Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Friday, September 7, 2018

She Said Yes!

Hello dear friends.  I hope that you had a good week.  I put off all of my annual checkups until after the cruise, and I am paying for it now.  Yesterday, I was in the dentist's hot seat and today's my lucky day at the optometrist.  Monday's calendar holds the triple whammy with a fun morning for blood work, mammogram, and bone density.  I knew you'd be jealous.

But enough about me.

If you haven't heard, our #1 daughter became engaged to her longtime beau, Adorable Jonathon. We couldn't be more excited to have AJ as our son-in-law. 

So I thought that I would take a few minutes to fill you in on their love story as well as our weekend celebration. 

Our #1 and Adorable Jonathon met while attending TCU. They actually did not become friends until their sophomore year.  My girl kept mentioning AJ's name and every time I asked her about him, she said that he was only a friend.

They started to spend more time together and also were each other's date at all the dances. 

For #1's birthday, the Mister and I hosted a luncheon for her friends at the Mansion on Turtle Creek.  She invited 10 girls and Jonathon.  I asked her if he would feel awkward being the only male (Dad's don't count) and she said absolutely not.

My girl was right. AJ was completely at ease. And it was that day that I noticed something.  Everytime AJ glanced at our girl there was no mistaking it - there was love in his eyes.  On the way home from the lunch I told the Mister that I thought that AJ was in love with our girl.  He told me I watched too many Hallmark movies.

Four weeks later #1 and AJ were "officially" dating.
What can I say... Mama knows.

Which brings us to Seaside, Florida on August 30, 2018.  AJ and #1 were on a little getaway. A few minutes into their late afternoon stroll on the beach, AJ got down on one knee, my girl screamed yes, and a nervous photographer (hired by AJ) jumped out of nowhere and snapped this pic.

Fast forward to the following Saturday where the Mister and I picked the lovebirds up at the airport.  We checked into our hotel and freshened up for our big celebration in Beantown. 

We began the evening with a cocktail in the hotel lounge.  While I was oohing and aahing over my girl's ring, AJ was asking specific questions about the Mister's no return policy that he mentioned a few weeks earlier when AJ asked him for #1's hand in marriage. From the looks of this photo, it appears that there were some heavy-duty negotiations in the works.

We enjoyed a fabulous dinner at Mistral. 

The next day we spent on the Cape. 

It was a picture-perfect day!
We enjoyed a delicious lunch on the veranda of the Chatham Bars Inn.

That evening we gave the happy couple a gift bag filled with engagement must-haves.  They mentioned the possibility of having a destination wedding, so I found a book detailing the ins and outs of planning one.

The flight back to Dallas should whiz by with all these bridal magazines. 

My girl is very organized and was thrilled with this Wedding Planner.

And what prospective groom couldn't use a little advice from the groom guide?

I couldn't pass up these his and hers t-shirts.

The Mister and I even got into the act!

That evening we noshed on delicious bruschettas ala the Mister and toasted the bride and groom a few more times!

Before we knew it, the lovebirds were flying home to Dallas.

By the way... I totally forgot to mention it.
Adorable Jonathon comes with a bonus...
his twin, Adorable Michael!
Two for the price of one!

Until next time...

Possible ring bearer & flower girl contenders?
They're going to have to learn how to smile first!

Linking up with:

Good Morning Mondays!
Best of the Weekend

Amaze Me Mondays
My Glittery Heart
Mix It Up Monday
Inspiration Monday

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Soooooo happy for your family!!!! Congratulations to all! I hope AJ knows he's getting the world's most fabulous MIL :)

  2. Number 1 and AJ look so happy. Beautiful couple. Best wishes to all of you.

  3. Congratulations to them!!! What a lovely couple! If their destination is Hilton Head Island, leeeeet me know. I can point you to the good stuff and more importantly, the baaaad!

  4. Such a sweet story. My hubby and I were just friends for a very long time. Makes for a happy marriage. I am so excited they got engaged at Seaside. It is just down the road from me. I always wonder if I should be quiet about how pretty out neck of the woods are ...or share it:) My daughter married a twin too. That is fun as the boys are extremely close, but my two are as well.
    Have fun with the upcoming planning. Get your pocket book ready even if you plan on simple.

  5. We didn't have a traditional destination wedding, but the majority of the people did come from out of town or out of state and it made it so much fun. We had everyone at the same hotel and scheduled some pre wedding events that gave Megan and Adam time to catch up with friends and family outside of the wedding day. Love the college photos!

  6. I love a sweet love story and especially when told by an adoring, excited Mama. Congratulations to your kids. What a memorable time that weekend will be for all of you. And, he is an Adorable Jonathon, but those cheeks on your beautiful Daughter#1 are to die for. Thank you for taking us along for this special event.

  7. I am just so SO overjoyed for all of you!! Thank you for sharing this happiness with all of us! May God bless this precious couple always ❤️ Have a wonderful time wedding planning!!!!

  8. I love the love story. Just remind AJ that he is now the yes-man, whenever he is asked do you think we should do this at our wedding... his answer should be yes.

  9. I adore their story and how you celebrated this momentous occasion! You and Mr. are proof how “FUN” parents can be and that boy hit the jackpot with #1 and with you both!!

  10. They could not be more adorable! You're going to have such fun planning that wedding and we're going to have such fun reading about it. Congratulations!

