J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

A Poetic Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  Happy Wednesday.  I'm starting to wonder if it ever will get warm around here.  We had some April showers yesterday with temps in the 40's.  The Mister is planning on taking Friday off so that we can do some planting.  We will have to see if the weather cooperates.

It's time for Hodgepodge.


1.  This is the last Hodgepodge in April.  Share something that you learned this month.

Am I the only one in the world that didn't know Prince lived in Minnesota?   I never really thought about it before, but Minnesota would not be my choice if someone asked me where I thought the pop star lived.  Don't get me wrong - I heard Minnesota is beautiful.  I just thought Prince lived on some exotic island or abroad somewhere.

Just goes to show you how much I know.

2.  It's National Poetry Month, and we all know you can't escape an April Hodgepodge without a little poetry.  Keeping the first line as is, change the rest of the wording in this familiar rhyme to make it your own - 'Hickory Dickory Dock...'

Hickory Dickory Dock.
Another year has hit the clock.
My last year being in the decade of 50,
Suddenly, I don't feel so nifty!

3. What were one or two rules in the home you grew up in?  Do you have many from which to choose?

I think this rule pertained only to me.

Quit picking on your little sista!!

4. Tell us about a kitchen or cooking disaster or mishap you've experienced.  Do you have many from which to choose?

When the Mister and I were first married, I told him that I was going to make dinner for him one night.  My mother gave me a recipe for cornish hens and rice.  I bought the hens the weekend before and hid them in the freezer.  That night, after I got home from work, I put the hens in hot water to defrost them.  By the time the Mister got home, I still had two frozen birds swimming in the sink.  Needless to say, we had Uncle Ben's Rice for dinner.

I never went near the kitchen again.

5.  Plant a kiss, plant doubt, plant a tree, plant yourself ... which on the list have you most recently planted?

Over the winter, the Mister and I had a large tree removed in front of the house.  We replaced it with a Japanese Maple tree.  We have never seen it in bloom.  You would think that our new addition was our new child, the way we do our daily inspection for new growth and chat about how full it is getting.  

6.  What's your most worn item of clothing this time of year?  Are you tired of it?

My #2 gave me this red scarf decorated with zebras.  Because my closet is a sea of black and gray, this scarf has been my go-to accessory for the Fall and Winter.

I am not tired of it because every time I wear it I think of my sweet #2.

P.S. I love all of the wonderful things that  #1 has given me as well. 

7.  I'm wrapping up the A-Z Blog Challenge this month and our Hodgepodge lands on letter W.   What's one word beginning with W that describes you in some way?  How about a word to describe your home, also beginning with W?

well worn
  1. showing the signs of extensive use or wear
    "a well-worn leather armchair"

I would say this describes my house as well as myself.

8. Insert you own random thought.

Yesterday was my birthday.  
I share this day with some famous people.

My Handsome Nef,
Mister Christopher

One of my favorite stars

A funny Mall Cop

Oooh la la!!!

at Won't

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Happy birthday! I too am in the last year of the 50 decade. Grrrr How did it happen? I think I still act young (but don't ask my kids!) it's crazy how fast time goes sometimes!

  2. Happy, Hoppy birthday a day late!!! Love the disclaimer with the stuff #1 gives you. I have to do that, too. Must keep the peace! I do love that scarf, too. The Japanese Maple- I will have to send you a photo of mine. It started as a twig and has grown into awesome amazingness. I hope yours grows as beautiful as mine. I did see the new growth when the weather got into the 60-70's. Have an awesome week!

  3. Happy belated birthday!!! I loved reading about your kitchen disaster. Lol I'm sorry, but ... Anyway, I love black and gray, two of my favorites. And I'd love a scarf with zebras on it! I hope your sweet tree does well and that spring is beautiful.

  4. I think you should have posed in front of a flag with a sassy arm cross. Happy birthday! Pretty sure you're still nifty!

  5. Hope you had a great birthday Katie!

  6. Happy, happy birthday to you and one of my favorites, Carol Burnett! I hope you had a marvelous day! As for Prince residing in Minnesota, he told a reporter he liked it there because the cold temperatures kept the mean people away! Ha! That's the way we feel about the oppressive heat here! We've been running the AC for a few weeks now.

  7. Happiest belated! I know it was a wonderful day!

    OK -- here's a little sharing! I had no idea about Prince/Minnesota, either; my family rule was no cartons or boxes on the table. Milk, cereal -- mope!; biggest cooking disaster? Setting the kitchen on fire on Christmas by leaving a towel and packaging too close to a burner I didn't turn off. No fire department was called -- this stupid but courageous woman got it out by herself. And graciously served dinner. And oh! How would love to have a Japanese maple! They're one of my faves.

