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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, April 22, 2016

Friday's This & That

Hello, dear friends.  Happy Friday!  This post covers all the things that have been on my mind lately.

Wow.  Can you spell drama?  I hate to admit it, but I'm getting kind of a kick out of  this Disney debacle.  Michael was not my first choice for Regis' replacement.  I was rooting for Seth Meyers or Neil Patrick Harris.  Although the show has been on for awhile, I never warmed up to Michael and preferred the show when Anderson or Andy sat in as a replacement.  

I realize that I am in the minority, but I think I have a new member in my not crazy about Michael team.

No worries about Kelly quitting.  She's got to pay for her new mega townhouse in NYC and this little number in the Hamptons.

Dear Mr. Iger:

I understand there is an opening on Live with Kelly and ?.  I humbly offer a few suggestions for the position.
No need for a thank you note.

Billy Bush reminds me of a younger, saner Regis.  
The same goofy sense of humor.

No question about it, Kelly and NPH are great friends and share some sizzling chemistry.

Jerry O'Connell embodies razor sharp humor and would be a great addition to Kelly's team.  Not to mention, he's some great eye candy.

If you are not up-to-date on Blacklist, do NOT read on.

Am I the only one in the world who didn't know that Megan Boone was getting killed off?  I was so shocked; I couldn't sleep that night!

Reminds me of the last time a series caught me off guard.

And speaking of The Good Wife, I predicted this final season would be its best.  Although the last show has yet to air, I think I may be right.  Love the chemistry between these two. 

Dear Andy:

To say that I am bitterly disappointed by your new Housewives series would be a gross understatement.  I've got a suggestion for you so that you can redeem yourself.  Throw the yet-to-be-aired footage in the trash.

And fill that empty hour with some more footage from my latest obsession.

Last night, I went to book club at another charming antique home.  I am enjoying this book club so much.  The ladies are a delight, and I look forward to it every month.  The hostess highly recommended Poldark which I put on my must watch list.  Have you seen it?  


This one is the next book club choice.  Everyone I know who has read it loved it.   


I am hosting the Book Club in June.  
This is my choice for discussion.


Yesterday, I got this sweet little book in the mail.  My buddy, Kelly, from the infamous blog,  Just Typikel wrote a very cute story in it.  If you are a cat lover or know someone who loves cats, pick up a copy.  It would make a great  Mother's Day gift.

Although Veep cannot compete with the drama or antics of real-life politics, it sure is great TV.  The new season premieres on Sunday night on HBO.

By the way, stop over at one of my favorite blogs, White Spray Paint.  Laura was kind enough to feature me.

What's on your must see and must read list?

Until next time...  

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Katie you must know that I come over here to get my news. You seem to be the only reliable source left. Poor Kelly! But you have certainly offered up some compelling choices. Let's hope they take your advice.
    Just an FYI. I can not watch any of those housewives. It's like high school mean girls -the grad chapter. They make me want to be a man.Well not literally. Nowadays you have to explain THAT.;-)

    1. Lisa... I am not proud of my Housewives addiction. I agree - it is like a middle aged mean girls. Have a fabulous weekend!!

  2. Poldark - yes! You will love it Katie. I watched the first 15 minutes of Housewives of Dallas and no thank you. Also, I told my daughter I am boycotting the RHBH reunion - no need to listen to a rehash of what has already been rehashed to death!

  3. Katie I lived in Fairview for many years and now that we are empty nesters we are building a new old house in the historic district of McKinney. I probably saw you at the grocery store when you lived here! Such a small world. I met a lady yesterday then we were taking a class at Paper Source who is a friend of a friend. I recognized her because I follow her on pinterest and she has an adorable cottage near the square in DT McKinney. We learned how to make origami dresses together.:-)

  4. I haven't watched the Kelly Ripka show in a while, so I'm not familiar with the controversy, but a few weeks ago, as I flipped through the channels, my son asked, "where did that girl's granddaddy go?" What??? I finally figured out he was talking about Regis. He thought he was Kelly's Granddad!

    I'll definitely investigate because I do love the drama!

    Happy weekend!

  5. Ditto your feelings on the Kelly Ripa drama. I only watch the show every once in awhile, but definitely feel she has better chemistry with the substitute hosts. It seems they really blindsided her. You will absolutely love Poldark!

  6. I think I will have to move to Siberia or Saskatchewan after I admit that I have never, ever watched any of the shows you mention.....except The Good Wife and Poldark. You'll love it - I think - though it is a little......different....from the others. Right now I'm watching, and loving, Occupied, Happy Valley and Outlander.

    1. The ladies in book club love Outlander. I will have to look up and tune into the other two shows. Have a great weekend!

