Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, December 17, 2021

Easy-Peasy Centerpieces/ Take 2


Hello, dear friends.  Welcome to my final post of 2021.  I hope you all are ahead of schedule with your shopping and decorating.

The most exciting event of this week happened on Wednesday.  The Mister and I spent some time at the DMV getting our Texas Drivers License.  Anyone who has attempted to use the DMV for any of its services after the Pandemic knows what a long wait time is ahead of them.  The Mister couldn't get our appointments in any of the locations near our home until February or March, which was fine with me.  If it were up to me, I could have waited until a cop pulled me over and threw me in the slammer for having an out-of-state license.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Easy-Peasy Centerpieces/ Take One


Hello, dear friends.  
I hope you had a good weekend.  
Ours was a lot of fun.  

The sous vide held center stage again.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Reading, Watching, & Listening


Hello, dear friends.  How was your week?  Are you shopped out yet?  Believe it or not, the Mister and I are headed back to the mall this weekend because I have more returns. 

Speaking of returns, I bought this number on Black Friday.  I needed to exchange it for a larger another size, and the process was seamless.  I should receive my replacement within a few days.

The weather has been crazy here, as most of the country.  
This was taken Wednesday morning on my walk.  
It was in the low 40's and misting.  
Today it is supposed to be in the mid-80s.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Prime Time


Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you had a good weekend.  Ours was a lot of fun.  We attended a holiday party, got some shopping done, saw a great movie, and even got a couple of walks in with our Millie. 

Millie is a great little pup, except she is easily distracted on walks.  Every leaf on the ground must be inspected by her discriminating nose as well as her laser-sharp eye. 

On Saturday, we headed over to Legacy West in Plano, one of my favorite places.  It's a bustling area lined with high-end stores and fabulous restaurants.  

My mission was to return a sweater to J Crew that I ordered on Black Friday. The Mister's mission was to beat his caloric intake of Thanksgiving Day.

Friday, December 3, 2021

What I Bought on Black Friday


Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you had a good week.  The weather has been picture-perfect, so my walks have been longer than usual.  I've even enjoyed my lunch and reading on my patio.

I get lots of wonderful emails from you all.  Some of you tell me what you like about the blog, and some tell me what you don't like.  Some people ask me for one of the Mister's recipes.  

The only recipe I am asked for is my 1-point WW muffins.  Btw... did you know that WW redid their point system again?  Is anyone out there doing it?  I'd love to hear your feedback.

Anywho, I received a couple of emails from readers inquiring as to what I bought on Black Friday/Cyber Monday.  

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