  11. Congratulations again...such a great story. You have the cutest family and now it will be even cuter...or should I say "more adorable!" Cheers!

  12. So excited for AJ and M. They are the cutest couple. I adore their smiles. The perfect gift basket. Love the tee shirts! Happy weekend ahead!

  13. Oh my gosh! They are adorable! Love the books! And, the t-shirts Katie. Tons friends' kids go to TCU from CO! Congratulations! I am going to just save all your wedding planning suggestions... my daughter has her first post college bf! And, we all like him (and her brothers approve too)! ha! laura

  14. I have been avidly keeping-up with their love story, and eagerly awaiting the happy news:) They are lovely children, and you are going to make wonderful in-laws. Congratulations:)

  15. So sweet! Congratulations to the lovebirds and you and the Mister too! They are beyond adorable! You are going to have so much fun planning, aren't you!

  16. What a happy post!! I loved reading this and am still smiling as I type my comment! I'm so happy for you all and look forward to following the planning and then for the big event! Pictures, pictures, pictures please!

  17. Katie, you have such a gorgeous and handsome family! And now one more. Those t-shirts are just brilliant. I love your time together and I love how you shared it with us!

  18. How cute are they! AND they became engaged at the most beautiful beach in America. We love Seaside!
    Congratulations to the happy couple!


  19. What such great news. Everyone including you and your husband look so happy. Happy weekend!


  20. Oh, what a great story, I love knowing all the details and can't wait to hear wedding plans. They are so cute! My daughter and I attended a luncheon at the Mansion on Turtle Creek a few years back. Lovely place!

  21. What a great love story! "He got down on one knee, she screamed..." I love that! Looks like you had a great visit with them.

  22. So much fun following the adventures of #1 and AJ over the years and now a wedding to lol forward to! And a destination wedding! Wait until the Mister sees the luggage overage for that trip! 🤣

  23. Congratulations Katie. Their precious, happy faces say it all! I wish them every blessing. You and the Mr. are such fun, loving parents. Since you mentioned TCU, it made me wonder if those two were at the TCU/SMU game tonight in all of the rain? I accidentally made the mistake of going to the La Madeleine across the street from the stadium, it was a madhouse! Missed you, so glad you had a wonderful summer. xo to the Hooligans!

  24. Oh congratulations on your exciting news. They look like such a happy couple. My daughter got married this year - it was such an emotional and happy day. Enjoy the journey - the day itself goes by in a flash! xx Maria

  25. What a gorgeous couple 😍
    Congratulations, have fun with all the wedding plans. Much love,Katrina ❤️

  26. AJ could not have picked a more beautiful place to pop the question. Seaside is my favorite place for a getaway. Those two are so adorable and did I say Congratulations to all!!! I can't wait to follow all the plans for the wedding. I'm so happy for you Katie, mommas get as excited as brides! Happy Happy..........PS, love those tees.

  27. This post just spills over with happy happy happy. I am very happy for all of you.

    (And surely the pups will learn to smile for the occasion.)

  28. That's a great story of how your their relationship unfolded! Let the planning begin! -Jenn

  29. Congratulations! Its amazing how young they look in their college years photos! I know you're all going to have great fun planning this wedding, and the food will be amazing!

  30. Congratulations! I don't want to sound shallow, but that ring is beautiful. And the gift bag of engagement goodies was perfect; I bet you had that bag ready to go! Happy wedding planning!

  31. So happy for you! You are going to have so much fun in your new role of MOB!! Seaside is only an hour from our beach house, such a beautiful place to get engaged! Those tshirts are hysterical!! Congrats! {LOVE the no return policy!!

  32. Congratulations to the happy couple. LOVE the t-shirts! Best friends make the best husbands.

  33. So sweet! Congratulations to you all!!
    Adorable Michael and #2? ::fingers crossed::

  34. Oh my goodness - I love that you shared about your daughter's engagement. What an adorable couple! I'm so looking forward to that day, but I think I've got a while to wait. And I'm tucking away the gift bag idea - it's perfect! Hope you're having a great weekend!

  35. OH MY GOODNESS................YOU DONE GOOD OR SHE DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    HOW ADORABLE......................SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!

  36. I love that story. They look so happy! Congratulations to your family.

  37. Congratulations!!
    My oldest daughter is getting married October 6th...only a few weeks now!!

  38. Oh my, Jonathan has a twin! Congrats again to the couple. Looks like you guys celebrated in high style!

  39. Congratulations! You'll have some exciting months ahead preparing for a wedding. So much for a slow empty-nesting season. :) Love all the t-shirts. So adorable.

  40. My dear friend Katie
    It is just absolutely wonderful news that your beautiful daughter and adorable Jonathon are engaged, they look so happy and make a lovely couple. Im so delighted for them and of course for you and your husband.Many Congratulations from across the pond... it brought tears to my eyes. What a moment for your family. I know they will have a very happy life together
    I love your celebration and joining in the fun you have been having. May I say how fantastic you look, I do hope you had a lovely summer holiday in Italy it sounds a great trip.
    I missed you and am so glad you are back.
    Congratulations again and sending lots of love as always
    Sally xxxxx

  41. hi katie! thanks for stopping by my blog - I love your gingham template! congrats to your growing family... we got engaged in watersound and were married in watercolor, a seaside proposal is just lovely. enjoy this special time!!!


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