Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Monday, December 3, 2018

Nantucket Stroll - Take 1

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you all had a good weekend.  I did some inside decorating finally but couldn't tackle the outside because it rained most of the weekend.  

I attended a book signing, and the author was kind enough to donate an autographed copy of her book for a giveaway.  I'll give you more details at the end of the week.

I split my Nantucket post into two parts.  It was way too long to do a single one.  It would be difficult for me to be in such a beautiful place and not take lots of photos. 

My partners in crime for this adventure were Jill, my old Texas tennis buddy who has relocated to the Cape (praise the Lord) and Cyndy, Jill's dear friend, and now mine, from New Hampshire.  They were both accommodating as well as patient with me taking all of these pics of the sites and of both of them.  I won't mention names, but I have a few friends and family members that need to examine and photoshop every photo I take of them.  

Not Jill and Cyndy.
And for that, I applaud them.

We started our adventure on the 8:15AM ferry.  
I was so excited I arrived in Hyannis at 7:21AM.

Three happy shoppers campers!

Jill said that there is a wonderful presentation here at The Whaling Museum.  We decided to save that for the end of the day.

Unfortunately, by the time we got back, we were too late.
It's just one more excuse to make another trip to Nantucket, otherwise known to Jill as her "happy" place.

I was on the lookout for some cute hostess gifts.

Be prepared to see a lot of gorgeous window boxes.

A day without Lilly is like a day without sunshine.

My mantra for the day.

This shop is packed with gorgeous cashmere and fashion accessories as well as a lovely shopkeeper.

I always like to ask the people in the shops for lunch recommendations.  The delightful lady who owns Nalu recommended The Nautilus.  She was right on target - the food and service were outstanding.

The Nautilus was the name of the dive bar in Fairfield I used to hang out in my college days.

The name is the only thing that these two places had in common.

It looks like the ladies are prepared to put some bling in their wardrobes.

This beautiful red coat caught my eye. 
It could have to do with the upcoming giveaway. 
This shop sells well-preserved, stunning vintage clothing as well as wine.
What a fabulous combo!

Although this darling couch was beckoning, we had too much shopping ahead of us to take a load off.

Then again, a little recharging never hurt anyone.

Just in case you need to get home in a hurry.

This tiny shop has big bargains.  The last time I was on Nantucket I tried to talk the Mister into buying (and carrying) a lovely handpainted platter and pitcher.
He won.
I'm still not over it.

Can you spot two shoppers recharging their batteries? 

I found them!

The more we walked the more underdressed we felt.
These two gentlemen reminded me of the two very important gentlemen that I had on my gift list.


A nice addition to Adorable Jonathon's wardrobe?

This one has the Mister's name all over it.
By the way, if there is a man in your life that is in need of the perfect suit for that holiday party, you needn't sail to Nantucket.
Amazon carries this line.

I bet the Mister would flip for this feather bowtie!

Just like my buddy, Jill, seen here taking a rest, I will leave you now.  
It's time for my nap.

Stay tuned for the second installment recounting our fabulous day on Nantucket which will be posted as soon as I write it in a couple of days.

Are you stumped trying to think of the perfect gift for someone?
My gift guides can be found hereherehere and here.

Until next time...

Rest in Peace, President Bush.

Linking up with:
Inspire Me Monday
Friday Favorites
Friday Favorites
Friday Feature
Friday at the Firestation
Funtastic Friday
Blogger's Pit Stop
Best of the Weekend
Silver Pennies Sundays
Dishin' It & Diggin' It

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Looks like a lovely day out! I enjoyed all the photos :-) Have a great week!


  2. That wonderful town would be on my list every month if I lived nearby. Thanks for all the wonderful photos.

  3. Well I just feel like I was with you sweet ladies. What a wonderful day!

  4. Looks like a fun adventure - Miss Daisy would have enjoyed this trip! I long to go to Nantucket, but happily I have made it to the Vineyard the last few years! Maybe next year!! Looking forward to the rest of your day there!

  5. What a fun day! Those windowboxes are so colorful and charming.

  6. I love going on your shopping trips with you!! What fun you all had!!

  7. My goodness, there's almost too much beauty in this post, including the lovely ladies. And, the red coat, love, love it and the bow tie is a MUST for the Mister. As I've always said, you have more fun outings. Happy first week of December.

  8. I can’t decide if I had more fun being there or reading about it! It really was a great adventure!

  9. I am drooling over every single photo. My one day in Nantucket several years ago only led me to wanting many more and I can imagine that at the holiday season it is more beautiful than ever -- at least it is here in this post! I'm glad you are breaking this up into two because we'll get to see more!

    Sounds like a perfect weekend, a grand time with good friends old and new. And those suits -- the plaid one briefly reminded me of Dad's plaid Christmas pants. We mocked him terribly (especially since he wore them every year!) but I'd give anything to see him in those pants again!

  10. Well, THAT looked fun! I like your navy tote, too. The window boxes are awesome. I like the one that had the Leyland cypress standing in attention like three little trees. :)

  11. What wonderful pictures.. sounds like a great trip. I've never been to Nantucket.


  12. Beautiful post. Such pretty photographs of all the shops and scenes around town.

    Time flies...............A FABULOUS OUTING for YOU LADIES!

  14. Oh my I am so jealous! No place in the world would be more fun at Christmas! I am sure you ladies got in plenty of trouble! Those windowboxes are to die for. Thanks for sharing I am going back to read part one and I am sending this to my friend deborah of 5th and State!

  15. I must go there! What a wonderful town! I guess they don't care too much about Californians, though, because not one city is listed on their mileage marker! :). I think Buddy the Elf is the designer for the suit company!

  16. What fun in Nantucket! Can’t wait for Part II. That photo of Sully Bush kills me. RIP H.W.

  17. Nantucket looks like my type of place. It looks like you had a really fun time - but I have to say that my admirations for those gents suits have dominated my reaction to this post. My husband and I both had a chuckle - I would love to buy him something like that, just to shock people. J xx

  18. We visited Nantucket for the day in mid-September. We arranged for a tour of the island upon getting off the ferry. Our tour guide was "interesting." That cute Lilly jeep in your photo was the first indication of Nantucket's own Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. When our guide hit the precious jeep she jumped out looked at the jeep got back in her van and declared "no damage" and drove on. As she pulled out into the paths of other vehicles with the right of way we became quite religious and prayed heartedly for safe deliverance from our tour. I look forward to going back without needing a Xanax and two glasses of wine to get through the day. The island and shops looked very welcoming.

  19. The window boxes are gorgeous! I hope Mister likes his bow tie and thanks for sharing all the fun!

  20. I've always wanted to visit Nantucket and I so much enjoyed your adventure there.

  21. We just went to Nantucket for the first time this past summer; which is odd since I've lived in CT my whole life and it's really not THAT far! We had such a great time and I've been wanting to go back. I was thinking Stroll weekend would be perfect but all the cold and snow this year has me re-thinking that. Thanks for sharing photos so I can see what I'm missing!


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