Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, September 14, 2020

What A Difference A Summer Makes

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you enjoyed your Summer.  This pandemic thing can sure put a damper on things.  Here is a round-up of the last few months in my world which were filled with some highs and some lows.

The first piece of news is that the Mister retired.  I've known him for over thirty years and I have never seen him so darn happy.  As for me - let's just say the jury's still out. I have a feeling there might be a few posts relating to our new normal.

We put the house on the market and sold it to a wonderful young couple who attached a sweet note and photo to their offer.  The letter introduced themselves and their adorable pup.  They promised to treat the house with tender loving care, of which I have no doubt. Oh and wait until you hear the best part - the new owners bought almost all of my furniture on the first floor.  

I smell Shopping Spree!!! 

We spent last week in the Dallas area house hunting.  As with Massachusetts, houses there are selling like hotcakes. On our last day, we found a house.  By the time we submitted an offer that afternoon, it was sold.  I guess it wasn't meant to be.

It looks like we'll be spending some time in temporary housing.

Our #2 visited for a couple of weeks.

As many of you know, she lives in Dallas, and she was kind enough to help us out by taking Chowdah back to Dallas with her.

Unlike at our house, Chowdah is allowed on the furniture.  
I have a feeling that he is being spoiled rotten.
Side note: our #2 displays some of her Catholic school humor on the wall.

As you can imagine, we will have our hands full moving with this demanding pint-sized diva.

Our #1 and Adorable Jonathon are still living and enjoying NYC.  We are hopeful that they will settle in Texas at some point in the future. 

Here are some snapshots of our Summer in quarantine.

We spent a delightful five weeks with our New Yorkers at the beginning of the Summer.

 The Mister got a new grill.
Unlike moi, he literally memorizes the manual.
The manual is the first thing I throw out when I open the box.


I bought the Mister these skewers for his birthday. 
He loves them.

I bought this book for our friend, Bob as a host gift.  The Mister thumbed through it and said it had great recipes.  So I ordered another one for him for his birthday.  

The Mister also got plenty of use out of his favorite Air Fryer.  I posted some pics on Instagram and many readers asked for some recipes.  He's got a lot more time on his hands so you should be seeing them soon.

Fridays are my favorite day of the week in Empty Nesterville because that's when I throw WW to the wind and enjoy Happy Hour ala the Mister.

I did lots of baking of my WW one-point muffins.  
I also got plenty of reading and listening to audiobooks in over the warm Summer days.
A huge book post is coming your way soon.

Sanitize, sanitize, sanitize was our mantra while the house was on the market.

I did plenty of watering and cutting in our garden. It was so much easier to run out in the yard and grab some flowers for all the house showings. 

The Mister put this arrangement together for the patio.

The Mister and I had running bets which would last longer - the flowers or the house showings.
The flowers won out!

Here's an example of how things looked days after the house was sold.

Our Director of Dishwasher Services took his job very seriously and aimed for perfection with every cycle.

Another job of the Mister's is Storm Alert Preparation Agent.
We had a few rough storms.  He came up with the idea of fastening the hanging baskets with a bungee cord.
It's a lot easier than removing the 60 lb. baskets.

This is our new neighbor, Tom.  
He gets up every morning at 4:43 AM.  
How do I know?  
Because he starts gobbling at the top of his lungs that he needs a girlfriend.
Is there such a thing as Turkey Tinder?

The weather for the most part was beautiful.
I got plenty of walks in.

I stopped by my favorite bookstore, Buttonwood Books & Toys with Annie to visit with our fearless Book Club leader, Leslie to find out what everyone has been reading.  Leslie reported that people are buzzing about this book.

As I mentioned, we spent a good portion of last week house hunting around the Dallas area.  Of course, our first dinner in Dallas had to be Mexican.
We went to one of our favorite restaurants, Jose.

