Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Books, TV, and Movies

Good morning, dear friends.  Happy day-after-the- Fourth-of-July.  I hope that you enjoyed your holiday.

Yesterday, our dear friends, Annie and Bob invited us to attend their local parade and have lunch at their charming home.

I've written a couple of posts chronicling the charm and beauty of the town of Hingham.  You can read them here and here.

Throw a little red, white and blue into this picturesque town, and it looks like a movie set.

We also ran into a celebrity.

Ought oh...
Either this officer liked the Mister's new shirt or he recognized his face from a Wanted poster. 


As promised, here is my last post until September covering this Summer's entertainment.

This book got great reviews.  Unfortunately, I just could not get into it.  It was slow in the beginning and dragged in the middle.   I finally gave up.

I loved Mary Kubica's past books, Pretty Baby and Don't You Cry, and The Good Girl.  I'm halfway through listening to her latest novel and I am not disappointed.  Btw... The Good Girl ebook is on sale on Amazon for $1.99.

I received an advanced copy or B.A. Paris' latest novel.  She wrote another one of my favorites, Behind Closed Doors.   It's jam packed with suspense and twists and turns.  I'm about midway through, and it's hard to put down.

This novel is set in Maine and traces the lives of a family in the aftermath of a tragedy.  The Salt House is next on my reading list.

Karen Slaughter seldom disappoints when it comes to thrillers.  This is on my audible list.  Scary books make me walk faster.


I really enjoyed The Woman in Cabin 10.
I have high hopes for this one being as good.


This novel is inspired by a real-life scandal centering around stolen children sold to wealthy families.  The majority of reviews are 5-star.



An aging, reclusive Hollywood starlet hires a writer to tell her story.  This one sounds like it is right up my alley. 



Three grandmas decide to ditch their humdrum lives and move to Greece for a year.  
It sounds like The Golden Girls meet My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
Save me a seat.


One of my readers is an author and sent me a couple of books that she wrote.  The Time Seekers is recommended for children of the fourth grade and up, although adults have enjoyed it as well. It has gotten rave reviews and has been described as pure unadulterated escapism and captivating.  

Rumor has it that the story is as cute as its cover.  The Fantastic Adventures of Sammy and Mr. Chips has been described as delightful and the perfect read for animal lovers of all ages.  Another great read if you are looking for Summer reading for your child and even you. 

Odd Mom Out is the only scripted Bravo show that I enjoy.  
Lucky for me, it's coming back this month.


I don't watch this show, but I know a lot of people will be happy to know that Game of Thrones will be back in July.


Suits is one of our favorite shows of all time.  The writing is razor sharp, and acting couldn't be better.  The Mister and I are counting the minutes until Harvey and Mike are back in town.


No doubt about it, Ray Donovan is very entertaining.  If you haven't seen it, Ray is a "fixer" for the wealthy and the entitled in California.  Lots of dirty words, some gore, and a splash of inappropriate scenes are plentiful in this show.  
Don't say I didn't warn you.


The Mister and I have been binge-watching Billions and really enjoying it.


One of my sweet readers, Tricia, emailed me to let me know that the latest season of Offspring is finally on Netflix.
I love all the quirky characters in this show.  If you're looking for a cute show to binge watch, I recommend this one.

Demi just keeps getting younger.
I only hope the movie is as good as the trailer.

This film looks like a good one with a touching message.
You might need a tissue or two.

The Mister and I share a love for mob movies. I've seen every film ever made about John Gotti, and it looks like I'm going to see another one.

I hope you all have a wonderful Summer.
See you in September.
In the meantime, 
I'll be checking in on Instagram.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. That book by Lisa Wingate caught my attention. I am going to look for it! Sounds good!

  2. That town looks unbelievably charming! You and your friend look so darling together! Thanks for the book recommendations, Katie. I hope you have many adventures and lovely downtime as well this summer. -Jenn

  3. I will have to check out the show Offsprings. I haven't seen that one yet. No posts until September, Katie? Did I read that right? I finally have time to catch up on my blog reading, and you won't be available to write your witty commentary. I look forward to hearing from you again in the fall. You'll be missed.

