Hello, dear friends. TGIF! For some reason, that phrase does not pack the same punch when you are in the throes of a pandemic and easing into your husband's new normal otherwise known as retirement.
The Mister and I have been working on organizing the big move. We have been purging like crazy. The lady at the Dump even knows the Mister by name.
Secretly, I think we are both procrastinating the packing part. This is the first time that we have had to pack ourselves because our previous relocations have been corporate moves. Let's put it this way... neither one of us is looking to add packing a house to our skillset.
Love this study!
I bet the lady of the house whipped up many almost-homemade dishes in this kitchen.
I spent the first several weeks of the gawdawful pandemic having lunch with a certain Governor televising statistics and warnings. The Love Gov lived in this charming home with his sweetheart.
They are no longer together and the house is on the market.
Do you enjoy a good house story as much as I do?
This 1920's Maryland mansion is chock full of secret passageways and hidden rooms.
And speaking of house stories, how about a treehouse tale?
You can read all about the world's largest treehouse right here.
Need a quick app recipe?
Double Strawberry Pretzel Pie anyone?
The recipe is right here.
Do you like bread?
Wait, what am I, crazy?
Everybody loves bread!!
Especially Oprah.
Here is a great article called:
My friend, Leslie from Gwenn Moss did a spectacular job spiffing up her linen closet.
Actually, I had this project on my to-do list for this Summer.
Unfortunately, I never got around to it.
I had too much research to do on Netflix and Prime Video.
I am positively pea-green with envy!
My buddy, Juliet, who has always been such a supportive reader to me as well as to many of my Blogger Buds, started her own blog called Make Mine A Spritzer. Stopover and see her gorgeous newly-renovated home.
Are you looking for an unforgettable getaway in New England?
Details can be found here.
Are you in therapy?
I'm not, but my family tells me that I could use some.
Here is the best advice from therapists for 50 kinds of people. Btw... I'm Mayiah.
Who are you?
Have you been experiencing any weird dreams since the pandemic began?
I have.
I just wish Brad Pitt would show up in one of them.
Speaking of dreams, have you been having trouble falling asleep lately?
If that doesn't work, try a bottle of Chardonnay and a fistful of Tylenol PM.
Works like a charm for me.
My dear friend, Mary, the Queen of the Sudbury Sweethearts, sent me a note about this. If you have a preppy streak and enjoy fun, informative interviews, you will enjoy this podcast hosted by Patricia Maristch.
The Mister woke me up yesterday morning to show me all the cool stuff that the new update does for the iPhone.
I gently told the Mister that the next time he has some riveting technology news, he could wait until breakfast.
Wait until you read these bathroom cleaning hacks!
Zoom is another word that I have added to my vocabulary since this nightmare of a pandemic began. Here's an entertaining article about the eight people we become on Zoom.
Btw... I know this will be a shock to you but my family would tell you that I am the confused parent.
Which one are you?
Btw... my girls always make fun of me when I refer to TV shows as programs. Kind of like when my Grandma used to refer to her soap opera as her story.
Have you colored your hair at home lately? I have - just look at my bathroom floor and countertops. If you share the same talent of getting the dye everywhere but on your head, this article is for you.
I'm curious as to what all my friends on Blogger think of the new interface. I mentioned the fact that it takes forever to load a photo to the Mister. He did some research and found out that Chrome, which I use, and Safari are known to have issues with Blogger. So now I use Firefox which enables photos to download faster.
I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Until next time...
Linking up with:
Same with the packing for our move to Florida, but we did have the movers pack the breakables like China, glassware and art, After many corporate moves as well, things get broken and I wanted them to be responsible. Especially if things go in storage which adds an extra handling of everything. Good luck and picture that new house - it will help you decide what you can let go.
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I love the first house at the very top the best and I want to dive right into that pile of bread! Good luck with the move. I'm off to check out some of the links your posted :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a fabulous Friday post that brought me some joy! I will have to check out Juliet’s podcast. Those homes are magnificent and I was laughing because not only did I have to listen to our state governor but since we live in the northern part of the state I had to listen to Michigan’s governor each week as well, LOL! I think they’re still doing weekly broadcast as well beginning it was daily. My grandma always referred to them as programs as well.
ReplyDeleteI’m not even using the new Blogger interface, I’m still using the old one but I know my days are numbered, LOL! . I hope you have a magnificent September weekend!