We went to a fabulous new restaurant, Drake's to celebrate our #2's upcoming birthday.  The ambiance reminded me of The Monkey Bar in NYC.  The food was delicious and the service impeccable.  An added bonus: great music. 

We may not have come home with a house, but we had a heck of a good time looking.

Thank you to all that reached out and sent me a note over the Summer.  I loved hearing from you all.

Stay healthy.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. It's great to hear from your again! Congratulations on selling your house (I am going to miss it, though! It's so beautiful), and congratulations to your mister on his retirement. Does he have plans on what he wants to during his "time off"? I'm looking forward to your book post. -Jenn

  2. Congrats to the Mister on his retirement. It’s a great life. That is some news about your move back to Texas and the quick sale of your house. I was hoping to go to a “moving sale” though. 😉 I know someone who is going to miss you a lot. 😢 Best wishes to you and the Mister. Cookie

  3. Welcome back! I’ve missed your blog and am so relieved to hear that you’re not quitting the blog. Congrats on hubbies retirement and good luck with home search. It is crazy here in nj as well and we also lost out on a house we really wanted. Crazy real estate market right now for buyers but I believe in destiny😉

    1. I believe in destiny, as well, Mab! Have a great week!

  4. Katie, it was great to hear of your adventures. I am sure you are happy to get back to Dallas. I am so sorry to hear about your BIL I lost my husband suddenly about 2 years ago, so I know the loss that is felt. I am sending prayers to your family

    1. Thanks Cindy. I will pass on your sweet words to Sista. I am so sorry about your husband.

  5. Wow - sorry we never got together this summer - wishing you a safe move and I am sure you will miss New England! Good luck house hunting in TX and be well!

  6. It is so good to have you back, and what a wonderful way to make your re-appearance with such a newsy update beautifully done. And, welcome back to the south!!! My daughter who lives in Bent Tree West in North Dallas, perfecting located, has a lovely home she might be willing to sell. LOL! The market is so hot right now, even in Northwest Louisiana, so good luck finding the right one just for you.

  7. So so good to have you back! Your humor is much needed! Wishing you and your family all of the best in the house hunting, retirement, and all the changes! My prayers to your sister and her family and to all of you as well.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Shirley. It's great to be back!

  8. You've had quite the summer! So sorry to hear the sad news about your brother-in-law. Looking forward to your new chapter in Texas.

  9. Welcome back Katie! I think it's safe to say your "fans" have missed you (LOL)! Surprised about the Mister's retirement and house sale but it's the beginning of a new chapter and I know you will make the most of it. Also wanted to offer my condolences on the loss of your BIL.

    Looking forward to that book review, I'm always looking for something new to read.

    1. Thank you Judy for your note. Yes, this should be a very "interesting" chapter. I've got a book post coming out next week. Enjoy your week!

  10. I am so sorry to hear of the death of your brother in law, Katie. That is the terrible part of getting older, losing those dear to you. Congrats on selling your house and you will find the perfect one in Dallas. Retirement does take a while to get used to...but it has its good points. So glad you are back here blogging. I missed you.

  11. I am so sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. Your sister is going to need lots of love.
    Congratulations on retirement and moving back to Dallas and I am hoping #1 and Adorable get back there with you soon.
    I have no idea how we will do when the husband retires. I did think we managed pretty well during the lockdown, but he was busy on the phone and Zoom a good bit. Good luck on finding the perfect home.

  12. Hi KATIE....I am so very sorry to hear of your brother-in-laws sudden passing....how heartbreaking for your sister and their boys....congrats on your new life chapter....look forward to see what lies ahead for you...best of luck on your relocation back to the Big D!

  13. Dearest Katie, I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of your brother in law. I’m glad you have the beautiful photos of #1’s wedding to keep him in your memories. Please give your sister your reader’s love and support.
    Congratulations to the Mister. Life is short. My best to you on your new adventure.

