Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, October 29, 2017

Fall Tour & Dinner Party

Hello, dear friends.  Happy Sunday!  I hope that you are having a good weekend.  

This post began as a Fall Tour of the house, and then I added some pics of a dinner party that we hosted recently.     

This year we decorated with mums, pumpkins just large enough for Chowdah not to fit into his mouth, scattered gourds that were strategically placed out of Chowdahs reach, and cabbage.  We usually jump the gun and plant too early.  By the time Halloween arrives everything is a depressing shade of brown surrounded by rotting pumpkins.

This year we planted a little later, and we are just going to make it to the finish line.

I took these pics over the course of a couple of weeks with different cameras and exposures.  Not because I wanted to experiment - I am just unorganized.  Ask my husband, Felix Unger.

Can you spell H-A-M?

He wasn't even offered a treat for these "candids."

This year, for the mantle I used Baby Boo pumpkins which are homegrown.  Not really - just wanted to see if you are paying attention.  I also incorporated scented pinecones, which, incidentally, does an amazing job camouflaging the scent of wet dog.

I also threw in some unpolished silver for a kind of a rustic look, or maybe I was just lazy.  You decide.

Lots of mums and my MC pumpkin that my buddy, KTG gifted me years ago.

I like to use cranberries and apples to freshen up the dining room.  Plus, I felt I was starting to overdo it with the mums.

This pic does not do them justice, but I found the prettiest tangerine colored linen placemats during my bi-weekly inventory inspection at Homegoods.  I also bought some burlap-looking napkins to go with them.  Again, carrying through on that whole "rustic" theme or maybe I bought them because they didn't need to be ironed.  
You decide. 

Enough with the table... on with the food.

Appetizers included the Mister's favorite tart shells with pork belly, caramelized pear, and blue cheese.

Also assorted sausage with dijon aioli and pumpkin hummus with pumpkin seeds and toasted Naan.

The chef spinning his magic and getting impatient with his gorgeous, younger-than-Springtime trophy wife for taking too many photos.

The entree was roasted chicken, creamed corn polenta, with oven roasted brussel sprouts, baby carrots, shitake, and prosciutto cracklins. 

Btw... am I the only one who has never heard of prosciutto cracklins before this post?

Why is dessert always my favorite?
The piece de la resistance was a caramel apple cobbler with a side of vanilla gelato topped with toasted marshmallows.

Nothing like a light, low-calorie meal to give you a good night's sleep. 

Until next time...

If these two hooligans come knocking on your door on Halloween... don't let them talk you into giving them any treats.  
Warning:  they are very persuasive and don't take no for an answer.

Linked up with:
Finding Silver Pennies
Metamorphasis Monday

Friday, October 27, 2017

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  After some dreary, soggy days we woke up to a beautiful crisp Fall morning. The Mister is taking a long weekend, and it looks like it's going to be a busy one.

The first gorgeous estate is located in Montecito.


The second property comes from San Clemente, California and is a bit of a celebrity itself.  At one time, it was referred to as The Western White House.    

I love this soft paint color.

More dining room inspiration can be found here.


Charming rustic kitchen design can be found here.

Calgon take me away...
to any of these luscious master bath suites.


Are you looking for ways to increase the value of your home?
They're right here.


Yesterday,  my buddy Anne and I spent a rainy, humid morning at the Junior League Showhouse.  It is a beautiful antique house that is used as a meeting place for the Belmont Women's Club. 

Naturally, they did not allow photos.  I got the above pic online.  It was one of two of my favorite rooms in the house.

Allow me to step on my soapbox.

Why do the designers of showhouses feel the need to go for the shock effect?  This gorgeous antique house was built in 1853. The designer decided to paint the flowing original staircase black and neon purple.   It made my stomach hurt.  A small alcove on the second-floor landing was designed like a mini Studio 54   - with disco music blaring.  That's when I reached for my bottle of Tums.

I don't mind spending 40 bucks knowing that it is going to a good cause.  But I would like to walk away with being inspired by beautiful design and some clever ideas in my pocket.

Are you throwing a kid-free Halloween party?
Here are 47 ideas for some adult treats. 


Considering that Halloween is right around the corner, I'm featuring some articles with an eerie angle to them.

Don't worry, you'll be able to sleep tonight. 

Did you know that there is a man buried on the moon?  
Yessireee... and the scoop is right here.

Do you know who this guy is?
His name is John Edward, and he is a famous Psychic Medium.
A friend of mine, ahem Susie B, had a mini-crush on him and went to his show.

Have you ever been or dreamed of being read by a psychic medium?  Here is one woman's experience.

And here is her book.


Have you ever been contacted by a loved one who has passed?  I have.  Someday I'll tell you about it.  In short, my Mom who had passed away 10 years earlier, woke me from a sound sleep with one word that solved my #2's medical crisis.  

You can find signs that your loved ones are with you right here.

Don't tell Sista that our Mom contacted me first.
She'll think that Mom loved me best.
She did, by the way.  


Enough with the scary stuff...

In a recent post, I mentioned an article that made a strong argument for not raking leaves.  The Mister asked me that night why I didn't mention his favorite toy, Sweep It!   So here it is.  He loves this thing and sings its praises any chance he gets.


Need a chuckle?
Here are 20 ways to confuse your trick-or-treaters.
I am definitely doing #6.
Who's in?

Until next time...


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