  4. Wait. You don't like Girlfriends Guide to Divorce? Cmon Katie. It's house/clothes porn and I love the storylines, crazy and far-fetched though they may be.

  5. I miss you already! Enjoy your retreat time and come back refreshed and just as witty.

  6. Glad to catch up with you. Didn't realize you were taking the summer off. Too much going on here and I have been out of the loop. It's always fun to see what you are reading and watching. xo Diana

  7. Opps...some may have missed you are not exactly taking off for downtime...you are becoming the project superintendent! Yep...really relaxing. See you in the fall after a nice soak.-Laurel

  8. Hingham looked to be every descriptive you used! Mr. P & I both love Suits too (and wish Royal Pains hadn't ended - we miss our Hamptons dosage!). May need to check out Billions.
    Have a great summer - enjoy!

    1. Oh yea, I forgot. The best word would not be 'enjoy' but rather 'endure'. ;)

  9. Thanks for the book recs - I am booking marking this to add to my reading list. Hope all is well! xoxo

  10. Just ordered The Last Laugh after reading your post - not my usual genre but sounds funny! We will miss you - have a wonderful time away. Will follow you on instagram.

  11. Katie, I'll miss your posts. Have a wonderful rest of the summer!

  12. Have a great summer. You always bring a smile to my face!

  13. Odd Man Out is a hoot.
    Lots of good book recommendations.
    The Mister may like the movie Baby Driver - a trip!
    We will miss you until September! Enjoy!

  14. Loved your post...took some notes about books and shows, just in case I am bored this summer. I must say your two hooligans are smart dressers...the designer must be brilliant ;)

  15. Looks like so much fun! I always enjoy your recommendations too. I just finished Rob Lowe's second book, Love Life and I definitely recommend it. So many great stories and ones I could relate to being a parent of two boys like he is. Enjoy your summer. I look forward to hearing all about your adventures!

  16. Have a great summer Katie! I'll miss you while you're gone, but let's keep in touch via Instagram. @lifeinmyemptynest if you aren't following 😀

  17. If you get the chance, you must watch The Exception. it is the story of a British spy serving in the household of Wilhelm II during the beginning of Nazi Germany. Excellent!

    1. Charlotte... We watched it last week and loved it. It had a war theme for the Mister and a romance storyline for me! Thanks for the recommendation! Keep 'em coming!! Enjoy your Sunday.

  18. You're going to be missed! Love your blog!

  19. I read this with sadness because I know you won't be posting for quite awhile and I will miss you loads and loads! But you leave us with wonderful recommendations and that's a gift! Thanks and enjoy every second!

  20. Oh no say it isn't so...we have to wait until September to enjoy your wit and prose? You will be missed...I need to get reading...your recommendations all sound fabulous! Have a great summer Katie...I love New England and you make me want to get there asap!!

  21. Hi there! Always enjoy these posts....full of great info. You are quite the reader,I am jealous. Just do not have the time anymore to devote to reading like I used to and miss it terribly! Hope you enjoy the last month of summer, scary sounding huh! "See you" in Sept!

  22. Happy summer. Enjoy and by all means, stay cool.

  23. Hi Katie! I'm having withdrawal symptoms, missing your regular posts!! Hope your summer is going well. We missed you on the Tote post this week but we are looking forward to hearing about your travels next time! Maybe we can get together in the fall! Linda

  24. I'm still missing you on the Hodgepodge. I always enjoy your book recommendations/reviews too. I think we might actually be going to see a movie this weekend - Dunkirk.

  25. I keep checking in to see if you have returned early----so far no luck. I am looking forward to September and receiving my "Preppy empty nester" fix. In the meantime enjoy your time away and ignite your creative flair as you always do.

  26. Thank you, dear Bobbie, for always leaving such kind words. Hope you're having a great Summer!!


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