    1. Thank you Susan. I will pass on your sweet words to Sista. Have a good week.

  14. Hey there girlfriend....and it’s about damn time!!!! I have really been needing a fix from you and your crazy stories, dogs, kids and husbands cooking!!!!
    First and foremost, I am so sorry about you BIL and I have been praying for your sister and family and you that y’all can get thru this together...
    Secondly, WOOOOHOOOO! That you’re moving back down here to be amongst all of us southerners. Where the days are hot and the living is lazy - what retirement is all about! My kids are in Plano and if it’s the last thing I do...you and I and Betsy from Estelles are going to meet up for lunch one day!!!!!!! I don’t have a traveling tote but I DO know where the best martinis are!!!!!
    SO glad you’re back!!

  15. I am glad you are back! Love your blog and book recommendations. Will miss seeing your beautiful house but here’s to Texas life. I live in Houston,

    1. I'm looking forward to no snow!! The Mr. worked in Houston for about 5 years and we lived in the Woodlands. Have a wonderful week and thank you for taking the time to comment.

  16. Katie, you have been missed. The Mister retired and you sold your beautiful house. New adventures ahead for y’all. So do you think the Diva misses her sidekick. I am going to go out on a limb and say probably not. I am very sorry about the passing of your brother in law. I am ready for your recommendations and dose of humor in the days ahead.
    Maxine 💙

    1. Hello dear Maxine... so great to hear from you. You know our little diva very well. As soon as he left, she said "Chowdah who?" I miss him but we facetime every day. I will pass you sweet words on to my Sista.

  17. I have checked your blog regularly to see if you had returned. I can happily say I was thrilled to see your most recent blog. What a summer you have had!! And it sounds like with a move, new home, retired husband that you will have so many new and exciting things to share with your readers. It will be an adjustment having a retired husband----at least that was what I found. Enjoy the journey and my condolences to your sister. Bobbie Allgood

    1. Thank you so much Bobbie. I've been taking notes on my newly-retired husband he just doesn't know it yet! Have a great week!

  18. Welcome back! Lots of news packed in there. Congrats on the Mister's retirement and sale of your beautiful home. Sending condolences and prayers to your sister and family.
    Best of luck on finding a new place in TX! Won't it be nice not to have to deal with snow and ice!

  19. Dearest PEM - Welcome back! I missed you. Dreadfully. I appreciated your IG posts here and there ... but I need more. First of all, I was terribly sad to learn of Sista's Mista, Peter, passing. I've been thinking about her and her boys ever since you shared this awful news. I hope Sista, and her boys, are taking comfort in each other and their precious memories. My sympathies to your entire family. When I saw your first photo my eye went straight to the For Sale sign. You've gotta get up pretty early in the morning to put one over on me. Oh, I see ... it's not a photo shop error ... the Mista retired! What? Wow! Congratulations to him. I'll be glued to my screen awaiting updates on your adjustment to his retired life! And, your moving to Dallas?! I'm gonna need another cup of cocoa. Congrats on the fast house sale and selling some furniture as well. When we moved form our coastal home we sold every last piece in the house. It made the move a lot easier ... and as you say ... shopping!!! Looks like a lot of great food and family time was had during the summer of quarantine. Looking forward to hearing much more. xoxo

  20. Congrats on hubby's retirement, selling your home and big changes in your life. John just finally retired last Friday-although he has been home full-time with health issues and risk of Covid working in the hospital (since February). We sold our home on the bay and then couldn't find anything! We ended up renting for a year and a half and finally settled into a condo. BIG HUGE change for us. I fought it kicking and screaming but once I am in here-I love it. It is park like with only 48 units (3 to complex) on over 4 acres. No visuals front patio or back patio of other units.

    I am so sorry to hear about your BIL. Life is just unbearably sad sometimes. Wishing your sister the best.

    So nice to see you back- xoDiana

  21. ps..the last two homes we sold- the next-to-last one the people bought everything in the place right down to the copper pots and pans! Our last house on the bay we sold to our son and his wife and gave them a LOT of stuff...worked for me!

