Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Prime Time


Hello, dear friends.  I hope that all is well in your world.  Are you snowbound?  I've been watching the News and chatting with our New Yorkers, and it looks like many of you were hit with a whopper of a storm!  

Today, I am linking up with my friend, Tanya, from The Other Side of the Road for her Prime Purchases party.  This is one of my favorite link-ups.  You can really tell a lot about a person by what they buy on Amazon.

Speaking of Amazon, the Mister has become our top purchasing agent for the family.  Every time I turn around, another Amazon box has been delivered with his name on it.   

My Orders

I have doubled my daily walk time since moving to Dallas. I love my Katy Trail!   I also started to develop blisters.  I ordered these socks and love them.

They are a great fit and give great support.

No more blisters for moi! 


I was also due for new inserts.

I've been using this brand of hand cream for years.

I have been using a lot more of it since I have been bathing in hand sanitizer.

As many Texans will attest, the weather is crazy here.
Yesterday was cold and windy, and Saturday was in the 70's.
It was on Saturday that I realized I needed some long-sleeved shirts to camouflage my white, crepey arms.
I ordered a few of these.
Now all I need is to grow my hair, and I will look just like this lady.


This stuff works great on eyeglasses as well as the family jewels.

We The Mister makes his weekly rounds to three grocery stores, and these are usually sold out.  Now I just order them online.
Mama's got to keep her momentum going with her WW 1-point muffins.  

I ordered a couple more of these for my chilly morning walks.
I love these because they are warm with no bulk.

I am so sick of my limited wardrobe in shades of grey and black.
I ordered this to lift my spirits.
I already feel better.

I also ordered a couple more of these fleece-lined leggings too.

After reading this article, I ordered these.

I put this on every morning because it gives me a touch of color and also contains SPF.

Any day now, I will wake up looking just like the lady on the box.

I can just feel it.

I ordered my second one of these.
Great size and color.

My girl gets professionally groomed because I don't want to lose a finger.  
I use this to wash her face.
After her daily dose of Prozac.

The Mister's Orders

I use these for everything from cleaning counters to cleaning my little Diva's face.
They wash well too.

Hmmmm... is the Mister attempting to take up his hair game?

This all of a sudden appeared on the counter.
When I asked the Mister where it came from, he gave me my old line... We've had it for months; you just never noticed it.

There are no bounds to the Mister's training potential.

The Mister was frustrated with the lack of cabinet space that we have in our love nest.

Maybe if he stopped ordering from Amazon, we would have more!

Anyway... when this set arrived, he was like a kid in a candy store. 
It kept him busy for hours, and I finally caught up on my Real Housewives viewing.

On a whim, the Mister decided to ditch the old mop and invest in a new one.
I love it because he uses it all the time.

Evidently, the Mister is not only concerned about his hair loss but also his weight gain.
I smell midlife crisis.

Every night, Chili scratches her bed for what seems like hours.  
She has destroyed countless beds.
Chili has met her match with this one.
And it fits right into her crate.

The Mister likes fancy tea.
Too much work for me.

Until next time...

Friends, say hello to my buddy, Brenda from the great state of Texas.  Her darling furbaby, Gus, looks an awful lot like somebody I know!

Gus is a 7-year old, 80 pound labradoodle that joined our family as a puppy when my youngest child moved away to college and our family dog of 14 years died the next week (that was not a good two weeks).  I decided shortly thereafter that I needed something to love on, spoil rotten, and be a companion while my husband was gone all day earning a living.  Trust me, Gus fit right into that plan with ease and has capitalized on the "spoiled rotten" part!  He's a clever guy and can do all the basic tricks, as well as carry in groceries, pick up my husband's dirty clothes and put them in the hamper, bring my slippers, etc.  He's no saint though, as he's stolen many a loaf of bread, box of Girl Scout cookies, raw pork chops, and other things off the kitchen counter and devoured them bag and all before he was discovered.  He also apparently has a particular taste for my daughter's underwear and has stolen many a pair of her fancy Victoria Secret undies when she comes home to visit...only to poop them out in a neighbor's yard when we're on our morning walk (so embarrassing).  I can forgive him though, as he is just so darn cute, is totally devoted, and makes me laugh every single day!

Thank you, Brenda.
You can follow Gus on Instagram at Doodlegus

If you have a cute dog, email me a picture with a short bio, and I would be honored to include your little furbaby on my blog.

Linking up with:

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Love that long-sleeve tee! Right up my alley. I want to try out that cream. Always looking for some good ones to keep on hand and in my purse.

  2. This was a fun post. I enjoyed seeing what you bought and put a few things in my Amazon cart. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Your walking habit is inspiring, Katie! Love your suggestions. That long-sleeved shirt is darling.

  4. You both got some great buys. I like your active wear and the Mister's clear containers. Gus is just the cutest dog!

  5. You always give us some great ideas and things to check out! Love these posts!! Thanks, Katie! Gus is a cutie pie!! xo

  6. Well there went my spending freeze...I NEED that top to wear to some baseball games this spring!

  7. I have been loving the Fleece lined leggings! I'll be checking out your link because I could use some different colors! @ms.Meranda

  8. I don't know what I love more, your purchases our your descriptions and anecdotes CXOXOX. Gus is so sweet. Glad my little guy doesn't have a penchant for Victoria's secret LOL

  9. Yep, we got quite the storm yesterday! I have resorted to buying many of my favorite staples from Amazon as well as I have a harder time finding some stuff in stores this past year.

  10. I am determined to get a electric kettle for tea! maybe mine will just POP up one day too ;)
    OK - I need to know more about the WW 1pt muffins - I just signed up for WW & am looking for all the good recipes

  11. My goodness at all the "stuff." You keep the UPS men as busy as I do. :o)) Got to go check out that top and a few other items. Such a fun link up!

  12. So many fun things that I didn’t know I needed. Now the fleece lined leggings are a must. Have a wonderful week Katie!

  13. You, my friend, are my Amazon heroine!! All the good! That hand cream is packaged so nicely, what a great gift. Cute top. After hearing you talk muffins, and pumpkin, to boot, I think I need to make them stat.

  14. have you switched out your other vitamin D for this one? I've been using the one you recommended yrs ago ever since....
    STILL weird hearing you call yourself a Texan!!!!! but I love it~

  15. I love my Cuisinart kettle! LOL, Gus, what a character!

  16. Great post and spot on for things I need! Thanks Katy, I always leave smiling after my visit with you........

  17. I'd love to try fleece lined tights at some point. I think they would be super comfy! Those socks sound great too.


  18. Dearest PEN ... stop ... our UPS driver cannot keep up! Seriously, my Mister went nuts over the scale. Ordered. Ever since we got our treadmill he's shedding pounds like crazy ... the treadmill is not having the same affect on moi. He also told me to order the masks. Done. He suddenly became a skeptic when it comes to the hair loss shampoo. He asks for photos, a review, something before he instructs me to click ... I don't blame him, he's been hurt before. xo

  19. I think either you or the Mister must have a crush on the Amazon delivery people. Wow! Here in the snowy cold NE, we are ordering warm weather. Thanks for the shopping hints, that toothbrush is on its way as I type.

    Chow's doppleganger Gus is so talented. I can't even get a strapping, two new knee mister to bring in the groceries or pick up the laundry.

    Stay safe and healthy. xoxoxox Annie G.

  20. The desk mat - great minds think alike. Of course, I've added half of these items to my wishlist! I had to look up the katy trail, and it looks so beautiful. What a great walking path! Maybe Jack will go to SMU and I can check it out! ;) Thanks for linking up with Prime Purchases! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road


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