Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Easy-Peasy Centerpieces /Take 1

Hello, dear friends.  Have you got all of your shopping done?  Mine is checked off my list.  I only hope that everything arrived.  Every time a package is delivered to our less-than-orderly mailroom, I throw it in the back of the closet unopened and hope that when I retrieve it, the item will be wrapped and labeled.  

We are off to Fort Worth today to check out some houses.  I haven't been there since my #1 went to TCU.  We do have our eyes on a house in Plano.  As with everything, it has a few drawbacks, and we have debated back and forth as to whether we can live with them.

Today is an encore post.  Here is some tablescape inspiration for your holiday table.  As with almost every decor post on this blog, I cannot take one ounce of credit for the hard work and creativity.

Martha Stewart

Midwest Living



I love silver and mercury mixed with greens.

house beautiful

Love the blankets!

Midwest Living

Even I can do this one!


Midwest Living

At the Picked Fence

Martha  Stewart

DIY candy


Country Living

Love this pic!

Stay tuned for Part Two.

Need some last-minute gift inspiration?

I have some herehere, hereherehereherehere and here.

Until next time...

That masterpiece on the table is the extent of my artistic skillset.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Hello Katie, I am a faithful reader of your blog and have it on my blog list to visit daily. I am stopping by to day to comment. Sometimes when we blog we wonder who reads our musings and what they think. Even though I never comment I want you to know how much I enjoy seeing all your ideas and beautiful pictures. You are so clever and your blog gives me great ideas. Thank you for sharing your life with me. Peggy. Season-to-season.blogspot.com

  2. I went to high school in SW Arlington, right on the edge of Fort Worth. It's amazing that FW has such a different vibe from Dallas, being only 30 minutes away. Good luck with the house hunting!

  3. Drooling over all this holiday inspiration. I really need to kick things up a notch next year. Excited about your house possibilities ... can't wait to hear if either of these homes is THE one! Merry Christmas! xo

  4. Some great ideas! Anxious to hear how the house hunting went!! xo

  5. I can't wait to see where you and the Mister land. We have dear friends in Plano and in Frisco as well. Good luck!

  6. Merry Christmas! I hope you find your forever home soon to start the new year right.

  7. PLANO?
    OKAY will wait for the REPORT!
    I have a similar ABBUSSON (even spell check it BAFFLED!) carpet here under my feet that BANKSY loves to curl up on!

  8. Beautiful finds Katie! Plus, I love your artistic skillset! :) Hope the magic of Christmas makes those presents wrap themselves! But if not, have fun. Merry Christmas either way!

  9. All gorgeous and inspiring! Hope you find the house you want and soon. And my fave pic of all? Your canine twosome! Have a wonderful Christmas week, Katie!

  10. Katie,
    We are California, born and raised, but in 1980 we were transferred to Arlington, TX. It was our first time living in another state. (except the mister's time in the army in Germany). I remember thinking Garland reminded me of the planned community we moved from (Irvine) and liking it.
    Good luck with your home search. You clearly have great taste in homes since I loved your Boston home.

  11. My firstborn and his family live in Plano!!! I think it's a great lil community. Hope you find something there. Lots of great restaurants and shopping with 1/2 the people of dallas proper. But Fort Worth is pretty cool too. Maybe Santa will bring you your perfect house!!

  12. back to add: been meaning to tell you that you need to check out Turtle Creek Lane on instagram. She's in Dallas and you will be in awe!!

  13. Merry Christmas! I hope Santa helps you find your new home. xo, Deb

  14. Hope you had good day on your house hunting. Love all these beautiful table ideas. I'll hang on to this post! Thanks Katie. Merry Christmas to you and your chef and your family...........

  15. Katie,
    I just came across your blog. You definitely want to live in Fort Worth. It is a great city that lives like a small town. Plano is so crowded and the traffic is awful. Look around the TCU area there are some great charming homes. Not too big with great charm.
    We just moved to Kansas City from Fort Worth and we lived in the Berkley neighborhood and loved it. We would have never moved but our grandson is in Kansas City!

  16. Beautiful inspiration. Looking forward to seeing your new digs, I heard Plano has some awesome houses. Happy New Year.

  17. You have a wonderful set of centerpieces there. How much did you spend to get all those?

  18. Yritän löytää asioita parantaa minun verkkosivuilla!Oletan sen ok käyttää muutamia ideoita!!!


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