  22. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!
    I hope SISTA got my card and what is SHE GOING TO DO WITHOUT YOU?!!I realize she is a STATE AWAY?BUT I think you were in driving distance?
    OH yes GOOD TIMES A HEAD WITH THE MISTER STORIES!LOOKS like yours re-arranges the dishwasher after its loaded just like THE ITALIAN!Drives me CRAZY!How can you be without the HOLLIGAN?I guess you will be leaving soon......BEFORE WINTER maybe BEFORE FALL TAKES HOLD?I AM EXCITED FOR YOU............and you know I have NEVER BEEN TO TEXAS!!!!!!

  23. Gosh you look young in the Mexican restaurant photo with daughter!! Young and retired, atta mister. Good call. Grateful you had such a fab BIL, sad for a life cut too short...I know about that too as a widow...in time, life will brighten up again and the sun will come up tomorrow. In a new state!! Fresh beginnings...best wishes, wanna watch your chronically this fall.

    1. Carol... you made my day! But I think you need glasses. I will pass on your uplifting words to my Sista. Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your week.

  24. Do nice to have you back.

    First, I would like to offer my sincere condolences on your brother in law.

  25. Welcome back to Blogville! You certainly had an eventful summer, hitting some serious stressors (both good and bad). Deepest condolences on the loss of your BIL.

    I will miss seeing your New England home but expect your life in Dallas will be equally entertaining for your readers.

  26. Now let’s talk retirement.
    Where are you looking in Dallas? McKinney?

    My hubby just retired. We have been in Bergen County NJ for eight years. Listed our house and got an offer quickly but had no where to go because two of our three triplet boys are home with us for their fall term of sophomore year of college. We did not know that when we signed the listing agreement.

    Ended up renting a townhouse locally for one year. Original plan was to go to DFW and stay with my Mom until we figured out where we wanted to be. Have not lived in Texas for 21 years but we met and got married there.

    Looked at properties back in Feb when I was visiting my Mom but was disappointed. Looked in Colleyville, Las Colinas and east Dallas. Disappointed in Dallas. Very high taxes.

    Keep us updated on where you end up. We may very well end up there next fall.

    1. Hi Melissa... so glad you may be headed to TX too. We looked at houses in Plano, McKinney and Prosper. They are going so quickly so we are going to live in an apt. til we find the right house. It's our last stop so we want to make sure it's a good one! Have a great week.

  27. Welcome back, Katie, and congratulations on selling your house! How exciting to be moving to Texas! I'm sure you will find the perfect new home soon. I look forward to hearing more as your journey progresses!! xo

  28. So glad you’re back! Condolences for your sister and their families. I know it was heartbreaking. I just moved back to TX from DE a year ago. While I’m thankful to be back in the great state of TX I will definitely miss the gorgeous flowering landscapes of the north!!

    1. Allison.. I totally get that. We are having the most gorgeous crisp Fall weather.
      I know I will miss that. I hope that you are enjoying Texas!

  29. Welcome back from your blogging break! Retirement! A sold house/ house hunting! What fun life changes.

  30. Welcome back to blogworld...you were dearly missed! Congratulations on the Mister's retirement and also on the sale of your beautiful home. I'm so happy that you will be moving to Dallas and hope the house hunt is successful soon. When I saw the IG post about your BIL, it literally took my breath away. Such a loss and I'm sending prayer for your sister. I'm looking forward to hearing all about your favorite summer books! Welcome back, again!

  31. Hi Friend,
    I have missed you.
    Sending prayers regarding the loss of your Brother in Law.
    Congratulations on the sale of your house.
    Best wishes house hunting. My uncle and aunt live in Caldwell, Texas. :-)

    I enjoyed all the photos.
    xx oo

  32. Really, you’ll miss the snow? I understand that but the other seasons are so beautiful! I’m so happy you’re back blogging. I missed your wit and wisdom! Condolences to Sista and all of you. I look forward to more delicious recipes, book and gift suggestions, and updates on your travels and, of course, the pups. Happy house hunting!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Yvonne. I told the Mister he better get cooking because I promised some recipes. Yes, the snow is something that I won't miss. Have a wonderful week.

