Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, May 28, 2021

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you all had a good week.  The Mister and I spent most of our time hanging paintings, pictures, and mirrors.  I'm not sure we'll keep everything as it is, but it beats having it all spread out all over the floors.

Tonight, the Mister and I are off to an old friend's house for dinner, which I am very excited about.  The rest of the weekend will be spent arranging and rearranging. Then, on Monday, the wallpaper gent arrives to whip up his magic in the powder room.

What a gorgeous renovation of this Kentucky Home!!

Anybody from Michigan looking for a project?

This Tudor has great bones and needs a little TLC and some big bucks. 

Here's a good reason to write a thank you note.

Is renovating your kitchen on your Summer to-do list?

Here is some inspiration

Head over here to catch some highlights of the Kips Bay Show House in Palm Beach.

Here are some tips from the pros on styling your dining table.

You'll be the biggest hit of Memorial Day weekend if you prepare this fabulous Dungeness Crab recipe ala an award-winning chef.

Are you in the market for some easy grill recipes?
They're right here.

Are you headed to La La Land this Summer?

Make reservations for nine of your nearest and dearest at this new eatery.  Guaranteed:  you'll be the most popular kid on campus.

It sounds like a few states will be seeing more than their share of visitors.
As a self-appointed spokeswoman for Texas:
no, thank you.

Speaking of bugs, here is a list of the best bug sprays of 2021.

My personal favorites were not mentioned.

Does anyone remember these two cutie pies?
They were the stars of one of the first youtube videos that went viral.  This week it turned out to be worth a lot more than last.

Are you vaccinated?

Are you suffering from a bad case of wanderlust?

I've got good news for you.

United Airlines is giving away a pair of tickets for any class, anywhere United flies.

There will be 30 winners.

And if you are one of five grand prize winners, you will receive one year of free travel for you and your best bud.

I have a feeling you will have plenty of best friends when they find out about your winning.

Have you downloaded TicToc yet?

After watching some of these clever hacks, I think that you might consider it.

Have any of you Real Housewives fans read this new book yet?

If so, do tell!

If you are looking for something light to watch this weekend, the Mister and I enjoyed this one.

This was my First Reads pick this month and I am enjoying every minute of this delicious novel.

And I'm listening to this nail-biter on my walks.

I bought two of these skorts to tool around town.

Great fit and respectable length for a respectable woman such as myself.

You can save 10% on your first order from this company.

I have this bag and get tons of compliments on it.

I just ordered this dress.
10% off plus free shipping.

My go-to shoe for the Summer.
I have them in every color.

 Thank you to all the brave men and women and their families who have served our country.

Until next time...

Rufgers University

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