    Now, my birthday wish to you is that you keep celebrating that birthday for weeks to come!

  8. Happy belated Birthday! I hope your next year is filled with much happiness and many new adventures.

  9. Great Hodgepodge as usual!! Had no idea Prince lived in Minnesota either. Think I would choose a warmer location! Hope you had a wonderful birthday!

  10. Happy Belated Birthday!🎉🎉🎉

  11. Happy Birthday, Katie! Great Hodgepodge. I envy you, as it's been awhile since I've seen the 50s. Ha! Ha!
    With that confession, do you actually think I can remember any rules from childhood?
    Cooking disaster ~ more than I want to remember! I'll end with W for welcoming. Hope I get to welcome you to Austin in the future.

  12. Happy Birthday!! I hope you have glorious weather for planting!

  13. Happy Birthday...my sister Keary is in the last year of her 50's once she crosses over to 60, I will be the only sibling left in the 50's and I am ok with that...I too had no idea Prince was from Minnesota, who knew? Carol Burnett turned 83, I bet she can still Tarzan call like a 50 year old. Have a great week!

  14. Katie, many belated Happy Birthday wishes to you.

  15. LOL too funny.....love the story about the frozen cornish hens...NOW I know why the mister cooks! And a very happy birthday, may this be your best year yet:)

  16. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRLFRIEND!!!!! Hope "someone" treated you to a magnificent dinner and lotsa lotsa cake!!!
    I just knew you were gonna say your most worn item was a coat. I chuckled thinking about it because I have not worn a coat ONE DINGLE DANGLE DAY this past winter!!!!

  17. First off; happy, happy birthday! I hope you had a fabulous day! This was such a fun post! I had the same thought about Price! Who knew!?! I was trying to think back to one rule I had growing up, and I couldn't remember anything major. The one that came to mind first, was that I wasn't allowed to watch Golden Girls. To this day, I don't think I have seen a whole episode. I just feel guilty! Ha! I'll send you some warm Texas sunshine, if you promise to send me some cool weather in late July! :)

  18. Happy Belated Birthday! So you share your birthday with Carol Burnett AND Kevin James?!! Love them both! I hope you had a wonderful day! Love the post - as always! I have had quite a few cooking disasters over the years but haven gotten much better with time. One year while we still lived in our condo, I got the bright idea to make home made gnocchi. I think it took the entire day and they came out all doughy and disgusting. But the ridiculous thing was that I decided to freeze them and then a couple months later when we moved into our house, I actually brought them with us to the new freezer! To this day, my husband laughs at me for this and I cannot explain why I did it. Needless to say, they were eventually thrown out. And needless to say, when I want gnocchi now, we go to a good Italian restaurant!

  19. Happy Birthday, Sis! I hope it was a very special and memorable one. My gift to you is the story of the time I set the oven on fire making a pie. Hubby and I had picked early blueberries - the sweet teensy ones - that afternoon. Thinking it would be a yummy treat for him, I whipped up some piecrust (Ha! After a lonngggg recipe consultation. Crust was and still isn't my forte) hurled in the sugared berries and popped it in the oven. Who knew one shouldn't use a two piece tart pan for a juicy pie? Buckets of juice dripped out on to the element and loving flames licked up and around the pie. Drawn into the kitchen by the charming aroma, I hurled baking soda on the creation. Voila. Flames out. Pie cooked. That white powder all over the "golden crust?" Icing sugar, of course ...

    I have a similar story about the husband and the kitchen when we were first dating........he told me to fry garlic so I did!Never mind I did not put Olive oil in the PAN!!!He can do CIRCLES AROUND me there TOO in LA CUCINA.......BUT unfortunately for ME I am the ONE who COOKS!
    A word describing ME and my House that starts with a W......................how about WELCOME............always happy to have a visitor or THREE!

  21. I think the birthday puppy found the liquor cabinet.

    My w word is Wine. You are always Welcome for Wine at my house.

    Happy Birthday! I hope Chow and Chili shared their treats with you.

    annie g

  22. Happy Belated Birthday Katie,You are such a bright spot in my day,and I am so thankful for you!! I hope you have a blessed and fabulous year ahead!!

  23. I hope your birthday was wildly happy!

  24. Hello dear Katie,
    W is for Wonderful - which is you,you are a wonderful friend
    I do hope you had a very Happy Birthday, and think you should celebr
    ate all week.I hope the sun came out at last, did my email reach you?
    You have a very handsome net to share your special day, I'm not sure who the others are, apart from 1 desperate housewife :)
    Much love my dear,Happy Birthday

  25. Happy belated Birthday!! May this year ahead be filled with health happiness and joy!!


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