When Mom was five, she had no idea that she had preppy empty nesterhood in her future.

This is our Grandmom.  
She never had the pleasure of meeting us.  
Mom took this from Grandpa's place.
Don't tell Sista! 
Mom says it's only fair because she liked her best.

This is the dining room.
We're not allowed in here because Mom doesn't want muddy paw prints on her rug.
Hmmph... It's lucky that we're not sensitive.

This is a kalanchoe-free zone. 

Mom's friend, Mary, gave her those cute hurricanes too.
We need a friend like Mary!

Now we're going into another room where we are not allowed - the den.

The tree is fake cuz our Dad is a total neat freak and doesn't like pesty pine needles on the floors.
Mom told us that they only had a real tree once during their marriage.
That was the year Dad had to go on medication.

Kate the Great sent this ornament to Mom a hundred years ago.
Mom says that she wished that she looked this good.

We don't know who this is supposed to be.
Obviously, somebody who likes to get into trouble.

We can't forget this ornament!
If it weren't for TCU, we probably wouldn't be having a wedding this year!

Mom used a lot of dried hydrangeas on the tree and the mantle.
She told us to tell you that it looks better in real life than in photos.
She's right. 

This is the room that we are actually allowed to enter.
Mom put those wreaths up on our first Christmas in this house and never took them down.
We weren't supposed to tell you that.

That's it for now.
If you know Santa, please tell him that we're not perfect but we tried our best.

Also, tell Santa that we're sorry about the shredded toilet paper, knocked over food bins, scratched woodwork and floors, muddy paws, and dug-up yard.

And tell Santa one more thing.
We're sorry our Mom wets the floor sometimes.


Chowdah & Chili 

Thank you, Chowdah and Chili for such a colorful tour. 

Are you in the mood for a holiday pick-me-up?
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Everything looks so festive and welcoming - enjoy your holiday week. Merry Christmas!!

  2. Your home is lovely ! Thank the pooches for the tour. Enjoy your Christmas !

  3. This is just darling!! You couldn't have two better tour guides. xxoo And I've always loved the wreaths in your gorgeous sun room! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  4. Long time lurker, first time commenter. I just want to say how much I enjoy your blog and your humor! I look forward to your posts each week. Your home is so warm and inviting and beautifully decorated! I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and Happy 2019!!! Susan from Cambridge, MA

    1. Welcome Long Time Lurker aka Susan!! Thank you so much for your sweet words. I love Cambridge. Did you see my post about going to Harvard... for a tour? Have a very Merry Christmas, Susan and I appreciate your comment.

  5. Oh dear Katie, your home is picture perfect for the holidays!!!!! Thank you for the tour, I am taking notes, not to late to steal, I mean borrow some of your design :) ideas! Merry Christmas to you and yours...........

  6. Omigosh, your house is gorgeous! How do you keep it pristine and free of the pawprints of those two wiseacres who live at your house? Merry Christmas to you and the family!

  7. Absolutely gorgeous!!!! Love all of it! Chili and Chowdah did a great job! Have a wonderful Cmas with the girls!

  8. Your home is absolutely beautiful! I love all the topiarys, boxwood wreaths and vintage charm you have in the form of paintings and furniture. Very nicely decorated :).

    Cherelle @ The Inspired Prairie

  9. Great job, Chow and Chili! You two live in a beautiful home!!! I think your allowed room is perfect with all those gorgeous windows, so you need to appreciate that. I've no doubt that Santa will know you two deserve Christmas treats. He knows a dog just has to have a little fun sometimes.
    Give your mom and dad, and those cute girls a big hug from me. You two hit the lottery when Katie and family adopted you! Merry Christmas!

  10. Merry Christmas! It's beyond beautiful. I wish my house looked like a magazine ad #jealous! XOXO

  11. Thanks for the Christmas tour Chowdah and Chili. It was delightful. Tell your mom that painting of your grandmom was made for this home. IT is magnificent. Enjoy your family that is on the way. Merry Christmas.

  12. well Katie...it's absolutely beautiful...every inch...marvelous decor and so, so pretty! Merry Christmas love!

  13. Oh Katie, it's so cheerful and festive and happy. And clean -- really clean! Good for you (or are the piles of wrapping paper stashed behind a chair for the photo op! Try as I may I never seem to stash it well enough!). I love your sun room especially, so bright and lovely! And your guides -- they can come check out my place anytime. Lizzie will go down under and I'll cuddle with them, muddy paws and all!

    Have the merriest Christmas with those you love!

  14. That's the second time I watched that video. So great. Your home is absolutely beautiful. Thanks for the tour! Merry Christmas!!

  15. Katie, what a beautiful home, and my favorite style...traditional! I enjoyed the tour and the hosts were so welcoming! Wishing you and your family the merriest Christmas and a happy and healthy new year!