  7. I am currently listening to Beach Music by Pat Conroy, which I saw as a recommendation on your blog. Thank you! It is wonderful. I listen to books (Audible.com), rather than read because I am an avid knitter, and I like to knit and read at the same time. Thanks again for a great recommendation!

  8. I wonder if they can do just a show with NPH? I cannot stand Kelly, and I think NPH has needed his own talk show for awhile now. I don't have cable TV, but when my mom and the kids and I go on vacation, I drive them crazy by watching any Housewives show I can find at the moment; such a train wreck, but I cannot help myself. Mom thinks they are all stupid because "who would act like that on T?" Clearly, she has higher TV standards than her daughter because she also calls me at work to tell me what Steve Harvey and Dr. Phil are saying that day. Oy! Hope you have a fabulous weekend, and please say a prayer for Oklahoma and northern Texas as the tornadoes are a-comin' starting Sunday and ending Tuesday (or so they say)!

  9. Wow, Kelly R. is mad that her partner left the show without warning her. Michael wasn't my first choice either; I liked Seth Meyers (but he's busy now).
    Southern Charm is off to good start - but the RHODallas is awful. How many times can I hear the "P" word in an hour???
    You will like The Nightingale.
    Have an enjoyable weekend.

  10. I don't really watch much TV but I think that Neil Patrick Harris would make a great co-host! I might check out Veep though - I have always loved Julia! I have heard Nightingale is good. It's on my list once I get through my pile. I am reading The Girl in the Glass by Susan Meissner. Good so far - I have read a couple of her books and loved them! Enjoy your weekend!

  11. i hear ya on the kelly/michael show...always preferred anderson cooper as a guest host and i still miss regis. i was flabbergasted when elizabeth died last week on the blacklist. seriously it was shocking. what the heck happened to make her leave the show? inquiring minds need to know! stat!!! i'll have to check out the books you mentioned and poldark. you've got to watch Outlander!!!! its on starz channel...the only thing i've seen interesting come on that channel by the way. and the bravo dallas show? YAWN. the things i've seen while living in houston, well, let's just say the producer Andy made a mistake in location.

  12. Hi Katie! I'm getting tired of Michael and Kelly, too, and not much liking either of them. He was a jerk for not telling her sooner; she's being a diva. Life goes on. Meanwhile, I'm eagerly anticipating "The Nightingale" and your friend is right -- Poldark is wonderful (both the new one and the original with Robin Ellis who now hosts cooking weekend at his place in Provence where he and his wife focus on delicious cooking (particularly appealing to those with diabetes and must control diet). I'd like to go there just to see my original Poldark! Do tell us how you like Nightingale!

  13. Katie-
    I am bookmarking this page to keep your recommendations!
    And the new Housewives show?
    Yet I found myself staring and mumbling what in the world!

    Love visiting and thank you for mentioning White Spray Paint.

  14. With on the Michael S issue -- I actually was in shock when they announced him years ago. Like your suggestions!! Also caught an episode of Southern Charm - -also hooked! :) Have a great weekend!

  15. I always get a kick out of your pop culture updates, Katie. I think it was too bad this all happened two days before Kelly and Mark left for Turks and Caicos to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary (I'm a romantic at heart) but it does seem Kelly has lots of support. Yes, she will need to keep that job with all the fabulous properties they have invested in. I love her with Anderson Cooper too, though he has several other gigs.
    Happy Weekend doll!

  16. I don't watch Live, but I want to google what happened because I am seeing so many people mention it. The morning show has never been the same after Regis and Kathy Lee. (I'm going way back, I know. LOL!) Book club in antique homes? Yes, very cool! It sounds like a lot of fun and you're reading some interesting choices. #FridayFrivolity

  17. Thanks for keeping me in the know. I guess you are right, Kelly will not be leaving the show anytime soon with two homes like that. Wow....loving her Hamptons home! Should be interesting to see who they pick for a replacement. I think O'Connell would be a good choice. ;-) Loved the Nightingale and now we are reading, My Brilliant Friend. Adore Julia Louis Dreyfus...love anything she is in! She recently hosted SNL, but that wasn't too good. Have a good weekend and I can't wait for your Newport post!

  18. My heart stopped when I zipped through the comments that said " ... Can't stand Kelly." What? But we've never met. Nor did it help that my maiden name began with R and folks referred to"Kelly R ... " And then the penny dropped. Ohhhhhhhhh. THAT Kelly. Of course.
    THIS Kelly thanks you for highlighting My Very Good, Very Bad Cat. As you know I'm a dog person and to have my cat story published in a Chicken Soup book is ... well ... Just TypiKel, no?
    Off to check out this wonder that is Poldark. And yes. You must watch Outlander if you aren't already.

