Hello, dear friends. It's a chilly Sunday here in the Northeast. I hope you all are having a great weekend.
When January 1st rolled around this year, I told the Mister that this year is the year of doing all the stuff that we don't want to do. He was thrilled to hear that I was kicking off the year on such a positive note.
The first thing on the list was drawing up new wills. We had them done over 20 years ago. They were written in another state and now that the girls are over 21, a few things needed to be revised.
This is what we learned about the process. If you ever feel neglected or ignored by an adult child, tell him/her that you are re-writing your will. It's amazing how attentive and sweet they will become.
The second thing on the list is the dreaded colonoscopy. The doctors say that you should have your first one at age 50. We were both overdue by a few years.
If you think that I am going to lecture you or give you a guilt trip about having this procedure, you are sadly mistaken. I hated it when my doctor, well-meaning friends, and Katie Couric put pressure on me and I am not going to do it to you today. I am just sharing my tips that proved helpful.
I decided since I was having this procedure, I was going to make it as comfortable as possible. I researched colonoscopies on line and googled tips on how to make the process less taxing.
The assigned cocktail was one of MiraLAX and lemon gatorade with a chaser of Ducolax tablets.
I bought a pretty new pitcher to mix my concoction in and put it in the fridge the day before. I drank it ice cold and also sipped it through a straw. It makes the process go much faster.
My instructions told me to take the pills at 3PM and to start chugging the magic potion at 6PM. I started much earlier so that I could get some sleep and it worked out fine.
Another tip that I found on line was instead of buying boring old chicken broth, purchase canned chicken noodle soup and throw it in a strainer and drink that broth. It is a lot more tasty.
I was told to drink lots of water - it makes things much easier.

My #2 loves tea and she left a box of Bengal Spice in the cabinet. I've never been a tea drinker but after my first sip, I was hooked. It is positively delicious.
I read that before the party gets started, apply Vaseline to avoid irritating the area.
Stock up on these.
Believe me; you'll thank me later.
My experience at the endoscopic center was a positive one. The nurses were warm and friendly and put me at ease. You know how much I love nurses - I even wrote a post about them.
The doctor, on the other hand, reminded of a certain TV doctor. She evidently left her smile and bedside manner at home. She came in to tell me all the things that could go wrong and asked for my signature. I almost jumped ship in my johnny gown but instead I said a quick Hail Mary and gave her my John Hancock.
Before I knew it, my sweet nurse woke me up and told me that I was clean as a whistle, and I didn't have to worry about having another colonoscopy for ten years.
The Mister suggested that we go out for a nice fattening lunch.
I told him, "No way, Mister. Take me to the nearest Talbots so I can try on some mom jeans in size double zero!"
Until next time...
Katie, I adore you! I am doing this for the first time in a couple of weeks. It's so pathetic that I'm looking forward to losing that 3 or 4 pounds for one day! I have a huge Prep Kit that they made me buy that makes you go... The rest of your tips I will certainly heed.
ReplyDeleteSo did you get some cute clothes at Talbots? Love that store!
Too funny.....oh boy so not looking forward and I too am due, love your approach though, and yes blue and white makes even a gross concoction just a bit tastier:) Happy the results were positive and that you don't have to think about it for another decade. Hope you enjoy your Sunday!
ReplyDeleteMy brother and I were talking about this yesterday! I think everyone complaining about the pre-drink-up-procedure actually helped me. It just isn't that big of a deal. It's kinda like movie reviews -- if I'm expecting a movie to be not that great, I usually think it wasn't that bad. This is all about expectations -- and a tv near the bathroom!
ReplyDeleteI've had a few of these procedures and each time it gets easier. When I scrolled down to the vaseline I almost spit out my coffee I laughed so hard. Your description is spot on and hilarious. Penny
ReplyDeleteJust had my 3rd colonoscopy this year (colon cancer family history) and I think I need a better way to prep. Using the soup broth is a genius idea. But, I'm good for 5 years so happy days!
ReplyDeleteYour clean out recipe sounds better than mine a couple of years ago. I had to drink some vile liquid that made me want to vomit. Sorry for the vivid description. I don't want to think about the next time. Hubby has had to do one a year due to finding "something." Just glad that is not me. Just saying. ha ha. I don't "ha ha" to his face. But I am the one who has to drive him home. I am going to save your recipe! I hated my doc's recipe.
ReplyDeleteKatie, you're hilarious! I had a colonoscopy about a year and a half ago and I have to go back a year and a half from now because they did remove a polyp. My concoction was similar to yours, but I'll remember the rest of your tips next time.
ReplyDeleteGood for you for finally getting a colonoscopy. They aren't any fun, but it's better to be safe than soooo sorry. All of your tips are excellent, especially the one about using a straw. I've never heard of the "concoction" you had to drink. Love Bengal Spice tea - reminds me of a spicy chai tea flavor. After my colonoscopy I was taken to a recovery room with ginger ale and graham crackers. I was so hungry and thirsty that my husband had to drag me out of there.
ReplyDeleteGlad everything came out ok, Paige! Have a great week!
DeleteOnly you could make it sound fun. LOL Need to bookmark this for when the time comes.
ReplyDeleteYour tips are great! I wish I had read them about five months ago when I had the pleasure! I especially liked mixing your concoction in a lovely vessel. Perfect!
ReplyDeleteI do love Doc Martin the show but I'm not sure I'd find his bedside manner much fun -- especially after all that! Glad all worked out for you!
The year of doing all the stuff we don't want to do - lol - love it!