I am so glad you are back after the summer! Three years ago, my husband retired, and we also became acquainted with packing ourselves for a move. My advice is, do not procrastinate! It takes longer than you expect. There is just so much to pack, even after you've purged. Start by packing the things you will not miss. You can do it!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your sage advice. I had good intentions to begin today, but the Mister was a bad influence on me and talked me into watching a movie with him. Hope you have a wonderful week.
DeleteI'm looking forward to the day when we can move from this little house to a space we're more comfortable in and while the job itself won't be fun I know it'll lead to better things. I'll think happy thoughts. :) I haven't colored my hair in a few years. I am able to keep the mess contained pretty well. Maybe it's because my hair is short. I've since given up because home coloring never gets rid of the gray and the shade is usually off more than I like. It takes weeks for the color to tone down enough to like. So, instead of gray (white) hair I now see glitter in its place. Who doesn't like glitter?
ReplyDeleteYES, YOU BLOGGER FOLKS have problems I have to copy and paste your blog then hit CHROME APP then PASTE and hit enter AGAIN.......ITS A MANY STEP PROCESS TO LEAVE A COMMENT!BUT YOU ARE SO WORTH IT!
Just read INSTAGRAM wants to SHUT ME DOWN.........evidently I have done something WRONG!That CAFTAN rod you see here is JAM PACKED NOW!Maybe room for three MORE but THATS it!!!The shoe shelving is in and now more cubbies need to me made for around the Entrance and then the ISLAND will be made...........work in progress!
I worked in TV for 32 years. They are called Programs. The department that schedules them is the Programming Department. Just sayin'-- you're correct.
ReplyDeleteI did a post on the new blogger and a survey and some of the problems people were having and fixes were mentioned in my blog survey wrap up. It's a few posts down the list in the September archives on the right side bar. So far, so good. Not without frustration -- but OK.
Those homes are amazing!! I only had to set my son up with one Zoom meeting over the summer and I was so thankful to never had to use it again... I was not very good at getting it to work but it did turn out that the problem wasn't me but the camera for my laptop that doesn't even work.
ReplyDeleteIf any of those amazing homes had been in the Dallas area, I would apologize for mentioning my daughter's home to you. LOL! Hubs and I are just this week discussing the possibility of moving to that area as well before the market changes. Who knows, one day we may have a great grandchild living there. Always enjoy your Friday posts.
ReplyDeleteOh, my dearest Preppy Empty Nester! OMG, OMG, OMG!!! Make Mine A Spritzer blog mentioned on Preppy Empty Nest blog. In the same post as The Vintage Contessa! Get the smelling salts! I must take to my bed. THANK YOU ... you know you are one of my original blog heroines ... this is too much! Ok, now that I've composed myself ... the Blogger platform is the bane of my existence. Two years ago (maybe longer) I was no longer able to comment on a the Blogger platform from my default Safari. I downloaded Chrome (no easy feat with no teens in the house) and I'm able to comment from there. It took a year to figure that out. New procedure, load your blog from Safari, read post, laugh uncontrollably, think of all kinds of witty things to say, jot them down in the comments. Press publish and whoosh ... comment disappears into thin air. Quel horreur! The workaround is to fire up Chrome and repeat the process. Sadly, if I'm in a rush (not so much since Covid), I run out of time and forget to go back and leave comment later. No bueno. Anyhoo ... as the Contessa says, you're worth the extra effort. But, curses to Blogger for making it so difficult for us to praise our favorite blogger. There's got to be a better way. Have you considered migrating to Wordpress? I am forever in your debt ... Cheers! xo
ReplyDeleteUnless you absolutely can't afford to, have the movers pack. That way their insurance will cover breakage. If you back yourself they won't guarantee your things will arrive intact, and they won't pay for replacement either. I can't imagine having to personally pack up a whole house. We've moved more times than I want to count, and we have never had a problem with items the movers packed, including things like antique fine china. Good luck! Oh, and I'm SO glad you're back after the summer hiatus.
ReplyDeleteYou make my day with your witty observations. By the way, I think we need a class on negotiating retirement...its bnot for weenies.
