Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Easter!!!

Happy Easter, Friends!  We only have one of our little chickadees home with us today.  This is the first Easter holiday that all four of us have not been together.  But my # 2 will be home in ten days.

I have been going through old photos and trying to get organized.  In my quest, I came upon these old photos of my girls.  Can't help but be a little sentimental.  So if you are lucky enough to be young with little ones, my advice to you is to enjoy every minute because in a blink of an eye they are grown. 

Happy Easter, dear friends.

Friday, March 29, 2013

An Easter Bunny Cake Tale

 Once upon a time, there was an aging, single, future empty nester who still lived at home with her parents after college.  Her Sista came home from college for Spring Break.  The sistas were not close growing up (sista always stole poor future preppy empty nester's thunder) but they were beginning to build a bond now that they didn't see each other as much.  Their bond was built on the foundation of the two things they had in common: their childhood and making fun of their parents.

Easter Saturday afternoon had been spent making the ritual "bunny cake" for their nuclear family of four.  Anyone who has made this classic cake knows the drill: two layer cake - one layer for the face and the second layer for the ears and bow tie.  Their Mama was very pleased with the girls as she watched them make the cake and she was especially proud to see very little frosting swiping in the process.

  Their Mama always watched the girls' weight and offered "helpful nutritional substitutes" when she felt either one of the girls were carrying a few extra LB's.  Whenever she caught one of them red-handed with a fork full of Pepperidge Farm cake from the freezer, or Sara Lee brownie frosting on their chins,  she always managed to  shake her head, and utter a few tsk, tsk, tsks...   

Sista had just turned 18 (drinking age in the stone age) and so she and future preppy empty nester decided to skip family cross examination "what are you going to do with the rest of your life" dinner and meet some friends at one of their favorite haunts at Fairfield Beach, the Nautilus, or the "Naut" as the cool people called it. The "Naut" was your classic beach bar - no atmosphere and cheap drinks. 

Future preppy empty nester and Sista had a great time catching up with old friends.  They sat with their old buddy Dude, who was working at Saks as a personal shopper and dressing Dustin Hoffman for Tootsie.  What a great night. 

They arrived home at around 1AM and eyed that gorgeous bunny cake.  Sista asked future preppy empty nester if she thought the left ear looked bigger than the right ear.  She had not agreed with Sista on much in the past,  but on this point, she concurred.  Obviously, they had to make that left ear smaller. They owed it to their parents to present a cake that was worthy of them.  They decided to get the knife out of the drawer and trim that unsightly ear.  They then looked at their masterpiece and realized the right ear looked huge... practically grotesque.  How could they ever present that sloppy looking cake to their wonderful parents? 

Before we they knew it, both ears were missing from their beloved bunny cake, and frosting hung from their chins when they discovered  their dear Mama was standing behind them with that "guilty as charged" tsk..tsk...sound. 

Reminiscing, this is what they thought they looked like.

But in reality, this is probably a closer representation of that fateful evening.

Two hours later, sometime around 3:30 AM  future preppy empty nester and Sista were finishing off frosting another layer of cake... soon to be known as the ears and the bow tie.

Four hours later, Mama woke her girls up for 11AM Easter Mass.  When her girls questioned why they had to get up so early, Mama responded they needed extra time in the shower to  get the frosting off their faces...

Emily Quinn

The names in this story have been changed to protect the not so innocent.

Have a delicious Saturday!

Been there, done that...

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hot Cross Buns!

Pioneer Woman

Hot cross buns!
Hot cross buns!
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross buns!
If you have no daughters,
Give them to your sons.
One a penny,
Two a penny,
Hot Cross Buns!

I hope that y'all have a peaceful Good Friday.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Put On Your Easter Bonnet

   My mother went to the American Academy of the Dramatic Arts in NYC when she was young.  She wanted to become a professional actress but love and children stole her heart away from the stage. 
Mom never thought twice about belting out a show tune on a whim.  Sista and I were used to her breaking into "Oklahoma" while in the kitchen making dinner or "June Is Busting Out All Over" while folding laundry. She wasn't a quiet singer either, she would sing her lungs out like she was on Broadway. 

We thought every mother did that.  
When we started having friends over, we found out that it was not the case.  Our friends would be dumbfounded by the sudden burst of song that would trail through the house.

At Easter time, she loved to sing
In your Easter bonnet
With all the frills upon it,
You'll be the grandest lady in
the Easter Parade!

So Mom, this post is for you.  I'm sure you're in heaven with a martini in one hand and Marlboro in the other, belting out this song with gusto! 

This isn't my mother.  Just a photo I found on Pinterest.

Loved this movie!

For all you young things, this is Jayne Mansfield.  Guess what she was famous for!


I put these pics on for you, KTG

Again, for you young things, Ann Miller was an actress that was famous for her beautiful legs and talent. Not for the fact that she grew a bunny out of her head.

Lady Mary rockin' her bonnet.

So pretty and feminine.

Love the hat, but she looks a little under dressed for my taste.


There's a new twist on the Easter bonnet.

Sista and me
(in our minds)


Very dignified geese.

Hope y'all have a great Thursday!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Easter Eye Candy - Take 2

Hope everyone is having a good week.  It's still cold here in Texas, but at least the sun is out.  All my potted plants have been wrapped in blankets at night, due to my predictable, premature, wishful-thinking, fairly green thumb.
On with the eye candy...

If I had an impromptu party, my guests would be stuck with cheez wiz and stale saltines.

Martha Stewart
Who else? 


Love the blue.

Wish I owned this.

One of my favorite blogs.

holiday with matthew mead
So clever.  Wish I was Matthew's friend.

Cute idea.

Teresa Blackburn
If this centerpiece was in my house, a couple of those ears would be missing.

Home is Where the Boat Is
Another one of my favorite blogs.

Martha Stewart Living
I just love everything about this picture. 

Very cute.


I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of my Jewish friends a Happy Passover.

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