  19. I had no idea about Megan Boone either until that night! Last night was awful; what in the world will happen?

  20. I am with you on the Kelly drama. I had stopped watching the show. The drama is better than the show. BTW I am reading, When Breath Becomes Air. Have a good weekend.

    1. So right you are, sweet Maxine. The drama is better than the show. Drop me a note and let me know what you think of When Breath... Have a great week Maxine.

  21. I agree with you on so much in this post: 1) I don't watch Kelly that much, but I would have watched it more if Anderson or Andy were her co-hosts. I love both of them! 2) The Good Wife: My hubby & I are a little behind on this season, but I was completely shocked when Will died. I miss him!! 3) I am so disappointed in RHOD! I thought maybe it was just because they're representing my state that I felt that way, but it seems to be a consensus. You know as well as I do, that they're our some classy ladies here. Did Andy choose from the C Team? Ugh...I'm not impressed.
    Have a great weekend, Katie!!

  22. I agree...others could have been better replacement for Regis. Maybe Regis could come back!

  23. I used to watch Regis and Kelly on occasion, but to be honest I don't watch any TV now. I know, I'm strange, but other than tuning in to Downtown Abbey each season, our TV is off. With just the two of us, we find ourselves reading or watching something on our laptop or ipad, or reading blogs. Preppy Empty Nester keeps me laughing! ;-)
    But now you have me curious. I'm going to need to read up on the drama.

  24. So agree on the RHOD. I was looking forward to it, but just watched it for a bit the first night and immediately didn't like any of the women. The only Housewives show I watch is the Beverly Hills one. I liked it much better at the beginning than I do now, though. Southern Charm is another story! I love, love, love that show! It's one of my favorites on TV. I could watch that show all day, especially when show glimpses of those beautiful historic houses. I watch Live with Kelly and Michael every day and warmed up to Michael, but MUCH preferred Seth Myers and Anderson Cooper. I think this may be a "jump the shark" moment for that show. Even though I understand why Kelly was upset, I think not showing up for work makes her look like a big crybaby and not very professional.

    1. Hi Debbi! Great to hear from you! I think that a lot of people felt the same way about Kelly being a crybaby. That's probably why she decided to make amends on Tuesday. I love all the gorgeous homes in SC especially Patricia's. Have a wonderful week, Debbi.

  25. Katie, I love Poldark, loved the Nightingale and can no longer stand any of the Housewives !!! Have a great weekend, it is beautiful here!

    The Arts by Karena

  26. 1. Oh my gosh you have not seen Poldark?! It is really really good. Grantchester has been my replacement eye candy until the new season begins.
    2.Sorry, I liked Michael Strahan on Live. I loved when Fred Savage cohosted with her a week or so ago. I am not a regular watcher though. Mostly when I am folding laundry.
    3.Have you read The Lake House by Kate Morton? That and The Summer Before the War by Helen Simonson have been my favorite reads so far.
    4. I will be sad when The Good Wife is over. I too was shocked when Will died. And I think the chemistry between Alicia and Jason is sizzling hot. I will miss this when it ends.
    5. We gave up on The Blacklist several seasons ago. It was just too violent and creepy for us.

    1. Blacklist is definitely violent. I make the Mr. fast forward sometimes. I have read Kate Morton's book and have The Summer Before the War on my gotta read list. I'll miss Good Wife too. Have a great week, Sharon!

  27. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who was blind sided when "Lizzie" died on Blacklist...... or did she?? There is always that possibility. I never heard or read anything that she was leaving.
    Love your book choices. When you post, it seems I have either recently read them or have them on my TBR list!
    Great minds....... :-)

    1. So true... great minds... Since we have the same taste in reading, if you come across something that you enjoy would you mind dropping me a line, Chris? Hope you have a wonderful week.

  28. First, I have read all of Kristin Hannah's books and I love them! Second, no I did not know Lizzie was going to die on the Blacklist. I am not sure I understand what is happening. I will continue to believe that Red is just hiding her somewhere until he catches the bad guys trying to kidnap her. I will admit it is not quite as good as when it first started but I do love James Spader so I am holding on to the hope that it will get better next season. I quit watching the Good Wife a few seasons ago and now I feel I need to go back and watch all those that I missed. As far as Kelly and whomever...I gave up on that show a long time ago. Sorry! Thanks again for a fun post!

    1. I hope Red is hiding Lizzie. I took a season off too from The Good Wife but glad I came back. Thanks for taking the time to comment Angie, and I hope you have a great week.

