Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, October 3, 2019

NYC Wedding #1

Hello, dear friends.  How is your week going?  Mine has been pretty dullsville so far.  But tomorrow is going to be a lot more fun.  I am joining a few friends in Boston to attend an event at the Boston Design Center called Heading Home to Dinner.  Many table settings and bar carts will be on display.  Hopefully, the latter will be handing out some samples!

On with the wedding scoop...

As you can imagine, a marriage license is not easy to obtain in Mexico.  So that is why my #1 and Adorable Jonathon got married legally last Friday morning.  

Initially, it was going to be on Saturday, but to our dismay, the courthouse is not open on weekends.  Neither family could be there because the travel reservations were already in place.

Our #2 represented both families, as well as playing the part of the witness.  She's had a lot of experience.  She has witnessed her big Sis pull some crazy stunts over the years.

The Mister made a reservation at JoJo.  
It is owned by one of the Mister's favorite chefs, Jean-Georges. 

When I laid my eyes on the charming storefront, it was love at first sight.

We toasted our bride and groom and feasted on a most delicious lunch.

The Mister landed a lovely suite at the Essex House, looking out on colorful Central Park.
By colorful, I mean the characters as well as the foliage.

Waiting for our Uber!

We met the Adorable family with the bride and groom in tow at one of my favorite star-spotting NYC restaurants, The Polo Bar

Drinks were served in the library.

They have the best darn bar snacks in the world.

A rose between two adorables.

Adorable Michael, AJ's twin, and the bride are nothing but trouble when they get together.  

We enjoy AJ's family so much.
We are very fortunate.

Not only were we celebrating a wedding but also two birthdays!

I know my wish.
Another wedding!
Lucky for me, she doesn't read my blog.

The happy couple was so cute wearing their wedding bands.  They said that they would wear them during the weekend and then put them away until their next wedding.

On Saturday, we stopped over to see the bride and groom's darling pad.

Next stop:  Restoration Hardware for lunch!

The restaurant is so serene with its shimmering chandeliers and greenery.  It has a top-notch staff as well as sumptuous food.

Our girl and her new father-in-law.

Along with the fabulous eatery, it also houses a very cool bar. 

I know cool when I see it!

RH has a vast heavenly rooftop where one can enjoy a cocktail or two.

Nothing says photo op, like blue skies and a fabulous rooftop oasis.

We wore off are well-earned calories strolling around Soho. 

Of course, I couldn't walk passed without making a stop at my beloved MacKenzie-Childs! 

Are you familiar with the luxury consignment website The Real Real?  They have a shop in Soho!

Not a great picture.  We enjoyed our last meal together at a lovely little Italian restaurant called Mamo.

This is where the Mister is explaining to AJ that there is a no return policy on our girl.

Double trouble!

Two Adorables for the price of one!

Until Mexico!

As I rode the train home, I pulled out the book that I was reading. It's called The Most Fun We Ever Had.   I thought to myself, that's the perfect way to describe this weekend.

Until next time...

Meanwhile, two family members were mildly insulted by not being invited to partake in the festivities.
Those are their mad faces.

Linking up with:
Friday Favorites
Friday at the Fire Station
Home Matters
What's Up Weekend
Friday Favorites
Best of the Weekend
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Exciting times for sure and a most wise decision to have the legal deal done at home. It is good to know our children find good families.
    Those pups are seriously the cutest!

  2. Congrats to the newlyweds! A weekend in NYC is always a fun way to celebrate!

  3. Wow, two weddings, what fun! I can't wait to see and hear all about the next one. They are so cute and it looks like y'all had a great time and so good that the families mesh well. Because as we know, you really end up marrying the family so they need to be good folks as well. Happy weekend!

  4. Such a lovely post. Congrats to the newly weds. Everything looks amazing. Darling family and of course your pups.

  5. How delightful for all. Congratulations to all in the families.

  6. #2 should marry AJs twin! He is adorable too, wouldn’t that be wonderful? Congratulations to all, looks amazing! Cheers!

  7. No returns! That’s hilarious. Lovely photos and congrats.

    Linda Parvin-Hutchinson

  8. What a wonderful #1's #1 wedding weekend! I love her pretty white dress, but mostly love all the happy faces. Can hardly wait for wedding #2. That must be every girl's dream.

  9. How simply lovely! What a great beginning to the wedding activities

  10. Congratulations to all! Two weddings means double the fun! I just finished The Most Fun We Ever Had and was sorry to see it end. Enjoy!

  11. Congratulations! I loved the restaurant spots your Mister always finds. Pretty ambiance and good food, unbeatable combination.

  12. Just a lovely celebration of marriage....thanks for letting us have a peek!

  13. What a great time, it's so exciting and so nice that you love his family so much! My son got married in San Miguel de Allende Mexico and they got married in a civil ceremony before they left too...Best wishes and congrats to everyone!

  14. How fun you are getting to celebrate this wedding twice! Congratulations to the newlyweds and I loved seeing all your photos.

  15. That sounds like such a fabulous weekend! Congrats to the newlyweds.

  16. This looks like such a fun weekend, and I can tell from the pictures that everyone just adores each other. You are truly blessed! On a side note, a friend was just telling me about her beach wedding in Mexico. She said she didn't understand any of it and just answerd "Si." She wondered if they were even married...ha, ha!

  17. Katie, congrats to the beautiful couple on wedding #1 and I can’t wait for #2. The weekend in NYC looks fabulous...beautiful pics of the two families and lots of food and drink!

  18. First CONGRATULATIONS! So happy I did not miss this! They look so in love and NYC is a perfect place to celebrate a young couple in love. You were at some of my favorite spots too. Cannot wait to hear about the Mexican wedding, olé!!

  19. Oh my! Congratulations! How romantic, love the closeness of your families. Best wishes for legally ever after, not to mention happily ever after!

  20. Congratulations to the newlyweds!!!! What a wonderful weekend, thank you for the info on Restoration Hardware. I should check it out in person, along with those bar snacks!!!!

    I am sure Chow and Chili are just resting up for their travels to wedding #2!

    annie g

  21. OK -- let's try this again! What glorious joy for you and the rest of the nesters! A handsome wedding party and such an adorable couple. I didn't know you could dine at Restoration Hardware! And I can see there is such love and happiness in your smiles. Congratulations, Katie!

  22. Im sending so, so many Congratulations to your two Adorables my dear friend. What a beautiful couple they are, I wish them so much happiness and love together. The pictures are wonderful, of al of you. I was watching for your Instagram post with 'the scoop' and missed this as you went to press, but have been thinking of you EVERY day !! so excited for your wedding celebration in magical Mexico, and as MOB you will be gorgeous my lovely friend.
    Lots of love, and all my fondest wishes. Enjoy every minute
    Sally xxx

  23. So happy for them and you and that you enjoyed the new family too. That makes for double the love and fun. Looks like a perfect time.

  24. So glad you have a daughter who is just a car or train ride away.
    Did you pick me up a Birkin bag at The Real real store??


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