  33. Such exciting news! Can’t wait to see where you land in Dallas!

    1. Thanks Pattie! I will miss catching up with you in Boston. Hope you are doing well.

  34. Well, how fortunate that your house sold so quickly. And, coming South. You'll only be about 5 hours from me. :o)) My brother and his wife are moving from Oro Valley, Arizona to Tyler, TX the end of Oct. And, like you, they sold the house and furnishings. They have done that the last 3 houses they sold and it seems to work very well for them. All the best and know you will find the perfect house in Dallas. Good to have you back in the blogging world. Keep us posted on the new house and move.

  35. I am sending your Sista my deepest condolences on the loss of her dear Peter. This is heartbreaking news and I am so sorry for you all. Welcome back to my hometown of Dallas! You must go to Mesero for your next Mexican dining, but please do not not ask me the calorie count in the chocolate flan cake! It is also on Lover's. Congratulations on the Mister's retirement and your new life changes. A fresh slate is so much fun. You were certainly missed.
    xo Sherry

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Sherry. I will definitely pass them on to Sista. I just sent a text to my #2 and said that I want to go to Mesero when we get there. That chocolate flan cake sounds positively delish. I hope you had a good Summer. Are you living in dallas now?

    2. Hi Katie, Yes, I am in Dallas. But like you, my other half is considering retirement and we may be considering a move. No firm plans yet, but I will watch and learn from you on how to do it well! You will LOVE Mesero and the chocolate flan cake is worth every calorie laden bite! Sherry

  36. It's so good to see you are back from your summer and I see it was a very busy one! I am so sorry to see the news about your BIL. What a terrible lost for sista and family. My condolences to the family. Wow, you sold your gorgeous house. I'll miss seeing it in your blog but I know there will be another one for you to post about and in Dallas! I know you enjoyed your house hunting there, hope you find your special home soon. So happy to see you in my. inbox. Welcome back Katie...........Oh, congratulations to your mister, umm, I understand, into 6 years here...........

  37. Welcome back to Texas!! You've had so many changes but you have so much to look forward to!
    How fun to have your husband retire. Now he can read all the manuals when you move! :)

    I feel really bad for your sweet Sista and will keep her in my thoughts.

    Hope we get to meet here in the Great State of Texas. :)

  38. Hi katie, Welcome back! Oh the joys of a double move! Selling your house and main level furniture is great. So sad to hear about your sister's husband. I feel like I know her after reading her green library post.
    It's so funny about Dallas I was googling places to move to because Denver's housing right now is no one can afford to downsize. Our neighbors lived in the Woodlands years ago and are from Dallas. Missed you. Daughter #2 that nun print- where have I seen that? I may need to buy it for my daughter. No wedding news here but they are getting closer. My husband prays for social distancing to be the new normal until after a (small) wedding. Missed you and thought of you this summer. I need my Preppy katie fix! laura

  39. What a shock Katie. So sorry to hear your sister has lost he husband and at a time where having a service really isn’t possible. I know because my sister also lost her husband this summer.
    I was surprised by your news, Must be sad to leave that beautiful home of yours. Hopefully you will find a beauty in Dallas too. If not we have some jewels in Ft. Worth.
    We have a contract on our Colorado home. Time to simplify, but gosh going to be hard to say goodbye to this place. We are hoping to travel more if we ever get to!
    Your pics were beautiful by the way. Keep us all in the loop about your house hunting! Janey

  40. Oh my gosh SO GLAD TO HAVE YOU BACK! Missed you so. Your blog is the first email I open. Condolences to your family for their loss. It’s hard losing anyone in “normal” times, quarantine makes it even more difficult. I also couldn’t believe you sold your lovely home. I’m sure you’ll find a beautiful one in Dallas. Good luck!

