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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, May 15, 2020

Quarantine Life in Pictures

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that this post finds you well.  We just got home from our Senior Citizen Happy Hour at our favorite grocery store.  It's 7:10AM, and we have all our chores done.

Yesterday, the weather was positively magnificent.  The Mister and I hit our favorite nursery at 8AM.  We were the only ones there, and we were back home in an hour.

It's getting harder and harder to find things to post about.  
Here are some pics from my iPhone.
Please, try to control your excitement.

For those of you new to my blog, these are our Newlyweds, #1 and Adorable Jonathon with Chowdah.  They were with us for 5 fun-filled weeks, and hopefully, they will be back again this Summer.  They live in NYC.

I left a sharpie on the counter to mark our water bottles.
Sista and I used to always write the great after our names when we were cool middle schoolers.
Some people never grow up.

AJ sporting a 'stache.

Friday night is my favorite night of the week because it's hors d'oeuvres night!

Happy Hour with #2 and the in-laws!

The Newlyweds took Chowdah on lots of long walks.

And played lots of ball.

It's the most exercise he's had in a long time!

The Mister has done lots of cooking!

Our girl even made her delicious salmon a couple of times!

There's a reason Chowdah always sits next to his Big Sis.
She breaks our cardinal rule: no feeding doggies at the table.

Chili, on the other hand, values her beauty sleep over nourishment.

Captain Reorganizer taking care of business.

The Mister's task for the day was repainting the two back doors.

He brought in the A-Team to get the job done.

It had about 8 layers of paint on it.

Thanks to this guy's muscle power, the job got done.

I love my bday present from Skinny Delaney.

Yup, at it again.

Hey Sis... I'm under here.
Pass me a nibble...

Mums the word...

One point muffin day!
The newlyweds loved my dessert: 2 muffins, fresh berries,  topped with a dab of Cool Whip and a splash of honey.

I'm burning through these quickly.

I'm not the only one who needs to get her hair done!

The bearded wonder!

And one more time.

Why do these two always look guilty?
Probably because they are.

In his favorite place: the barn.

The Mister's Mantra:
A place for everything and everything in its place.

The fruits of our labor!

And one last time for the ol' Gipper!

Be well.

Until next time...

Linking up with:
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. OMG I thought my husband was the only one constantly reorganizing the dishwasher...he also does what he calls "refridgerator management"

  2. Hello dear Katie. Sit. Stay. Eat. Not much has changed around here. The highlight of my week was my husband found two large containers of Clorox wipes in the store. It was like Christmas morning around here. Take care my friend. Xx to your Hooligans.

  3. These pictures make me so happy, especially the one of your Mr. loading the washer “correctly!” I hope the kids are doing OK back in New York City! Between Posie planting and cooking, I’m staying plenty busy, LOL! Sending you big hugs!

  4. Great post! Some of everything ... food, people, dogs, gardening, wearables, and humor with the lord of the dishwasher. Perfect.

  5. Hahah I really enjoyed this post....it was delightful and funny, and my dad was always rearranging the dishwasher!! What is up with that? He was an engineer, maybe its the type A thing. Anyway stay safe and call Alexa for that needed glass of wine!

  6. I enjoyed your post and all the fun pictures!!

  7. So much yummy food! I thought about hitting up the local nursery yesterday since it was so nice out but talked myself into hiking instead. I love having flowers around but I am awful at taking care of them.

  8. The Mister looks so different with a beard! The food and flowers are just beautiful. I love that y'all do virtual happy hour. Have a good weekend!

  9. Your quarantine has been about as exciting as ours except you've had a whole more company and better food. Not to mention an expert dishwasher loader. We have also redone flower beds and shrubs, painted the front door and front porch rockers this week. I know, it's been a three year long week around here.

  10. Love the finished planters...and that BARN! I am like the Mister, always organizing and reorganizing the dishwasher especially. Lol. Have a great weekend. I bet you miss your newlyweds, but not half as much as Chowda does!

  11. I adore seeing pics of your beautiful family. My your hubby is quite the catch...but so are you!

  12. Can I sign up my mister for a husband-cook-homeowner boot camp class taught by your Mister? Let's whip some of these other husbands into shape!

  13. My favorite photo is the mister working on the back door in khakis and belt. I am loving the beard on the mister. And, before this gets weird... that blueberry salad looks amazing. maybe the mister can add a recipe section to your blog.
    We saw our daughter and her BF, Dan 2.0 last night. And, then my daughter finished a puzzle that I had been on coffee table since March 17th. love my mathlete! Happy Weekend. We are hitting the 80's tomorrow and I am hitting a few tennis balls this morning. Not sure what that is going to look like... social distance hugs, laura

  14. I know you had a blast with the newlyweds with you Katie! You guys certainly had a lot of amazing food! I love the idea of Friday night apps for dinner, yum! Things are opening in Alabama, but I'm pretty freaked about going out...my hairdresser is coming to my house next week, she's freaked about going back to her salon!

  15. I need a lesson in dishwasher loading from the Mister!! Lucky you getting the newlyweds home for 5 weeks especially since the Mister does the cooking :) Happy weekend, my friend!

  16. Chowdah looks like he’s been loving ALLLLL the extra human love and time at home. :)

    Your mister and my mister are brothers from another mother. Are all men anal about how the dishwasher is loaded?! Lol. That said, all the food looks delish and you are a lucky lady. Did Chowdah put on a few pounds after getting food sneaks at the table? Heheh

  17. wha?????????? you have an in house chef who also cleans the kitchen and loads the dishwasher 14 different times????? AND you got to have your chirren IN the house with you??? Man....some people have all the quarantine luck!!
    So glad ya'll have been together and have shared so much good food. Nothing better than gathering round the table with good food and peeps you love...
    I wanna be quarantined with ya'll...................if I don't have some girlfriend time soon, I'm going to lose it. We had to cancel our annual family beach vacation and I'm really having a hard time with that. 6 grandbabies who begin asking when we're going back to the beach ON THE RIDE HOME FROM THE BEACH LAST YR!!!! just so unfair....they don't understand any of it......

  18. I've been trying to get Clairol root touch up for ages on amazon and they keep being out. NOW I know where it all has gone, you little hoarder, you! I have taken to watercoloring my roots, which is fine in the front. I don't want to know about the back.

    The other thing... I want to quarantine at Katie's house (and not just because you have root color!)

  19. Katie, that was so much fun! You guys are really making the best of quarantine and I am cracking up over all the times the Mister keeps rearranging the dishwasher. It definitely looks like Chowdah is enjoying lockdown the most. With a house of people and freshly concocted food all the time, it’s like a dog’s dream! Thanks for sharing and making me smile!


  20. Katie you never disappoint. Always look forward to your posts. Thanks!

    Second:THE ITALIAN reorganizes the dishwasher TOO!!!!!!!DRIVES ME CRAZY!
    THREE:THE ITALIAN 's GARAGE is the cleanist room in the house as all his tools have THEIR PLACE TOO!
    I do not dare use a TOOL and NOT put it back in the correct spot!!!

  22. So glad you got to visit with family during the quarantine. Looks like you still had lots of fun and lots to post about. Thanks for sharing. #HomeMattersParty

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