Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Prime Time


Hello, dear friends.  Thank you so much for leaving so many lovely comments on my last post.  It made my Sista's day.

Today, I am linking up with my pal Tanya from The Other Side of the Road for her Prime Purchases link party. This is one of my favorite parties because I love to see what other bloggers are buying.  It's almost as gratifying as checking out other people's cart in Target.  You can really tell a lot about a person by their cart.

As you will see from this post that the Mister and I did less than a stellar job packing for our temporary love nest.

We forgot to pack a lot of little things like a can opener.
It's his fault.

I ordered a couple of these trays so that we can eat while watching TV.

When you're retired and in the midst of a pandemic, there's not a lot to talk about.

When we arrived in Texas, it was quite warm.
I ordered my favorite self-tanner so my young neighbors wouldn't call me the old lady with the white legs.
Now they can just call me the old lady.

I ordered these gloves so that my cuticles don't look like the only part of me that made it to the Bahamas.

I'm not wearing much makeup these days, but I do not want to look washed out.  This self-tanner gives me just enough color.

When I take my mask off for good, not only am I going to have sparkling white teeth, but I will also radiate glamour.

Another thing that is in storage is my fleece-lined leggings.
Yesterday it was windy and in the 30's.
I took a pass from my walk and ordered a couple of pairs of these.

I also ordered another one of these.
Next time when I move across the country, I'm going to be a lot smarter.

I ordered these for the Mister because when he works out, he never brings his phone. 
And yes, dear friends, that is the Mister.
He has taken up modeling in his sunset years.

The Mister ordered one of these to take with him to the workout room.  

He likes to catch up on recent episodes of The Bachelor. 

The Mister says that these compression packing cubes is one of his best buys on Amazon.

I replenished some of our oldies but goodies.

On #1's Christmas list.
Btw... I have these, and they are the most comfortable slippers I've ever owned.

Another thing on #1's list.

On #1's list.

On #2's list.

Speaking of #2, I've never seen a girl so in love with a stain remover.
It is pretty great.

The Mister is a nut for Soduko.

I prefer demanding, cutting-edge crossword puzzles myself.

One more thing we forgot to pack.

We are on the first floor of our building.
The good thing is the street is very well lit.
The bad thing is our bedroom looks like it's lit by broadway stage lights.  
This little number helps a lot. 

I was tempted to order this instead just to freak out the Mister. 

At times our fellow young residents like to let off some steam on weekends.  

This new sound machine comes in very handy.

We love these things because they are a cinch to open.

Another charger for the Mister.

Another thing the Mister forgot.

The Mister does all of our grocery shopping.
He uses these to bring in the groceries from the garage, which is quite a hike.
I always offer to help silently in my head

These bottles last forever.

We pop a few of these after being out in the real world.
I don't know how much good they do, but they sure are yummy. 

I don't know whether I am out of practice or what.
The last couple of times that I applied mascara, I got a few clumps. It was a new mascara, too. I ordered this eyelash comb.  I'll keep you posted. 

I keep these in my purse for all the public restrooms that forget to replenish the soap.  They came in very handy on our road trip.
I'm also including these in the girls' stockings.

I ordered this for the Mister for Christmas.
Of course, he opened it accidentally even though it had my name on it.  This sonic cleaner did a great job on his glasses, and it's user-friendly, which means even I can figure it out.

I put a splash of this in the cleaning machine, and it did wonders for my wedding rings.

It also claims to clean dentures, so that's something to look forward to.

We facetime a lot with our friends and family.
When I looked at my image, I decided that I needed to take it up a notch.

I bought these to organize all of my miracle creams and potions under my sink.

My new bathroom is twice the size of the one we had at the house.  
I bought a couple of these, which are my favorite bath rugs.
They wash well, and they grip the floor. 

Update... it's been over a month, and Chili still hasn't broken out.

This little coat is warm and well-made.
It does run small, though.

I bought this bed because it claimed it is calming.
I wish they made them for adults.

Yeah, I think it's working.

Stop over to Tanya's link party and see what other bloggers are buying.

Need some gift inspiration?

I have some herehere, herehere, and here.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I want one of those phone ring lights!!! So many great things from Amazon on here. SNACKS! Why didn't I think to order some of those from prime?! Are they a better price than the stores??

  2. LOL funny. So many great ideas from the eyelash comb
    (link didn’t work) to the bath mats.

    Assume you are living in the Uptown area? Look forward to updates on the house hunting.

  3. Always so much fun!! Going to check out a few things! Thanks!! xo

  4. So many wonderful items in the list! I need those frog sleep mask. Hilarious!

  5. I nearly spit out my water with that yoda sleep mask! It's hilarious. Heading over to add those soap sheet pods to my cart right now.

  6. Great finds! You always crack me up with your commentary! Have a great week!


  8. This post brought me so much joy. Thank you.

  9. Great list of gift ideas. I had just ordered this UGG slippers for all of my girls. Stay safe Katie!

  10. Good grief, Amazon makes shopping wayyyyy toooo easy! I've added about 4 of these items to my cart. Great ideas!


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