Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

A Realistic Hodgepodge


Hello, dear friends.  I decided to pop my head in mid-week. It has been raining since Sunday, and the forecasters tell us that it will last through the weekend.  

Lucky for the Mister, the weather does not affect my moods.


I have some fun lunches planned with a couple of old buds this week.  We have 9 years to catch up on!

I also have a dentist appointment with a new dentist. I'm not a fan of taking new doctors out for a test drive.   The old dentist that I went to for twelve years doesn't take my insurance. 


Yeah, I get it.

I'm boring myself.

On with the fun stuff.  Today, I am linking up with one of my favorite bloggers, Joyce from The Other Side of the Pond.  She asks the questions, and bloggers like me try to come up with some entertaining answers.

1. Realist, idealist, optimist, pessimist...which one are you? Elaborate. 

The Mister would tell you that I am a pessimist

However, I consider myself a realist.

Somebody's got to balance out the Mister's irritatingly optimistic view of the world!

2. What's something currently on your wish list? 

My furniture deliveries.

We heard from another store that broke the news that our new sofas will be arriving in mid-August instead of June.

The Mister says they will probably be shipped early.

I say we won't lay our eyes on them until Christmas.

3. Three things on this week's shopping list?

I chose wallpaper for our powder room.

The good news is I fell head-over-heels in love with it.

The bad news is that I don't get it until the end of June.

I guess the manufacturers don't realize that I am a person who requires instant gratification. 

I found an extra long bed skirt for the guest room.

The bed is very high.

I found the perfect wreath for my kitchen.
It is the right size, and it is nice and full.


4. According to Trip Advisor, here's a list of the top ten things to do in the US this summer-

Chicago Architecture River Cruise, Skip the Line Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Tour, New York In A Day guided sightseeing tour, Charleston's Old South Historical Horse and Carriage tour, Grand Canyon helicopter tour, Full day iconic sights of LA, Beverly Hills, Beaches and more, D.C. at Dusk guided night tour, Beneath the Streets Underground History tour (Seattle), New Orleans Swamp and Bayou Boat tour, Gangsters and Ghosts tour in Chicago...read more about each excursion in the link here. 

Of the ten attractions listed, which do you find most appealing? Have you already experienced anything on this list? 

My choice is Charleston for a number of reasons, none of which are the horse and carriage tour.

Is anyone familiar with the stalking laws in the state of South Carolina?

5. Besides home and work, where do you spend the most time?

I feel that it's my duty to do inventory every week at Homegoods.
When the Mister hears that I am headed to HG, he always cracks the same joke... ask them to buy back our old stuff.

When we moved from Texas to Massachusetts, I sold all of my books. Then, when I moved back, I gave all my books to my friends.

I spent most of this week making trips to Half Price Books to fill up our bookshelves.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

After we moved into this house, I needed to find a painter and wallpaper installer.


I used both Thumbtack and Home Advisor on a few projects.  Both sites are user-friendly. Our painter did a good job and is coming back next week to start a new project for us.

I also hired the wallpaper installer.

I'll keep you posted when the job is done next month.

That is if the wallpaper ever arrives.

The Mister predicted it will be at our door next week. 

Feel free to play along and leave your answers in the comment section.  I love to read them.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I'm currently re-doing my office, and changing up furniture and rugs, etc in the keeping room. My decorator has said new furniture is taking a sweet forever so I'm planning to re-cover some of what I have but ugh. I hope these two small projects don't take all year. Have you ever been to Charleston? You would love it!!

  2. I do not envy you having to find a whole new set of doctors, dentists, painters, etc! Loved catching up with you midweek. And isn't Half Price Books the best?!

  3. I tend to be a realist too, which is often misunderstood as the pessimist. I feel you! I got new furniture during this time. Mine was only half delivered on time. I had to wait for part of it. It missed the truck or so it was said. It was worth the wait though as I am very happy with it. I guess that means good things come to those who wait:) I can't wait to see the wallpaper you chose. I swore it off years ago, but I feel I am weakening. I think my master bathroom really needs it. My mister will think I have gone crazy if I suggest it. I am mulling it over:) We have always loved Charleston too.

  4. I get nervous going to a new dentist. The one I have now (my previous one retired) looks like he's 16...or maybe it's because I'm older!
    When we lived in SC, Charleston & Hilton Head were are go-to places for weekends, but I have no idea about the stalking laws!