  29. I must admit to not watching any of the shows you are describing. It's not that I don't watch t.v., but I just have favourites that I have stuck to. I do not, however, watch any of the "reality" shows, such as the Housewives series. I find them (just judging from commercials, etc.) too filled with fake drama and I agree with Lisa's comment that they seem like mean girls in highschool (I don't even think we had anyone that mean, actually). For my viewing pleasure, I like a well written comedy or an intriguing series that involves solving some sort of crime. It is difficult when a regular character leaves a show (however it is written in) because you become invested in that character as you continue to watch a series. -Jenn

  30. I love The Good Wife too! It took me awhile to warm up to it because she's so dry and almost stoic that at first it bored me. Now I'm excited every week when it comes on. Before the show ends, I hope she divorces her husband!!

    Now I'll confess that I do not like Neil Patrick Harris At All!! They can choose whomever you would like though Katie because we don't turn on the tv during the day. :)

  31. Wow lots of good ideas here, I agree about the Dallas show, BORING!!! And I was out of the loop on the whole Kelly/Michael saga, need to catch up but Jerry O'Connell would be fun, he seems like s such a nice easy going guy. I am sure we have not heard the last of this.....enjoy this spectacular day!

  32. Katie,
    I agree completely.....Andy should cancel "Dallas" and replace it with another hour of "Southern Charm" Don't you just love Patricia and her butler ::}}

    1. Pamela... I dream of BEING Pamela and having a butler by my side! Have a great week.

  33. POLDARK!!!! YES!!!! I watch tv only one night a week and that is Sundays on PBS. My family, especially my kids, love to tease me about it. On the second episode of Poldark my 20 something daughter walked by and said, "WHO is that????" She sat down and became another PBS devotee. Thank you for joining Thoughts of Home on Thursday. This post truly delighted me.

  34. I'm glad I wasn't the only one, Ellen. Have a great week!

  35. I don't watch TV so I do not know about Real Housewives or the other series but the books sound fabulous! As for the Michael/Kelley debacle, I read it on the internet. When are the networks going to learn that they need to tell the people involved in the show BEFORE it is on the news? Seems like a no brainer to me but that does not mean that the "powers that be have brains.".

    I hope that you had a fabulous weekend!

  36. I haven't seen Live since probably just after Kelly replaced Kathie Lee Gifford, but I agree that NPH would be SUCH a better choice! Thanks for joining us at #FridayFrivolity!

  37. I adore Poldark, my daughter would laugh at me last season as I was glued to the TV then she took one look at him and was glued too!! I agree Neil is the ticket!!

  38. I stopped watching when Kathie Lee left so I'm kinda out of the loop. Love, love, love Southern Charm. RHofDallas should simply not come back. I agree with all your possible replacements for Live. But unfortunately for them I probably still won't watch! lol! But FINALLY I disagree with you. I don't like this season of Good Wife! I don't like the direction of Alicia's character and I don't like her boyfriend at all. But I do love everything else about the show. xo PS Especially Peter!

  39. You know how much I love the Housewives but Dallas is almost unwatchable. I feel bad that Kelly was blindsided by Michael's departure. Maybe I should drop by her Hamptons house with a pick-me-up bottle of wine.

  40. Ahahaha that dog meme at the end made me laugh out loud... loved this whole post! Do you really think the Blacklist girl is dead?? Is she really leaving the show? It seems sooo unlikely... I don't know a thing about it, and haven't watched regularly for a season or two now but it just seems so crazy... That Poldark looks pretty good-looking --- I MEAN, worth watching... ha! ;P Let me know if it is good and I just might check him out-- I MEAN it out -- in the interim too.

    Subscribing to you via blog lovin' and twitter -- I don't know how I wasn't already, you're funny and awesome! Thanks so much for joining us at #FridayFrivolity -- pinning and tweeting, and hoping to see you back this week!

    1. Hmmmmm it looks like you're not on twitter? Pinterest it is then! ;)

  41. Loved your analysis of all of the "hot" topics. I have to agree that Michael was a surprise choice for me and then I was completely won over. Now, not so much a fan.... Moving on, loved the original Poldark (from my youth) and just cannot get into this kinder, gentler Ross. Oh, the drama of the original, I had to run out and read all the books. Did you ever watch the Dr. Blake Mysteries on PBS? A slice of fifties Australia, and throw in a dishy doctor/WW II vet who helps the local constabulary solve their crimes. Great t.v. watching. Agree on the Good Wife final season romance, great casting. VEEP, what can I say, it's the best and last night's episode provided continuous laughs. And, finally, back to Kelly and Michael, do love me some Andy Cohen or Anderson, but neither as a daily co-host. Jerry, too goofy for me. I guess we start another go at finding the right one. I've only recently found your blog and really enjoy all you have to say!


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