Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Prime Purchases

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you had a wonderful weekend.  I told you that I would check in with you this week and share some great news.

Our #1 and Adorable Jonathon got legally married on Friday morning!  As you can imagine, it's not easy obtaining a marriage license in Mexico, so they decided to get married in NYC first. Our #2 was their witness.  Adorable Jonathon's family joined us for the weekend in NYC to celebrate.  I can't wait to tell you all about it!

In the meantime, I am linking up with my buddy, Tanya, for her Prime Purchases post.  Since I took the Summer off, I had not done a PP post for awhile.  So these items were bought over several months.  I don't want you to think that I am a shopaholic or anything.

This popcorn satisfies my salt cravings.  
I order a case of these individual packs, so I won't overindulge.

I bought this for my #2's birthday.

I've been taking these for a few years now.  
No more dry eye for moi!

This gives my tea the perfect amount of sweetness.

I pop one of these packets into my water bottle and it makes me drink a lot more water.  It is so much cheaper on Amazon than it is at my grocery store.


When you have a pup on Prozac, you need to have plenty of these on hand.  This is also much cheaper on Amazon than at Petco.


I always get so excited when I get a new planner.  
I have gotten the Lilly jumbo one for several years.  

New Balance discontinued the style of "running" shoe that I have been wearing for years.  I tried this style.  I should have returned these shoes when I got them, but I kept giving them another chance with the hope that they would feel more comfortable.  Now they are sitting in the back of my closet collecting dust.  

These were a much better fit for me.

Love these inner soles.

I bought this beeper for Chili.  She is a compulsive licker.  It is like nails on a chalkboard to me.  I give her a little beep every time she begins one of her marathon lick fests.  Sometimes all she needs is to see me take out the collar to make her stop.

I stocked up on these in preparation for our Mexico trip.  
I tried the mousse over the summer, but I didn't like it as much.

Before I found these mitts, the tannest part of me after using self-tanner was my knuckles.  Not anymore!

I bought a few pairs of these leggings because I was sick of wearing my armband that holds my phone.  These come with two huge pockets that are the perfect fit for my ginormous phone. I also ordered them in shorts and capris.

I have these shoes in every color.
I added these to my collection over the Summer.

Hostess gift.

Hostess gift.

I've talked about how much I love these sheets.
I ordered another set for the guest room.

I bought this massive comforter at the beginning of the Summer because I was sick of the Mister stealing all the covers. It did the trick.  The only problem was it was too warm for July.
I'm looking forward to pulling it out when it gets cold.

I bought these prints for our bedroom.
They look much better in real life. 

I have been using Jane Iredale for years and love its coverage.
It does a great job hiding my broken capillaries.

This dressing helped me lose 21 lbs.
WW post on the horizon.

Whenever I feel a scratchy throat, I pop a couple of these and hope for the best.
They are quite yummy, btw.

This is mascara and primer all in one.
I think it's pretty good.
I wish it came in waterproof for the wedding.
I'm going to need it.

Hostess gift.


I ordered a couple of these for birthday gifts.

Now that the cold months are upon us, I stocked up on a couple of jars of these.

The Mister's Purchases

The Mister puts a splash of this in his coffee every morning.  
I don't know what it does for him.
I know what it doesn't do.
It doesn't make him more relaxed about the Amex bill.

The Mister bought an Echo Dot for his workout room.

And this nifty little holder.

He added one more gadget to the drawer of objects that I have no idea of what they are or what they do.

The Mister loves these grill mats for veggies and fish.

I saved the best for last.  I know that you don't believe I actually bought one of these.  During the Summer, my walks were ruined by those nasty little gnats that are drawn to eyes and ears.  My neighbors thought that I was fighting off invisible demons as I batted the gawdawful flying pests on my morning strolls.

Gnats no more!
The Mister said that I could wear it provided that I don't tell anyone my name or where I live.

Until next time...

(Cute story)

Linking with:

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. H Katie, We missed you this summer! Loved the last story and just shared on my FB page!
    Happy Tuesday! laura

  2. Congrats on the new son in law!! Love seeing all your suggestions. I am putting the Wit and Wisdom of Downton Abbey on my Wish List!!

  3. Considering the prints for my bedroom and the sheets.

    Congrats on number 1! She looks very happy.

  4. Congratulations on Number One who looks just filled with joy! I can't wait to hear more!

  5. Congratulations to your daughter and her Mister Adorable...you know we want to hear all about the wedding!!! Wishing them years of happiness together! Your Mister certainly loves gadgets! Have a love first week of October Katie!!

  6. I could have used that hat to fight off the mosquito's on my walk yesterday! The leggings with a pocket are genius! So, so happy for your daughter and can't wait to hear about it.
    Thanks for linking up with Prime Purchases! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  7. You bought so many things this month. That is awesome. I need that hat for when we go camping. I hate mosquitos. I am all about the gadget too!!!

  8. Number 1 and adorable Jonathan are a beautiful couple, congrats to them. Looking forward to pics from Mexico when that happens. Thanks for sharing your purchases, I see several things I might need. The last one is the BEST!

  9. Well, I can't wait to hear all about the weekend. Meanwhile I'll be busy stashing more stuff from your list into my Amazon cart. I have to stop this!

  10. Dear Katie, Congratulations on the addition of AJ to your beautiful family! The photo of those three is sweet. It is exciting to watch this wedding unfold! The NYC "pre-wedding wedding" sounds so sophisticated. Everytime I drive by Nardos here in Dallas, I get excited thinking about the dress! Can't wait to see you all in your finery! xo Sherry

  11. Katie, Congratulations! I posted yesterday, not sure if it went through. Anyway, I am looking forward to your post about the Manhattan City Hall Wedding, as my son is also having a "pre-wedding wedding" in December, with party in June. Any details you can provide, would be much appreciated, as we are not sure what to expect! Thank you, Sherri D.

  12. What a great post Katie - I love Prime Purchases! :) And congrats on the wedding! That sounds wonderful and I can't wait to see the details. Sherry's comment made me excited to see your dress! :)

  13. Leggings with pockets! Thanks because these I need.

  14. Adding that dressing and the popcorn to my list right now! I have been using Skinnygirl Poppyseed dressing that is zero points but am getting quite sick of it.

  15. Now that hat is high highlarious!!!!!!
    Funny....I put Park Avenue Summer down to read this post!! Bout halfway thru!!!
    Can’t wait to hear about wedding!!

  16. So much goodness. Namely the nuptials. Cannot wait to hear about it and Mexico is getting closer!!! I need that bet hat. Real threat of mosquitos and that darn EEE. Perfect solution.


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