Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Nantucket Stroll - Take 2 & A Winner

Hello, dear friends.  First of all, I want to thank everyone who participated in the drawing for their sweet comments.  In 2019, you will see more posts on the upcoming wedding, more at-home posts, more travel and adventure posts, lots of book reviews, and maybe even some recipes from the Mister.  He promised.

A reader, "K" suggested an Advice Column.  I never thought of it, but love the idea of a monthly post.  Start thinking of some questions.  If there is one thing I love to do is to give advice - solicited or otherwise.  Ask my family.  Then ask them how many times they actually take my advice.

Unfortunately, PricewaterhouseCoopers was busy getting ready for the Oscars and couldn't tally the votes and pick a winner.

Not to worry, I made do.  I took everyone's name who entered, wrote it on a piece of paper, and put them all in this pitcher.
Very scientific.  

Chowdah picked the lucky name.

And the winner is...


Congrats Phyllis.  Email me your address and The Red Coat and the A Day At Fenway Park ornament will be on its way to you just in time for Christmas.

Back to the Stroll...

If you missed Part 1 of the Nantucket Stroll, you could find it here.

I asked the shopkeeper if I was eligible for a discount since I am 97% Irish according to Ancestry.com. 

Sadly, she told me that I just missed the 97% off sale.
I think that she might have been full of blarney.

While I was waiting for my two partners-in-crime to finish up in one of the shops, I struck up a conversation with this delightful duo.  I asked about the matching shirts, and they told me that the group was made up of old friends.  I offered to take a pic of them, and they thought it was a great idea. The man reached for what I thought would be his phone.  Instead, he handed me a 20 lb. Nikon with all the bells and whistles.  For a split second, I thought of taking off and running with it, but I thought of all my packages that I needed to haul, so I decided to be a good girl and take the pic and give him back his camera.

Cyndy's thinking... not another #@%$ picture!!

Nantucket hijinx at its best!

I fell in love with this jacket.  The only reservation I had was that I didn't think those crisp pleats would nearly be as pleated when covering my derriere.

Throughout the town, trees were decorated by various organizations.  If Chowdah caught wind of this tree decked out in tennis balls, this tree would be toast.

Speaking of toast, here is the Grinch, his tree, his dog, and his Range Rover.

See this tree.
This is what my tree will look like next year.
Forget the ornaments and the all the fuss.
An old sweater, some sneaks, and we're done.
I'll have a lot more time for online shopping.

I can hear the oohs and aahs from here.
Believe it or not, this window box was even prettier in real life. 

The town was crawling with preppy ladies carrying hatboxes.

I felt like Dorothy when she first caught a glimpse of Oz.
I did not have to twist any arms to make a stop.

This darling lady opened Petrichor in June.
If you are on Nantucket, I highly recommend it.

Great assortment of wine. Generous pours.
Our kind of place.

The nibbles are great too!

This is what happens when people have too much liquid energy.

We walked around for a while doing some last-minute shopping.  
If you think Nantucket is pretty during the day, you must see it at night.  It is positively enchanting!

Photo credit:  Jill.
I don't need any lawsuits coming my way.

You'll never guess who we ran into at our very last stop!

Yay! We made the ferry!

Now it's time to sleep off some of that wine!

Need some gift inspiration?
My gift guides can be found herehereherehere and here.

Until next time...


Daffodil Festival in Nantucket
On my bucket list for 2019

Linking up with:
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Oh wow, looks like such fun! And the grinch....I am thinking on buying a wood one to do an outside holiday project with. That one you shot is hysterical!

  2. Oh wow! You guys were having too much fun. I adore girlfriend trips. I did go back and look at the beginning of your trip. What a charming place...It is on my bucket list. Planning a get away to a friend’d ranch....but we are waiting till it warms up...in March. Remember I am in Texas and summer begins in March. Merry Christmas Katie.

  3. Looks like such a fun trip. I love strolling through little shop with unique things, but of course I love my big box stores too.

  4. I enjoyed your trip to Nantucket!! Looks like lots of fun and laughs!!

  5. Yay-can't wait to read all the new posts in 2019! I bet you'll be great at giving advice.

  6. Congrats to Phyllis!! Like you I love to give advice but so far no one listens to me either.lol I said one reason I became a Mother of Preschoolers Mentor was to hand out the advice that my kids do not take. Those young moms seemed to value it so who knows????:)

  7. Oh my, what a fun day!! I would love to see Nantucket one day!

  8. Fun! Love the advice column idea! I am rebranding and I just sent "my guy" your website as the tone I like and the name preppy empty nester says exactly who you are! Taking suggestions! My kids are not allowed to participate! ha!laura

  9. Oh what a fabulous girls’ trip and it looks like you all were having way too much fun! I love Nantucket, and it must be magical this time of year!

  10. What fun! I am dying to go to Nantucket one of these days. I have only been to Martha's Vineyard but I have heard I would love Nantucket more. I love that things are open this time of year....looks like a magical place!

  11. Thank you for sharing Nantucket at Christmastime. It's every bit as quaint as I would imagine. Love the black pleated jacket and that window box! Have a great week.

  12. How do I love thee. Let me count the ways! I love the Mister Rogers sweater tree and the tipped over one, too. (Someone's in trouble!) I love the lighted streets and that fabulous boat mast decorating. I love your (yes, your) pleated jacket and the brightly painted happy doors and trim of so many shops. And the charming streets and -- well, just everything!

  13. Please know I am so excited to be the winner of your lovely giveaway
    and thank you so much! (and thank you Chowdah)
    Phyllis in Oregon

  14. LOVE LOVE LOVE the TREE with the SWEATER!!!!!!!

  15. OOH!!! Peter Beaton!!! Did you purchase a hat for the wedding? Or for Chili?

  16. What a fun trip! I love that pleated jacket but I would be so afraid to sit with it on and ruin the look.


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