Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Gifts for the Techie in Your Life


Hello, dear friends.  I hope that your week is going well.  A funny thing happened while I was putting this post together.  As I was skimming through tech items, an article popped up detailing one more thing that Alexa can do.  May I remind you that the Mister talks to Alexa more than he talks to me?  So, as I was telling the Mister that Alexa can now track our packages, big mouth Alexa pipes in to say your Christmas tree will be arriving on Tuesday.  I chuckled and looked at the Mister's panicked face.  He then told me that he had ordered a tree as a surprise for me.

It looks like the Mister's perfect little Alexis turns out to be quite the killjoy.  


For the person who takes selfies to the extreme.


And this shutter remote would be the cherry on their selfie sundae.

And to back up all those selfies, this little one-click device.

And now those selfies can be printed!

Do you know someone who gets blue during the grey days of winter?  If they can't relocate to Texas, buy them their own sunshine.

For the techie who is a real sloucher.

If you're old school, I use this one.

You will be writing me a thank you note for this one.  This gift card is the perfect present for those parents who are always calling you and asking for help with their computer problems.  Now they can call and annoy a professional.

Do you know a person who is always whining that their mechanic is taking advantage of them?

This is the perfect gift.


This little beauty promises to take anti-aging to a whole new level.
My girls love it - and they look like they are in their twenties!

How about a pet tracker for that new fur baby?

This is Chowdah's favorite thing in the whole world.

This is Chowdah's least favorite thing in the whole world.

My #1 got one of these recently.
She loves it - Adorable Jonathon not so much.

I wonder if my #1 knows about shower speakers?

For her neighbors' sake, I hope not.

A portable speakerphone for the guy who works at home and wants his wife to hear how important he is.


When it's too warm for my beanie, I'm ordering one of these.


For the person who has high hopes for international travel. 


For the person who keeps telling you about the huge diet that they are going on in 2021.

For the wise person who wants to skip the spa.

My #1 is a huge fan of these ice rollers.
I use mine for sinus headaches.


A Bluetooth makeup mirror!

If you can skip the Bluetooth, this one is my favorite.

For the lady who would rather skip the salon.


For the lady who is looking to catch the perfect wave.

I have noticed that these minifridges are very popular.  

Women are using them to keep their make up fresh.

If I had one, there would not be any room for my makeup because it would be filled with vino.

This is on my Christmas wish list.

Note to the Mister: I feel a pout coming on if I don't get it.


This little doohickey holds all of your devices.


Does someone in your life need a stronger signal?

A virtual keyboard for the techie who has everything.

The Mister has one of these because he is a slow, frustrated texter.

For the clean-freak techie.


For the coworker who constantly complains about the office temp.

Sanitizing the cool way.

Does anyone have one of these?

I smell stocking-stuffer for the Mister.

Does your techie need some organization?

Btw... big sale on the entire M&G site.

For the stylish friend that never texts you back because her phone is out of juice.

These are "Mom" gifts as my girls call them for the daughter that lives alone.

For the person who wants to be sure their fur baby is being well taken care of by the sitter.

For the safety-conscious guy who carries his wallet in his front pocket and his identity close to his heart.

More "Mom" gifts for the adult children don't even have a bandaid in the house.

Always a great gift for the reader in your life.

For the person who spends a lot of time in the car or loves long walks, this is the best gift evah.

Texting is made easy with these.

A windproof rechargeable lighter?
That's a new one to me.

Last, but not least, for the person who has a warm heart and a sweet tooth to match.

Need some gift inspiration?

I have some herehere, hereherehere, and here.

Stay safe.

Until next time...

Linking up with:

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I bought 3 of the FIXD devices. One for us and one for each of out boys. Counting on them to work as they say they will!! Thanks for the fun ideas. I'm checking out a few of them!

  2. I am loving your gift guides - helpful and entertaining! When I click on the link for the lighter, it takes me to the spy cam....

  3. My mister just got himself a Google assistant. He gave her an English accent and was so pleased with himself. Their relationship quickly took a turn for the worst. It seems she's no better at understanding him than I am. And, speaking of my mister I'm forwarding this straight to him ... and then I'll wait for Miss Google to begin announcing the arrivals. You're killing it with the gift guides this year! xo

  4. Many wonderful ideas to pick from! The light ring looks cool!

  5. Wow - thank you - that is a very comprehensive techie gift-suggestion list! A few had my name on them!

  6. These are much needed sweet friend as I have 4 techies in my life, a husband and three sons! Some of these I have purchased before and some of them are great new ideas to me! Thank you for always being so comprehensive and on the ball girl!

  7. Great ideas!! My FIL is a big techie and hard for me to figure out what we should get him. I have some ideas now; thanks!!

  8. Okay, these are some really terrific ideas. I found one for my #2 and she already bought the Furbo and sent me video and pictures last night (Santa didn't wait!). The link on that item above the first Mark & Graham isn't working, and I can't even tell what it is.....but if you might buy it for the Mister's stocking, it must be pretty good. I'll come back later in hopes you got the link. ;) Great roundup!

  9. Excellent choices, and you always make me laugh! Thanks for the great ideas!

  10. Love. your ideas-as I always do. Grandgirl #2 is being blessed with a light ring. She is the selfie queen. lol.
    Thanks for taking the time to do this. Now I need to scroll back because I know I saw something I am going to check on. xo Diana

  11. I'm not a techie but want some of these. Thank you.

  12. My husband bought me a new car for Christmas. They were to deliver it on Christmas Eve... complete with a bow on it!! Last week, I received an email from Sirius congratulating me on my new car purchase!!!

  13. Creo que esta es una de las informaciones más importantes para mí.
    Y estoy feliz de leer tu artículo.


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