ReplyDeleteWow. I didn't realize our readers have so many issues with photos, I always think it's just me. Especially the issues with leaving comments and returning comments to my readers. It's a nightmare. Now for some reason I'm not allowed to leave my blog address on FB or IG and I have no idea why. So I think my days on Blogger are coming to an end. But that's a whole other topic, in the meantime thank you so much for the shout out on my linen closet. My husband has recently called me a hoarder --even in the garden where he tells me that no space goes unnoticed when it comes to my planting. So now I'm actually reconsidering my clutter, and I'm in the purging mood. I have noticed it makes my surroundings feel better. But it's so hard. I think moving will make it a bit easier at least for me--when i'm tired i tend to say, "what the hell..." and toss things out from pure exhaustion. ha. Great post katie. Thanks for all the interesting links.
Hi! I just received a copy of the British TV Streaming Guide, US Edition. It has listings for all British shows on various channels. I’d be interested in retirement training too! Happy moving!
ReplyDeleteThank you Yvonne... we’ll need it!
DeleteI don't envy you on packing up and moving. The new blogger takes time to get used to. They are constantly changing things up. Happy weekend.
ReplyDeleteWe have all been cussing this new blogspot platform. I cannot see any improvement in it at all. But then I am old and grumpy!!lol I am especially grumpy since my only vacation for this year was ruined by Mustang Sally in the gulf. So I enjoyed looking at all the pretty pictures and thinking nice thoughts as I read your blog today Katie. BTW, I did read one good book recently....The Henna Artist. My husband asked me if it was about Lucille Ball. lol He knows I am a big Lucy fan.
ReplyDeleteWell, I now have seven tabs open to go back and check out. Thanks for the fun!! I may have to go back to Firefox since Chrome is making me crazy and not Blogger, at least according to your Mister's research. Thank him for us!
ReplyDeleteThere's a ton of fun content here, Katie. Thanks for sharing! I'm visiting today from the On the Edge link up. Good luck with your move!
ReplyDeleteAll of our moves have been corporate relos, too. We had the movers only do furniture since we are renting locally for a year. Despite feeling like we either donated or put out for bulk recycle pick up half of our possessions it was a chore to get everything to the townhouse.
ReplyDeleteKeep us posted on your Texas move... we may be a year behind you.
I'm on Blogger and I quite like the new version - still a few hiccups to iron out, but it's fresher and I haven't had any major problems. When I listen to what some people go through with WP updates, hacking, costs, plug-in problems etc, I feel like we've got it pretty easy.
ReplyDeleteCommenting with Safari has been a problem for a while. Chrome is fine and I've never had a problem with it, but those who use their Iphone or Safari seem to have problems with their comments disappearing into the ether.
The new format on Blogger has been a trial to my patience but I'm not giving up on it because I enjoy blogging so much.
ReplyDeleteI hope your house sells soon. I'd love to be the buyer because I remember the updates you have done. You have a beautiful sense of class and charm. But alas, cashflow prevents me from making an offer...
Actually, I am just checking to see if this new bloggy thing will allow me to comment now. The old one would not. I think your impending move back to Texas is interesting. I understand why, since you lived there for quite a while and you have ties, but I personally would not want to. Alabama is hot enough. I always preferred to do my own packing since allowing movers to do it usually resulted in missing or broken items. Moving is a bitch, no matter how you accomplish it. Be careful about mixing Chardonnay and Tylenol. Alcohol and Tylenol is very hard on the liver!
ReplyDeleteYour cleaning link was good...I have absolutely no affiliation with Norwex but my goodness I have been using their cleaning cloths and it has transformed how often I have to clean my kitchen appliances and countertops. They shine like mirrors and I can go 3 days without having to constantly clean the fridge, ovens & dishwasher exteriors. Also, a tip for around the bathroom faucets...I buy super inexpensive mascara brushes to get in the tight areas. They work like a charm!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Katie, Finally getting around to reading Friday Files.
ReplyDeleteIt's a favorite! Good luck with the move!
Can't wait to hear about the journey to Texas! laura
Hi Katie, welcome back after your summer break. I do love a good house tour, and these are some beauties. The strawberry pretzel pie caught my attention...reminds me of my beloved mom’s strawberry pretzel salad. So you have sold your house and will be moving. Oh my, your hubby retired! I always enjoy your posts!
ReplyDeleteOh these homes are all so magnificent! I have to go click on all the links and read the fascinating house stories now. I wish you ease and patience with the packing. Be sure to laugh a lot while you are doing it so you don't lose your minds and while you may not need the skill set, you will create some pretty fabulously ridiculous memories from the experience! Thanks so much for joining my link party!