  16. Great tour Chowda and Chili! The house is beautiful enough to make Sista jealous ❤️

  17. Merry Christmas! Your home is lovely, the hydrangeas are a great addition to the tree and mantel! Enjoy your family, Chili and Chowda. We're getting lots of mud (rain) for Christmas here in WV, enough for the entire family to enjoy, especially on Christmas Eve when they track through the house. :(

  18. Your home is beautiful. Thank you for posting that video...tears! Merry Christmas!

  19. You have such classic style! So beautiful, Katie! Enjoy your time with your daughters! -Jenn

  20. Beautiful photos, thank you for the tour. I hope that you have a very Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year! I'll tell Santa how good you all are.

  21. Thank you Chowdah and Chili for a great tour! Your Mom does nice work. Love the blue with the red kalanchoes. Merry Christmas to you and your humans!

  22. Chowdah and Chili are just so precious! I wish all of you a wonderful and very Merry Christmas!

  23. Very Festive!!! FYI, Mario Buatta always said that dust is a protective coating for furniture, so in our house it's required! Chowdah and Chili gave a great tour.

  24. Chili and Chowdah are great tour guides, giving us lots of interesting details! Your home really does look perfect, even the perfect packages...my home is...well, let's just say real, imperfect packages wrapped by children, the occasional needle on the floor, a kitchen full of crayons and not washed dishes, I am hoping for a visit from the Christmas cleaning angel! Merry Christmas Katie! Such cute posers you have too!

  25. Picture-perfect. Elegant, warm, cozy & inviting. Simply beautiful. Love your mother's portrait. She was stunning -- and those cheekbones! I'm a topiary girl too. After seeing yours, I realized that I need more! 😄 Thanks so much for sharing...it was a complete delight. Happy 2019. 🎉🥂🎉

  26. Your home is so beautiful! I love your pretty greenery! I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas season!

  27. That post couldn't have been any cuter, they sure live in a wonderful home and surroundings

  28. Gorgeous and so warm and inviting! i love the blue and white of course....happy new year to you, hope its a great one!

  29. Gorgeous! I am a huge fan of tartan and blue walls. Love the way you decoratd classicallt but with a modern interpretation. Granny has to be star of the show- what an incredible beauty. I hope you have enjoyed the festive season so far xx

  30. I'm late to this tour, glad you kept the door open for me!! I loved every square inch, so gorgeous!

  31. Wow your home is lovely! My favorite has to be the sunroom!! I kinda liked the TCU ornament too as I am sitting here in Ft. Worth! Happy New Year Katie!

  32. Loved your beautiful house tour and all the festive colors you used! Congrats - your post was the most clicked at the last Best of the Weekend and will be featured tomorrow! Please note that the Best of the Weekend party now starts at 8:00 am Friday mornings. Thanks for joining us and Happy New Year!

  33. How is it possible that we're now into 2019, Sis? Crikey, time flies. Seems like just a few months ago we were all at the boxing match ... I see that your post was the most clicked at the last Best of the Weekend, too. Wahoo! Nice way to start the year.

  34. I am just a wee bit late getting around to seeing what my blog buddies have been up to the last few weeks. Chili and Chowdad were excellent guide hosts and showed off your lovely home beautifully. Thank you allowing them to invite us in. Happy New Year to all of you.

  35. شركة صيانة دايو في أيامنا هذة أنتشر استعمال أنواع مختلفة من الغسالات الأتوماتيكة الكهربائية المنزلية بشكل ملحوظ . ومع ذلك لانجد إلا عددا قليلا من الفنيين الذين يعرفون طريقة عملها وأعراض خللها وطرق إصلاحها بالطرق الفنية الصحيحة. يوجد طرازين أساسيين من الغسالات الأتوماتيكية الطراز الأول منها الذي يتم وضع الغسيل بها من أعلي . والطراز الثاني الذي يتم وضع الغسيل بها من الأمام وكل طراز لة مزاياه وعيوة وطرق أصلاح الغسالات وصيانتها لذلك ننصح الجميع بختيار شركة متخصصة في صيانة الغسالات الاتوماتيكية حتي يم أصلاحها علي النحو المطلوب . صيانة غسالات بجدة سوف يتم شرح بعض التعليمات التي بدورها تحافظ علي عمر الغسالات الاتوماتيكية ولا تحتاج الي صيانة الا بعد مرور فترات طويلة أن تم تطبيق ما يلي : العناية بالغسالة المنزلية الكهربائية الاتوماتيكية السطح الخارجي بالغسالة : من وقت لأخر نقوم بغسل السطح الخارجي بالغسالة بماء دافي وصابون وتشطف بعد ذلك جيدا وبعد تجفيفها يصير تلميعها .ويمكن بعد ذلك استعمال شمع الاجهزة المنزلية من نوع جيد وذلك لإعطائها طبقة واقية لهذا السطح الخارجي . الاجزاء الداخلية بالغسالة الاتوماتيكية 1 – من وقت لأخر يلزم تنظيف الأجزاء الداخلية بالغسالة ، وذلك بتشغيلها دورة غسيل بالماء الساخن مع إضافة ملء فنجان شاي من مادة منظفة من نوع كلاجون –calagon – هذا اسم شركة امريكية متخصصة في هذا النوع من مواد التنظيف هذا اسم شركة أمريكية متخصصة في صيانة غسالات شمال جدة


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