  5. Katie,
    I am an optimistic, but I would have probably already said a few bad words regarding your furniture delivery. My husband and I were discussing our various doctors recently (when you get old, you require more specialized doctors) and we agreed that we think we are okay for now with our much younger doctors. We each have had a doctor to retire. I think we are good for now. If they look like Doogie Howser, we are relieved. Sending you some sunshine from NC.☀️Xx...Maxine

  6. I am now back to popping into Home Goods once a week since I am vaccinated. I hate breaking in new doctors and dentists. They don't seem to obey me like my last ones. xo Laura

  7. My late husband's favorite saying was that a pessimist is an optimist with experience. I guess that gives a clue as to what he was!
    I've relocated a few times and finding new doctors is not fun. The worst is finding a new hair stylist!
    Good luck!

  8. I moved from Texas last September so, of course, I had to find a new dentist, new doctors, etc. I love the dentist I found. He was the most thorough and kind dentist I’ve ever had, so I hope you have the same luck.

  9. Your furniture...the waiting is the hardest part.

  10. I just even hate the thought of my doc retiring and having to replace him -- much less replacing the dentist and specialists. And all the waiting -- that's hard. It makes you want to just whip it off the store floor!

  11. I think there are a lot of things that are back ordered. We've been looking at appliances because we are adding an addition on to our house. A few we looked at, we were told were out of stock and not sure they were coming back. Ugghh. Your gif you used to signify your husbands optimism was awesome. Lol.

  12. Howdy Katie, I'm a realist, On my wish list is someone to make the digital photo albums for me of my family for the past 24 years, 3 Things on this week's shopping list: Turkey that will be sprinkled with Rudy's turkey rub, potatoes to be mashed & some veggies for a weekend dinner. I don't find any of the trips on Trip Advisor appealing. I would rather go to some place without humidity right now such as Monterey Bay, CA. I spend most of my other time outside walking. My random thought here is: send your rain to the Midwest or CA please as we are in need of rain. Thank you & have a great day. Mimi

  13. Finding new a new dentist and doctor is a huge problem with a move. It takes me a long time to get comfortable with someone new. Hope you lucky. Look forward to seeing the wallpaper and I hear everything new is taking so long to get shipped. Blame it on the pandemic! Hope you see the sun come out soon......

  14. Finding a new doctor seems to be the most challenging for me. Next to that hair stylist. I lucked out this time when we moved and I'm thinking I'll drive however far to keep using her. Ha.

  15. Katie! I bought an office chair at World Market last weekend and the girl at the checkout said they have all of their stuff stuck in the Suez Canal. I think you recommended Atlantic Crossing! We love it. The first episode was so intense. Love it! The husband looks familiar. Have a great soggy weekend. We are headed to my middle's college graduation. I take two years off each kid so Erich is graduating "early." #wink

  16. Oh my... August?!!! Katie, bless you. I would be beside myself waiting that long. Glad some painting and wallpapering is happening. I guess better to wait for the furniture while all that is going on... optimistic realist? Keep us posted, dear friend! xo

  17. I ordered a couch on Jan 8th and I am still waiting on it's arrival. Ridiculous! I don't understand. I consider myself a realist too and many times that has not served me well.:o)
    Have a great weekend and I hope it's a dry one.

  18. Gosh darn on these late deliveries. Glad you’ve found a dentist and some painters\wallpaperers! Don’t think that’s a word. Funny story, in our new house, I had wanted 3 wallpaper accent walls. Our neighbor man growing up ended up doing the wallpaper and he did great and barely charged me a thing. Have a sweet and relaxing weekend.

  19. Finding new doctors went much more smoothly than we anticipated, thankfully. We see new eye docs next week so will see how that goes. Still need a periodontist. I may check out your sources for help laying our little patio should it get approved. One good thing about our Village is there is a list of approved workers and they show up Johnny-on-the-spot when called because old folks are always needing help and they like their jobs. LOL!

  20. Oh, Katie. All of this sounds so familiar. We went through exactly all of the same things a few years ago, and I can tell you that when it comes to the wait for furniture, you, not The Mister, are right! Ditto wallpaper hanger. Good for you because I had to live with a “not moved into” dining room for 6 weeks. The furniture store always gives you the best case scenario, then several weeks in they give you the worst. But it will be worth it when it all arrives. Looks like you are making great choices. I also have a patience problem so I really empathize! Hooray that you have girlfriends to turn to!! And all of us. 🤗 Great post, I look forward to you showing up in my inbox. Although, it’s costing me money because I find your shopping taste to be so close to my own. You’ve saved me gas, and time! (That’s my story and I’m sticking to it) 😂

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