  41. I sure missed reading your wonderful posts over summer. Lucky couple to have bought your lovely home in CT. Good luck with your search in Dallas. My husband and I lived in Arlington, TX in the 80's. Dallas was so pretty and I visited the various malls back then...no Amazon, I had to drive to find what I wanted to buy. Oh how life has changed. :-)

  42. It was so nice to find you in my inbox today!! You have gotten alot done this summer despite of Covid! I'm glad you're moving to Texas to be near your daughter and will be out of those long cold winters...you and the Mister are starting a new adventure! I am so sorry about your BIL, so sad...

  43. SO nice to see you again, and what a busy summer you've had! I'm so sorry about your brother in law - I hope you were able to celebrate his life in some way.

    And congrats on all the rest! Happy house hunting -

  44. Katie, congratulations to the mister on retirement. Fun times ahead!!! I'm pleasantly surprised to read you are returning to TX! Yipee!!! I thought FL was going to win out, but welcome you back to Texas. I'll see you in Big D sometime! Good luck with the house hunt. You'll find the perfect one.

  45. How exciting it was to go on my computer and see that you're back. The first thing I noticed before reading was what looked like a sign in your front yard. I kept squinting and thought I saw realtor or real estate and was instantly in mourning. However, when I read about you moving back to Texas I went Wahoo! I raised my family in Dallas and then moved to Austin when our youngest son went off to college. I can't wait to see where you live in Dallas though I know the area you are looking at well! NO, you didn't tell us/me but I think I know your taste! You will find a wonderful house! I feel sad for Sista and will keep her and her family in my prayers. Like Sista, I lost my husband in April and it is really difficult. We thought we would have many more years together. Having it happen during this Covid period makes it even more difficult as funerals were not permitted and our churches are closed. You keep me in constant laughter so welcome back - both your blog and TEXAS! Wahoo!

  46. Welcome back! I've been checking daily to see if you were back from summer vacation. I need your humor to brighten my days :) Sincerest sympathies to Sista and all of your family on your loss. I lost my husband unexpectedly last summer, still not used to my "new normal" in any way. Congratulations on the house sale, though I'll miss seeing this beautiful house (the wreaths in all the windows were always beautiful). Looking forward to following along with your new adventures in Texas.

  47. Welcome back! I was just thinking of you yesterday and hoping you would post soon. It was good to hear from you. I have only recently learned of your blog and don't know your background, but, sure will miss postings of your beautiful home. I'm sure you make your next home just as beautiful. I am sorry to hear of your brother in law's passing. Can't wait to hear more about your house hunting. Are you moving out to Dallas soon?

  48. Congratulations to Mister on his retirement! Good Luck with your move back to the Big D!
    Is it true you are really moving back to Dallas to join the cast of RHOD?

  49. Congrats on selling the house and hubby's retirement! Hope you will find a new house soon. Looks like a nice summer. My husband got a traeger grill and wants to grill or smoke meat all the time now!

  50. Katie, I am so sorry about the loss of Peter. Your family must be devastated. All that, plus the move planning and Covid and who knows what else -- it's been a summer. But Congratulations on the sale and I know you'll find a great spot in Big D. It looks like you managed to have a lot of fun this summer, despite it all.

  51. you're entering a new stage in life with your move - got my fingers crossed you find the perfect new home soon

  52. Hi Katie
    Welcome back! We sure missed your wit and all of your great recommendations. Can't wait to here how retirement goes for both of you (if you know what I mean). We are soon to be in the same situation!

  53. Great to hear from you again. First, I am so sorry for the loss of your brother-in-law. My deepest condolences to you and your family. :-(
    Second, Congrats on selling your house. It really is a sellers market right now. Good luck finding a new home. Stay safe!


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