ReplyDeleteonly you could make a colonoscopy sound like something fun to do. i was going to say "something to get behind" but then thankfully i thought better of the word choice. good tips though. i've had a lower GI series done before. no bueno but then again i didnt have your tips. good on you for doing it though...i had a girlfriend in her 40s diagnosed last year with colon cancer. she's in remission now ;) but its important to do this and not let the unpleasantness of the prep stop you from doing it. glad you didnt let it stop you :)
As women, we tend to worry so much, but we need to remember that everything always comes out well in the end.
ReplyDeleteI cackled out loud over "before the party starts" apply Vaseline. Hysterical but oh, so true. Happy new week!
ReplyDeleteYou are too funny! So glad you're fine!
ReplyDeleteI measured out the miralax gatorade and put them in the freezer...a little slushy made it easier. Always nice when it's over.
ReplyDeleteI agree!!! Have a good Monday.
DeleteUgh. I'm good again until 2018, but not my favorite activity! If you haven't read the Dave Barry Essay on colonoscopy prep, look it up. Absolutely hilarious!! Someone sent it to me just before prep.... much funnier after you've finished the process.
ReplyDeleteJanet.. I love Dave Barry. I'm going to look it up and send it to the Mr. He's up next! Hope you have a wonderful week!
DeleteThank you for sharing. Your tips are bound to help many people. You can now breath a sigh of relief and carry on. Having "tests" done always sends me into a bout of "what ifs", and I should know by now not to google medical stuff, but I do it anyway. Treat yourself to those jeans!! ;) -Jenn
ReplyDeleteYou are so funny! I actually had to have a colonoscopy about 6 years ago due to some intestinal issues. Luckily, everything was fine but the preparation was torture. I had to keep drinking this awful liquid over a certain period of time. I forgot how long because I must be blocking it out but I did not have fun. Anyway, glad yours is over!
I had to have on 5 years ago and I am due again this year ugh!! The prep is worse than the procedure I think! I had to drink 64 oz of what tasted like limoncello so never bring that drink around me again , this year no flavor for me! So glad you are well my friend!
ReplyDeleteCould you make me smile in wider...my face is actually hurting!
ReplyDeleteYou go girl, glad all is well in the colon department!
This was a great post, Katie. My hubby works in an endoscopy center and would agree with your tips. Even though 50 is a few short years away, he and my midwife have been encouraging me to get a colonoscopy sooner because of colon cancer in my family history. I always used the excuse that it would be impossible for me to do prep in our house with only one main bathroom and 5 children still at home. Now that we have this cabin just a few yards away from our house, I really no longer have a valid excuse. Your post has motivated me to go ahead and get this done. Thanks for being so frank and open in this post. Have a great week.
ReplyDeleteEver since you shared the news of the then impending event, I've been wondering how it all unfolded. Splendid news, Katie. Splendid. Now for some photos of those new jeans, please. Not to mention the hair.
ReplyDeleteLOVED THIS..............I had the dreaded C done years ago........I should probably have it done again since my STEP MOM was just told she HAS COLON CANCER!I was told by a GOOD FRIEND who had it years ago if the CANCER hasNOT broken through the WALL they can GET IT!!!!!!!!!!SHE IS A GOOD LOOKING 63 year old and MY DEAR DEAR FRIEND!WELL< done and I will keep all YOUR TIPS in MIND!!
Sweet and hysterical lady! You actually kind of made me look forward to having a colonoscopy with your humor and wit! So glad yours turned out OK and I'm definitely Pinning these tips! What a Pun huh but I'll tell you if more people would just be honest like you it wouldn't seem so horribly bad. You ROCK!!
ReplyDeleteOh my, I am due this year as I have the good fortune of familial colon cancer, and since I had a friend who refused to do so until it was too late, I am not afraid to let others know this is something that should be done. You have some good tips for before and especially after...trying on clothes in small sizes. Have a wonderful week...I will keep you posted when the big event takes place.
ReplyDeleteKatie, glad the results were good news. I hate the prep!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the visit and thoughtful comment on Hyacinths. It brought me over here. I'm a follower from way back, but had lost touch with you when all my sidebar blog links disappeared. I've added you back so I can keep up with this fabulous blog. I adore your sense of humor and writing style. Keep it up. ;-)
Katie, so happy to hear that all went well at the doctor. I am due for mine at the end of the year. I appreciate all of your tips!
ReplyDeleteI'm fast approaching this milestone and a good reminder for everyone ! Great advice and I didn't know we could use our own laxative. That is good to know because the liquid formula the doctor prescribes is supposedly quite awful! Love the misters idea of having a burger after the event! You should have booked the procedure together done side by side like a couples message! Have a great week and glad things turned out well! :-)
ReplyDeleteA colonoscopy is such an important test...so glad yours went well. I'm so surprised that you didn't have to take a prescription laxative! My husband goes to Mass General and he had to drink a gallon of disgusting stuff. My doctor gave me a lot less to drink (thank goodness) but it was still pretty gross. Just another fun over 50 adventure....there seems to be quite a few of them these days :( Oh and thanks for the reminder about wills. Ours need to be updated too. Susan www.themidlifefashionista.com
ReplyDeleteWe finally revised our wills a few years ago. It had been so long that only our oldest child was mentioned by name. Annie was not at all amused to hear that our wills referred to "Walt and any other children who might come along". Oooops...
ReplyDeleteYour colonoscopy advice is a service to mankind. Plus how fun is it that your blog will pop up in google searches for "colonoscopy"!
I know this is an old post but I revisited it again as I am having the procedure in a few weeks. I'm dreading it! Thank you for writing about it. You gave me the courage to make the appointment and follow through. I already have a pretty pitcher for the concoction and I'm looking forward to skinny jeans shopping! 😉